medicationforall / skirmishbunker

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How best to handle internal dimensions #10

Open mlewis-everley opened 1 year ago

mlewis-everley commented 1 year ago

From original issue (#9):

I added @todo code comments.

#@todo discussion point - this is where we potentially set a boolean feature flag for whether the roof should abide by interior dimensions
bp.bunker_int_length = self.int_length
bp.bunker_int_width = self.int_width

Those parameters inform the roof what the internal dimensions of the bunker room is. When attempting to line up the ladder to the hatch having the internal dimensions makes that possible. Instead of assuming the values are present the functionality could possibly be enabled by a boolean feature flag.

mlewis-everley commented 1 year ago

I thought I would break these items out so the conversation can be a bit more focused.

My take on something like internal dimensions is that it would make more sense to have helper methods to handle them (like my calc methods).

This helps if you want to add new features in future that rely on those calculations and also (I think) makes the calculation process a little clearer when trying to read/step through code 😁