Closed jakub-borek closed 1 month ago
The same thing happens in the JetBrains IDE. It seems to me that the problem may affect all Medusa packages and not just the ones mentioned above, but this would require further investigation as some hand imports have been memorised for me and I can't tell which is the correct suggestion and which is a cached one.
The same thing happens in the JetBrains IDE. For packages from medusa.
@bwmirek to work in current version of medusa "RC version" in my JetBrains IDE i changed the tsconfig.json to work like this:
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es2021", "allowJs": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "module": "Node16", "moduleResolution": "Node16", "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "skipDefaultLibCheck": true, "declaration": true, "sourceMap": false, "outDir": "./dist", "rootDir": ".", "baseUrl": "./*", "jsx": "preserve", "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, "checkJs": false, }, "ts-node": { "swc": true }, "include": [ ".medusa", "src/" ], "exclude": [ "**/__tests__", "**/__fixtures__", "node_modules", "build", ".cache" ] }
Describe the bug
Auto import suggestions don't work for @medusajs/utils, @medusajs/types, @medusajs/core-flows.
It's not breaking code, but adding imports by hand everytime becomes quite time consuming in the long run.
From what I can see this happens because these packages are not present in package.json, but rather are dependencies of core modules.
System information
Medusa version (including plugins): preview from 24.09.2024 Node.js version: 20.16.0 Database: PostgreSQL 16.0 Operating system: Windows 10 Browser (if relevant): -
Expected behavior
Classes and types from @medusajs/utils, @medusajs/types, @medusajs/core-flows should be in auto import suggestions from VS Code