medizininformatik-initiative / feasibility-backend

Backend of the feasibility-gui.
Apache License 2.0
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Make order of ui-tree categories configurable via env var #219

Closed juliangruendner closed 8 months ago

juliangruendner commented 8 months ago

The order of the ui-tree categories should be configurable via an env var.

The env var input should replace the the SORTED_CATEGORIES variable in the TerminologyService class:

private static final List SORTED_CATEGORIES = List.of("Diagnose", "Einwilligung", "MII_PR_Consent_Einwilligung", "Bioprobe", "Laboruntersuchung", "Medikamentenverabreichung", "Person", "ProfileSpecimenBioprobe", "Prozedur");

The delimiter for the env var to seperate the ui categories can be chosen by the developer.

The default input for the var should be: Diagnose, Prozedur, Person, Laboruntersuchung, Medikamente, Bioprobe, Einwilligung

delimiter to be replaced with developers choice of delimiter

Categories which cannot be found in the sort list should be appended at the end when the backend returns the categories