medizininformatik-initiative / kerndatensatzmodul-mikrobiologie

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Missing binding in profile `MII_PR_Mikrobio_Kultur_Nachweis` #10

Closed jpwiedekopf closed 5 months ago

jpwiedekopf commented 5 months ago

The binding for Observation.code in the profile MII_PR_Mikrobio_Kultur_Nachweis does not feature a ValueSet url, only a description:

  "id": "Observation.code",
  "path": "Observation.code",
  "label": "Kultur Nachweis",
  "patternCodeableConcept": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "11475-1"
  "mustSupport": true,
  "binding": {
    "strength": "required",
    "description": "Intensional Value Set Definition: LOINC {  {    STATUS in {ACTIVE}    CLASSTYPE in {1}    CLASS exclude {CHALSKIN, H&P.HX.LAB, H&P.HX, NR STATS, PATH.PROTOCOLS.*}  } }"
jpwiedekopf commented 5 months ago

Feedback von Eugenia:

Kultur Nachweis Observation.code ist kein Freitext sondern ein Pattern (LOINC 11475-1). Ich habe das Label entfernt, vielleicht war das die Ursache für die Verwirrung.

Ich habe kein Problem mit dem Pattern as written, aber dann ist doch kein Binding erforderlich? Sofern nur ein Code erlaubt ist, ist das Binding gänzlich redundant - das ganze binding-Element sollte entfernt sein, wenn ein fixed code gewünscht ist.

rinaldie commented 5 months ago

a valueset was added to the binding und description removed

jpwiedekopf commented 5 months ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the intent, but the pattern disallows any other code other than 11475-1 this way? I think the code should be removed from patternCoding.

alexzautke commented 5 months ago

No, it doesn't. I just means that at least that code needs to be present. Additional codings can be chosen from the VS.

alexzautke commented 5 months ago

Only patterns defined on .coding prevents additional selection from the VS.

jpwiedekopf commented 5 months ago

Great, I learned a new thing today! Closing as resolved.