mediocregopher / radix.v2

Redis client for Go
MIT License
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Pool vs Mutex #9

Closed rif closed 8 years ago

rif commented 8 years ago

Are there any advantages of using a pool in a single redis - multiple goroutines context vs using a Mutex to protect access to it? (I am asking this considering redis is using a single thread to respond)

mediocregopher commented 8 years ago

My understanding of redis' internals is that modifications to the data-set itself is done single-threaded, but not necessarily the reading/writing from the connections. So one thread might read and decode a command, pass that command to the data-set thread, and the result would then be passed back to the first thread to be encoded and written to the client.

This could be wrong, and if it is then you're right there's probably not a whole lot of benefit, but if it is then for large commands/responses there's definitely a decent benefit. I'll try and look into it more in the next couple days.

rif commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot for your response, indeed any additional information would be very interesting.

mediocregopher commented 8 years ago

I did some research into this, you are correct that redis is entirely single-threaded (although I saw some mentions of it doing async-io with the kernel, which might be what confused me in the past).

The response to this question is really good and is worth reading:

The gist of it is that pooling connections allows you to not have to wait on the round-trip time over the network. So if you have two requests to do, if you lock on the connection your timeline will look like:

While if you're using a connection pool it would look like:

In a high qps scenario saving those round-trip-times can definitely help.

Hopefully this answered your question, let me know if you have any more!