medyas / flutter_qiblah

Flutter Qiblah is a plugin that allows you to display Qiblah direction in you app with support for both Android and iOS.
MIT License
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Apk size doubling to around 71mb from 31mb #42

Closed abdimussa87 closed 10 months ago

abdimussa87 commented 10 months ago

Hi, I'm using this package and it works great. The only issue is the apk size seems to double when I'm using it. I'm using this command to build an apk: flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/Users/abdi/Desktop/myapp/obfuscation

Any way I can reduce my apk size

abdimussa87 commented 10 months ago

This happens due to setting minSdkVersion to 23 in build.gradle, according to this