high-level counterpart to medooze/media-server#121.
NetworkUtils.js handles pulling the necessary data about the network configuration from the OS. It also does some checks to prevent users from enabling the feature on setups where it wouldn't work correctly.
Endpoint.js exposes a high-level setRawTx(options) API, which only needs the interface name. It collects the necessary data and calls into C++.
Note: If we want to merge this, we should remember to check Node.js version support for v8::Uint8Array. Outdated.
high-level counterpart to medooze/media-server#121.
NetworkUtils.js handles pulling the necessary data about the network configuration from the OS. It also does some checks to prevent users from enabling the feature on setups where it wouldn't work correctly.
Endpoint.js exposes a high-level setRawTx(options) API, which only needs the interface name. It collects the necessary data and calls into C++.
Note: If we want to merge this, we should remember to check Node.js version support forOutdated.v8::Uint8Array