medusajs / medusa

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Stripe webhook failures #6254

Open BorisKamp opened 7 months ago

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

Running medusa 1.20.0 and medusa-payment-stripe 6.0.7 Im having all my webhooks fail. In Stripe dashboard, all the webhooks return a 400 with the following message:

Webhook Error: Webhook payload must be provided as a string or a Buffer ( instance representing the _raw_ request body.Payload was provided as a parsed JavaScript object instead. 
Signature verification is impossible without access to the original signed material. 
Learn more about webhook signing and explore webhook integration examples for various frameworks at

I read this:

But have no clue what I need to do, I cannot find that anywhere in the text.

Am I missing something here?

I find it pretty disturbing that this happens, now payments do not work basically...

olivermrbl commented 7 months ago

It seems your webhook parses the request payload incorrectly, so the raw body-parser middleware is likely not registered properly on the route.

I was unable to reproduce your issue in a fresh project. Are you able to provide a reproduction of the issue? Would make it easier to debug.

Also, can I get you to ensure all your Medusa packages are updated?

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply @olivermrbl I have no custom code for the stripe functionality.

I have setop local webhooks with Stripe using this:

And can reproduce it locally now.

What do I need to do, do you want access to my MedusaJS repo? Can you test it without the frontend?

olivermrbl commented 7 months ago

If you are OK with giving me access, that would definitely be the most straightforward approach.

I'll spin up our own storefront and test it out.

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

If you are OK with giving me access, that would definitely be the most straightforward approach.

I'll spin up our own storefront and test it out.

Sure, it's a gitlab repo, what e-mail can I use to invite you?

olivermrbl commented 7 months ago :)

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago :)

Done, can you access it?

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

Downgrading does not help because of the SearchUtils.isSearchService bug. I appreciate the help but this is quite urgent )-:

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

@olivermrbl I have customer paying for orders now and the carts are not converted to orders because of the webhook issue.

Can I manually complete the carts as a workaround for now?

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

@adrien2p tagging you since Oli seems to have other stuff on his mind (understandable, no offence).

olivermrbl commented 7 months ago :)

Done, can you access it?

I can't sign in to get access no. Can you try resending the invite?

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

I can't sign in to get access no. Can you try resending the invite?

See your mail, I've manually set the pw for you,

dasherzx commented 7 months ago

same issue. whats the workaround (if there's one)

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

same issue. whats the workaround (if there's one)

Well Im glad I'm not the only one anymore @olivermrbl

@dasherzx What Im doing for now is manually calling the {{medusa-host}}/store/carts/:cartId/complete endpoint on the cart when I see the payment is successful (can see that in Stripe). It should then follow the usual flow again. Annoying but it is a temporary workaround...

BorisKamp commented 7 months ago

Here's a detailled step by step of what im doing (and be aware, I changed nothing, everything used to work for about half a year and it suddenly stopped working):

  1. I make sure I use the correct webhook secret, let me show you some screenshots, the stripe localhost webhook setup: unnamed

  2. I use that webhook secret in Medusa .env file: unnamed (1)

  3. Medusa config file: unnamed (2)

  4. And I still have a 400, I see the webhook incoming in the terminal: unnamed (3)

  5. In stripe the local listener is setup correctly (well duh, otherwise the webhook would'nt be shown in the medus terminal) unnamed (4)

  6. The webhook shown in stripe, with the 400 and the same response body as I told in the issue (first comment). unnamed (5)

Is there a way I can debug the incoming webhook in MedusaJS so we can investigate further?

Mentioning @adrien2p as he's helped me before and I get no solutions yet and this is breaking, sorry! Adrien, Oli has access to my medusa gitlab project, if you need access, let me know.

adrien2p commented 7 months ago

@BorisKamp, in order to debug this one, you should put BP or log in the stripe plugin web hook end point, theoratically this one expect a raw body and not a parsed one.

dadebulba commented 7 months ago

Same issue here, we changed nothing, and suddenly Stripe webhooks started failing last week, we have paying customers so this is critical also for us. @BorisKamp did you manage to find a solution?

olivermrbl commented 7 months ago

@dadebulba, can you provide a reproduction?

dadebulba commented 7 months ago

I managed to solve the issue, although I don't understand why my code was causing it. In the src/api/index.ts file I put this custom route:

const customRouter = Router()"/admin/validatetoken", [cors(adminCors), express.json(), express.urlencoded({ extended: true })], async (req, res) => {
    const encryptedData = Buffer.from(req.body.token as string, 'hex')
    const publicKey = process.env.MEDUSA_PUBLIC_KEY.replace(/\\n/g, '\n')
    try {
      const decryptedData = publicDecrypt(
      if (decryptedData) {
        const userService = req.scope.resolve("userService") as UserService
        const user = await userService.retrieveByApiToken(decryptedData.toString('utf-8'))
          loggedInUser: {
            resolve: () => user,
          clientOS: {
            resolve: () => extractOs(req)
        const mixpanelTracking = req.scope.resolve("mixpanelTrackingService") as MixpanelTrackingService
        await mixpanelTracking.identify()
        await mixpanelTracking.adminPageVisit()
    catch (err) {

By removing the console.log(err), the webhook started accepting incoming events and reply 200 to stripe. I don't know why.

I'm using "@medusajs/medusa": "^1.19.0" and "medusa-payment-stripe": "^6.0.2"

KabyleBOT commented 5 months ago

I am having the same issue here !

Is there a solution ?

scrlkx commented 5 months ago

I was facing the same issue and I just noticed that I was using the Webhook ID instead of the Signing Secret. Maybe it's not the case for you guys, but going trough the documentation again can be a good idea as Stripe's UI can be a little bit confusing.

After the Webhook is created, you’ll see "Signing secret" in the Webhook details. Click on "Reveal" to reveal the secret key. Copy that key and in your Medusa backend add the Webhook secret environment variable:

rickylabs commented 5 months ago

Same issue with latest Stripe API and Medusa packages. Error trigger when using test secret key and test webhook secret.. Multiple people are reporting the same issue you should investigate what's happening it is potentially blocking orders for some !

Why does medusa-stripe-pluigin still rely on stripe ^11.10.0 node package ? Current major is 15 !

KabyleBOT commented 5 months ago

I am struggling with this issue and tried all possible solutions without results. I suspect api Versions miss match between stripe hook and nodejs configuration in the plug-in.

rickylabs commented 5 months ago

According to the version used by medusa plugin it support apiVersion: "2022-11-15". Does that mean that current Stripe version (2024-04-10) isn't supported ?

KabyleBOT commented 5 months ago

It's what I am suspecting. But I am not sure. I am investigating this right after some other urgent issues in my backlog. In my webapp the order is created even if the webhook is failing

rickylabs commented 5 months ago

After some research I came upon this:

I also found that Medusa Team has improved the handling of webhook for V2 API that implement the same changes:

More likely this part seems the reason why we're getting error that seems fixed in v2 :

Now the question for @olivermrbl : Does Medusa team could backport these modifications to current stripe plugin more precisely the route handler: ?

KabyleBOT commented 5 months ago

Exactly I saw this and I was wondering how can we use it to replace the actual plug-in

rickylabs commented 5 months ago

Exactly I saw this and I was wondering how can we use it to replace the actual plug-in

As a workaround you could create your own endpoint and wrap it in it's own Middleware like so:

And setup your webhook to listen to this new endpoint. As long as rawbody is preserved you shouldn't have any issue with webhook validation.

My point is that medusa team should upgrade the current API route for stripe webhook like they did for the V2 API


Here is how to resolve the Webhook issue (worked for me) if you're still using Express API Route System

  1. Create a new route pattern to handle your /stripe/* API routes:
    const stripeCors = {
    origin: "*", //list of FQDN from Stripe if you want to restrict domains:
    credentials: false,
    const stripeRoutePattern = /^\/stripe\/.*/;
    stripePublicRouter(router, stripeCors);
  2. In your Stripe router ensure that rawBody is preserved
    import { Router, json, urlencoded } from "express" //important: do not use "body-parser" if your express pckg is above 4.16.x
    import { wrapHandler } from "@medusajs/utils";
    import { MedusaRequest, MedusaResponse } from "@medusajs/medusa";

export function stripePublicRouter(stripeRouter, stripeCorsOptions): Router { stripeRouter.use( cors(stripeCorsOptions), json({ verify: (req: MedusaRequest, res: MedusaResponse, buf: Buffer) => { req.rawBody = buf }}), urlencoded({ extended: true }), ) "/stripe/events", wrapHandler(YOUR_STRIPE_API_ROUTE_HANDLER) )

return stripeRouter }

3. Create a new endpoint to receive your webhooks
import { MedusaRequest, MedusaResponse } from "@medusajs/medusa"
import StripeProviderService from "medusa-payment-stripe/dist/services/stripe-provider"
import { constructWebhook } from "medusa-payment-stripe/dist/api/utils/utils"

type SerializedBuffer = {
  data: ArrayBuffer
  type: "Buffer"

export const POST = async (req: MedusaRequest, res: MedusaResponse) => {
  try {
    const pluginOptions = req.scope.resolve<StripeProviderService>(

    let rawData = req.rawBody
    if ((rawData as unknown as SerializedBuffer).type === "Buffer") {
      rawData = Buffer.from((rawData as unknown as SerializedBuffer).data)

    const event = constructWebhook({
      signature: req.headers["stripe-signature"],
      body: rawData,
      container: req.scope,

    const eventBus = req.scope.resolve("eventBusService")

    // we delay the processing of the event to avoid a conflict caused by a race condition
    await eventBus.emit("medusa.stripe_payment_intent_update", event, {
      delay: pluginOptions.webhook_delay || 5000,
      attempts: pluginOptions.webhook_retries || 3,
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(400).send(`Webhook Error: ${err.message}`)


That way Webhook payload from Stripe will be preserved and hopefully it should avoid issue to many of you !

rickylabs commented 4 months ago

Please do not close this issue as the Stripe Plugin is still not implementing the solution introduced in V2

Jacklext commented 3 weeks ago

In the end, did you manage to solve the problem? It took me a while to solve it, but in practice, literally the only thing I did was move my router from /WebHook before the app.use(express.json) middleware

gianpieropa commented 4 days ago

i still have this error, how can i solve?

paradox1612 commented 3 days ago

i still have this issue, how can i solve?

gianpieropa commented 3 days ago

Hi i solved the issue placing a file middlewares.ts in /src/api/ with this content:

import { MiddlewaresConfig } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import { raw } from "body-parser";

export const config: MiddlewaresConfig = {
  routes: [
      matcher: "/stripe/hooks",
      bodyParser: false,
      middlewares: [raw({ type: "application/json" })],
      matcher: "/paypal/hooks",
      bodyParser: false,
      middlewares: [raw({ type: "application/json" })],