So, I have a Chevrolet Volt, which has pretty poor vision to the front.
I wanted to be able to switch camera's when I need to park.
I copied the cam_overlay folder and changed the names of the folder and bin file to some thing with rearcam and frontcam.
I made these overlays.
Frontcam overlay
Rearcam overlay
Illustration of the buttons the script makes
Bash Script
coord_x_check='*type 3 (EV_ABS), code 0 (ABS_X), value*'
coord_y_check='*type 3 (EV_ABS), code 1 (ABS_Y), value*'
echo "Rearcam activated on default"
~/rearcam_overlay/bin/rearcam.bin -d /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-ARKMICRO_USB2.0_PC_CAMERA-video-index0 &
sudo evtest "$device" | while read line; do
case $line in
($coord_x_check) x=$(echo $line | awk -F value '{ print $2 }' | tr -dc '0-9');;
($coord_y_check) y=$(echo $line | awk -F value '{ print $2 }' | tr -dc '0-9')
if (( $x>=1920 && $y<=850 && $running_cam==1 ));
echo Rearcam deactivated
killall -wq rearcam.bin &
echo Frontcam activated X $x Y $y
~/frontcam_overlay/bin/frontcam.bin -d /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-ARKMICRO_USB2.0_PC_CAMERA-video-index0 &
sleep 1
elif (( $x>=1920 && $y<=850 && $running_cam==2 ));
echo Frontcam is running allready
elif (( $x<=1919 && $y<=850 && $running_cam==2 ));
echo Frontcam deactivated
killall -wq frontcam.bin &
echo Rearcam activated X $x Y $y
~/cam_overlay/bin/rearcam.bin -d /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-ARKMICRO_USB2.0_PC_CAMERA-video-index0 &
sleep 1
elif (( $x<=1919 && $y<=850 && $running_cam==1 ));
echo Rearcam is running allready
elif (( $y>850 && $running_cam==1 ));
echo Camview deactivated X $x Y $y
killall -wq rearcam.bin
killall -wq
exit 1
elif (( $y>850 && $running_cam==2 ));
echo Camview deactivated X $x Y $y
killall frontcam.bin &
killall #this script
exit 1
sleep 0.1
You should find out using evtest what the min X & Y values and max X & Y values are. Also check where you like to have the buttons and check the values. Use them in this script.
So, I have a Chevrolet Volt, which has pretty poor vision to the front. I wanted to be able to switch camera's when I need to park.
I copied the cam_overlay folder and changed the names of the folder and bin file to some thing with rearcam and frontcam.
I made these overlays.
Frontcam overlay
Rearcam overlay
Illustration of the buttons the script makes
Bash Script
You should find out using evtest what the min X & Y values and max X & Y values are. Also check where you like to have the buttons and check the values. Use them in this script.