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Medusa Book Tracker
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Send an SQS notification when a book record changes #7

Closed adolski closed 8 months ago

adolski commented 1 year ago

When a book record is created or modified as a result of an import or service check, send a messages to an SQS queue. Later, we will modify the Digital Library Search Gateway to consume them.

gaurijo commented 9 months ago

@adolski I'm not familiar with how SQS works but I'll research and look into any docs or videos I can find. In the meantime, do you have any additional resources or context I can take a look at?

adolski commented 9 months ago

SQS is a queue service--the idea is that an application will send a message to a queue that another application can pull out and read. I'm not that familiar with it either, so I'm sure that whatever resources you find will explain it better than I can. To my knowledge, we don't use it a whole lot in our group--we use a RabbitMQ EC2 instead that we manage--but I think SQS should be easier to set up.

gaurijo commented 9 months ago

So it looks like there are two types of queues I can choose to set up - a Standard Queue and FIFO (first in, first out). Here are the main differences I'm seeing:

Standard Queue:


Based on what we're working with, I personally think using Standard Queue should be fine for our needs. I don't necessarily see a compelling reason to use FIFO, because I don't think the order of messages for when a book record is created/modified matters, as long as the message is sent. Let me know if you disagree or have other thoughts, though.

adolski commented 9 months ago

Agreed. Order doesn't matter and a few duplicated messages is not a problem.

gaurijo commented 8 months ago

@adolski For the production SQS, I'm considering what the best approach is to call on it from the configuration files. Right now we have it set up like so:

  queue_name:          book-tracker-demo

And inside send_message() it gets called on like this:

region =[:books][:region]
queue_name = Configuration.instance.sqs[:queue_name]

Our production SQS is named book-tracker-prod. I was thinking of updating the config files so it separates out the demo queue name from the prod queue name, and then just use some conditional logic inside the send_message()method.

Something like this:

   demo_queue_name:     book-tracker-demo 
   prod_queue_name:       book-tracker-prod 
def send_message(message)
    return 'This feature does not work in development' if Rails.env.development?
    region =[:books][:region]

   if Rails.env.demo? 
      queue_name = Configuration.instance.sqs[:demo_queue_name]
      queue_name = Configuration.instance.sqs[:prod_queue_name]

    ## rest of code 

Would this be an ideal approach, or do you think there might be a better way?

adolski commented 8 months ago

In the demo environment, the demo.yml.enc file is used, and in production, production.yml.enc. All config files should contain the same keys, but the values will differ by environment. There is no need for any conditional logic—just set sqs.queue_name to book-tracker-demo in the demo file and book-tracker-prod in the production file.

gaurijo commented 8 months ago

That makes sense, will do. Theci.yml file also has it set to book-tracker-demo right now. Is it fine to keep that as is?

adolski commented 8 months ago

It's fine, since the test of Book.send_message() is using a mocked Aws::SQS::Client.