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Add anti-apartheid message for United States users #184

Closed HypoEx closed 2 years ago

HypoEx commented 2 years ago

Amnesty International recently published a report declaring Israel was engaging in apartheid against Palestinians[1]. The United States is the primary supporter of Israel, providing financial, military and diplomatic cover for her activities, providing over $3bn in aid every year.

This PR introduces an anti- apartheid message regarding Israel for users with US time zones and invites US residents to read the Amnesty report and contact their Representatives and Senators.

The trigger for this PR are the events on 11th May 2022 and what followed.

On 11th May 2022, Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian Christian who also holds American citizenship, was killed by a shot to the head while wearing press gear and covering a raid in Jenin.

Following this, her grieving brother was summoned by Israeli authorities and ordered to remove Palestinian flags and stop playing nationalistic songs.

Soon after, the entire world was witness to the heart-breaking, shocking scenes at her funeral where Palestinian flags were confiscated and pallbearers were attacked and almost dropped her coffin. For Israel, a Palestinian is not allowed dignity in life nor death. [2]

Western media and investigative groups have conducted their own investigation and come to the conclusion it was most likely Israel which killed her [3][4][5][6].

Israel has publically stated this may be the case but will not investigate as any such investigation will face political and public pushback: "However, it seems that one of the reasons for the decision was the belief that such an investigation, which would necessitate questioning as potential criminal suspects soldiers for their actions during a military operation, would provoke opposition and controversy within the IDF and in Israeli society in general."[7]

The US condemned these activities with the same empty statements it uses every time and has used for countless years, expressing concern while refusing to apply any meaningful pressure to hold Israel to account, stop occupation which has been taking place for 70+ years, expansion of settlements which are illegal under International Law and violation of Palestinian dignity and rights.

Compare this to the furious reaction of the United States and her allies against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It is clear that there is no political will in the United States to stop Israeli human rights violations and change will only take place if this occurs at a grassroots level in the US. Pressure must applied to elected representatives to right the historic wrong of Palestinian rights and dignity being usurped for the last 70+ years and end Israeli apartheid against Palestinians.

I hope this PR will be accepted with the same enthusiasm as the message against Russia’s war in Ukraine. The killing of men, women and children in Ukraine has rightfully outraged the world. But the deaths of Palestinian men, women and children has become normalized.

This must change.

“It always seems impossible until it's done.” ― Nelson Mandela

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

medikoo commented 2 years ago

@HypoEx I get your point. But this package is not intended for any war anti-war manifests.

As I mentioned in #116 I've decided on the anti-war in Ukraine manifest, as recent Russia's actions affect me directly and impose a real danger to my country and in general to a free Europe of which I'm a citizen. You can see it as my stand in a combat to defend the world I live in.

If you want to protest against the situation in Palestine I suggest speaking to Palestine based developers