Open smallfade opened 3 years ago
Hi, that is very interesting. Could you please share the input and the parameters you used?
Hi, that is very interesting. Could you please share the input and the parameters you used?
I did not change the default parameters.
sibeliaz -t 40 -o out_dir GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.fa xxxx_strain_assembly.fa
I'm sorry, it may not be a problem with SibeliaZ. The output I checked is from mafFilter, which might be the culprit here. The original MAF from SibeliaZ does not have the "inaccurate" coordiantes. But I wonder how to process the output from SibeliaZ to get VCF file for counting the differences. Thanks!
After running SibeliaZ between two fasta files, I found the coordinate is different from the original fasta file, and the sequence did not match back to the reference or query file. Both input files contain hard-masking regions. Did the output remove the hard-masking region length from original position? How could I get the same coordiantes as in the original file? Otherwise, it would be difficult for the postprocessing, when the reference is an established genome with annotations.