meedan / montage-components

Monorepo of components for Montage
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Adding tag may results in page crash #170

Closed piotrfonte closed 4 years ago

piotrfonte commented 4 years ago

Not sure how to reproduce this, but it happened after adding quite a few new tags, I made another selection, popover appeared, I choose to add a tag, entered a name and hit enter and got the following:

TypeError: Cannot perform 'IsArray' on a proxy that has been revoked
  1787 |   return;
  1788 | }
  1789 | 
> 1790 | if (Array.isArray(node)) {
       | ^  1791 |   for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
  1792 |     var child = node[i];
  1793 | 
View compiled
createElementWithValidation [as createElement]
  2021 | 
  2022 | if (validType) {
  2023 |   for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
> 2024 |     validateChildKeys(arguments[i], type);
       | ^  2025 |   }
  2026 | }
  2027 | 
View compiled
  138 | const read = (
  139 |   <Grid alignItems="center" className={classes.Grid} container justify="space-between" wrap="nowrap">
  140 |     <Grid item>
> 141 |       <Tooltip title={entityName} enterDelay={750}>
      | ^  142 |         <Typography
  143 |           className={classes.Typography}
  144 |           color={this.state.flow === 'reposition' ? 'primary' : 'textSecondary'}