meelgroup / ganak

The first scalable probabilistic exact counter
MIT License
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Reconstruct Ganak Failed #26

Closed Annlean closed 1 year ago

Annlean commented 1 year ago

Hello! I reconstructed Ganak failed. During the reconstruction process, there is no error in the command before running "cp ganak ../bin/" according to the Readme. But running "cp ganak ../bin/" found the following problems: (1) running "cp ganak ../bin/" appeared "cp: cannot create regular file '../bin/': Not a directory"; (2 ) running"./ " fails with "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'". Please help to check whether the source code of the master is synchronized with the Readme that the reason I guessed the failed. Or is there a more detailed installation commands that I haven't noticed?

msoos commented 1 year ago


Thank you for spotting the issues in the README! Sorry, they were outdated instructions. They are now fixed. Please follow how to compile under Linux and then you can run ./ganak myfile.cnf. Let me know how it goes,


Annlean commented 1 year ago

Hi Mate!

Thanks for your update!the Reconstruction is successed now.

But the result of myfile.cnf is not 128, it outputs: image

Then, I tested another simple CNF: p cnf 3 4 1 -2 0 1 3 0 -1 2 3 0 2 -3 0 Ganak is an exact counter, so the exact solutions should be 4 while it outputs 2. I don't know what is wrong in this case. Hope you can explain it.


VincentDerk commented 1 year ago

The exact model count of

p cnf 3 4
1 -2 0
1 3 0
-1 2 3 0
2 -3 0

is indeed 2 though, not 4: {1,2,3}, {1,2,-3}*. That is also the model count produced by both the D4 and dSharp model counters.

Assignment {1,-2} yields the remaining formula 3 ^ -3 (unsatisfiable). Assignment {-1} implies -2 and 3 (binary propagation on clause 1 and 2). This does not satisfy the last clause.

msoos commented 1 year ago


When I run GANAK's master branch:

$ cat a.cnf 
p cnf 3 4
1 -2 0
1 3 0
-1 2 3 0
2 -3 0
$ ./ganak a.cnf
c Setting the timout to: 100000
c Outputting solution to console
c GANAK version 1.0.0
c ganak GIT revision: aa5c51671dda768c971ba41e8dbcc89ab48bfd21
c ganak build env: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER = /usr/lib/ccache/bin/c++ | CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS =  -mtune=native -Wall -Wextra -Wunused -Wsign-compare -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized -Wno-deprecated -Wstrict-aliasing -Wpointer-arith -Wpointer-arith -Wformat-nonliteral -Winit-self -Wparentheses -Wunreachable-code -ggdb3 | COMPILE_DEFINES =  | STATICCOMPILE = OFF | ONLY_SIMPLE =  | Boost_FOUND =  | ZLIB_FOUND =  | ENABLE_TESTING =  | ENABLE_ASSERTIONS = ON | MY_TARGETS =  | compilation date time = May 25 2023 16:18:04
c Setting the timout to: 100000
c Solving a.cnf
c variables (all/used/free):    3/3/0
c clauses (all/long/binary/unit): 4/1/3/0
c Sampling set is present, performing projected model counting 
c Sampling set size: 3
c Sampling set:  0 1 2
c Preprocessing ..
c variables (all/used/free):    1/0/1
c clauses (all/long/binary/unit): 1/0/1/0
c Maximum cache size:   6945 MB
c variables (total / active / free)     1/0/1
c clauses (removed)                     4 (3)
c decisions                             0
c Max. decision level                   0
c conflicts                             0
c conflict clauses (all/bin/unit)       0/0/0
c failed literals found by implicit BCP          0
c implicit BCP miss rate         0%
c bytes cache size      20234504
c bytes cache (overall)         20234504
c bytes cache components (overall)      96
c bytes cache (infra / comps) 20234408/96
c bytes pure comp data (curr)    4
c bytes pure comp data (overall) 4
c bytes cache with sysoverh (curr)    160
c bytes cache with sysoverh (overall) 160
c cache (lookup / stores / hits)                        0/1/0
c cache miss rate 0%
c avg. variable count (stores / hits)   0/0
c # solutions 
s mc 2
c # END
c time: 0.001221s

Are you sure you are getting 4? What version are you running with? Can you please try the following:

Please give the output for everything including cmake output, make output, ganak output, cat output, and also please include the output of git rev-parse HEAD.



Annlean commented 1 year ago


The solutions of a.cnf is 2, you are right!

So how about the result of running myfile.cnf ? Are the reproduced Ganak results correct?

msoos commented 1 year ago


You never attached myfile.cnf. Can you please attach it? Thanks,


Annlean commented 1 year ago

$ cat myfile.cnf c ind 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 0 p cnf 500 1 3 4 0 It's in your README content.

msoos commented 1 year ago

Wow, that was a good catch! Sorry for that. I had to both fix the code and up date the README. It has now been fixed.

The CNF needs to look like:

p cnf 500 1
c ind 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 0
3 4 0

So the independent support needs to go after p cnf...

Also, the parsing was incorrect. This has now been fixed.

Annlean commented 1 year ago

thanks, Ganak is normal now.