medizininformatik-initiative / kerndatensatzmodul-mikrobiologie

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Deprecated LOINC code in ValueSet Resistenz_Gene #6

Closed jpwiedekopf closed 5 months ago

jpwiedekopf commented 5 months ago

The LOINC code 48176-2|Deprecated Mycobacterium tuberculosis rifAMPin resistance (rpoB) gene [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection is deprecated:

A replacement code is offered: 89372-7|Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rpoB gene rifAMPin resistance mutation [Presence] by Molecular method, but not included in the ValueSet.

The deprecated code should be replaced by the replacement, rather than the deprecation being carried onwards, since the replacement code seems like a mapping that should hold for all instances of the deprecated code (all 48176-2 is-a 89372-7) by definition.

rinaldie commented 5 months ago

Thanks. The depracted code was removed. The replacement code was not added as it was already included in the resistance mutation value set.