meenie / band.js

Band.js - Music composer interface for the Web Audio API.
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music tracker for bandjs #6

Open JosePedroDias opened 10 years ago

JosePedroDias commented 10 years ago

It would be just awesome if someone would create an online [music tracker]( using band.js for playback and load/save.

thecalvinchan commented 10 years ago

Working on something cool for an upcoming hackathon. Will show y'all soon :)

meenie commented 10 years ago

Hi @JosePedroDias,

That is my goal to come up with such a service, but I haven't found the time due to work constraints. Recently I've added the ability to seek time and start a song in different locations but it's not released as a version yet. If you want to have a look, clone this repo locally and open up the examples/mario-bros.html and have a look.

@thecalvinchan, I look forward to seeing what you have in mind! Good luck at the hackathon :+1:. Also, let me know if you need any more end points in the API.

Cheers, cody

thecalvinchan commented 10 years ago

Thanks @meenie! Will keep you updated.

meenie commented 10 years ago

@thecalvinchan did your hackathon project ever workout? I'm looking at doing something like this soon.

clowerweb commented 9 years ago

I'll try my hand at making one.

Costava commented 7 years ago

Hello all. When I looked for a music tracker or composer that used Band.js, I could not find one (please let me know of any I missed), so I made one.

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