meelgroup / ganak

The first scalable probabilistic exact counter
MIT License
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Disable probabilistic solving in Ganak #15

Closed vroland closed 3 years ago

vroland commented 3 years ago


I was wondering wether it is possible to use Ganak for exact counting as well. If that's the case, how can I configure it that way?



kuldeepmeel commented 3 years ago

Please use the following option: "-noPCC turn off probabilistic component caching:"

You can see other options

`Usage: ganak [options] [CNF_File] Options: -noPP turn off preprocessing -q quiet mode -t [s] set time bound to s seconds -noCC turn off component caching -cs [n] set max cache size to n MB -noIBCP turn off implicit BCP -noPCC turn off probabilistic component caching -seed [n] set random seed to n (Default: 1000) -m [n] set the range of hash function (= 64 x n) (Default: 1) -delta [n] set the confidence parameter to n (Default: 0.05) -noCSVSADS turn off CSVSADS variable branching heuristic -pol [Polarity] Polarity: true, false, default, polaritycache (Default: polaritycache) -EDR turn on EDR variable branching heuristic -LSO [n] learn and start over after n decisions (Default: 5000) -noPMC turn off projected model counting -maxdec [n] [m] terminate after n decision if conflict is less than m
