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Frags out! Grenades Galore! #86

Closed V2LenKagamine closed 2 years ago

V2LenKagamine commented 2 years ago

You ever think grenades are cool, but a little... Limited? Me too. So I made a crap ton of grenades and some mods to go with them. Ill detail the changes below.

-Grenades can now have up to 6 teirs, from dud, to nuclear -Added Barrel, Barrier, Big boy, cage, cherry, mirv, and rolling thunder grenades. Details further down. -Added Dense Explosive, Extra Grenades, Martyrdom, Spicy, Wide Explosives and Thunderous grenade suffixes. -Elasticity is now a positive or Negative mod to bounciness.

Now for the Juicy bits. Barrel Grenade: Spawns a barrel at 1 HP on detonation. For when you need an ambush spot. Barrier Grenade: Spawns a bookshelf with 300 HP to act as make-shift cover during a firefight. Detonates on impact. Big Boy Grenade: Does a lot of damage in a large area, but arms slowly. Cage Grenade: Spawns a 2 second invulnerable cage on detonation. Can be shot through. Maybe I should make a trap grenade mod.... Cherry Grenade: Small and detonate fast, so small you can carry 4! MIRV grenade: Spawns 4 cherry grenades and explodes on detonation. Good AOE, but plenty of time to get out of blast radius. Rolling Thunder Grenade: Detonates every time it hits a surface in a small area up to 3 times, detonates after 10 seconds if its out too long. (My personal favorite.)

Mods: Elasticity- Now INCREASES bounce if tier is under III Dense Explosives: Increases grenade damage by up to 10% Wide Explosives: Increases grenade radius by up to 20% Extra Grenades: Carry up to 3 more of the same grenade. FRAGS OUT Martyrdom: Chance to drop grenade LIVE on death. Up to a guaranteed 100% chance. Spicy: Chance to spawn flames on detonation. Up to a guaranteed 100% chance. Thunderous: (Rolling Thunder Only) Adds up to 3 more bounces to the Rolling Thunder

DEV STUFF: Adds a grenade Base and grenade SWEP base, to easily create more grenades compatible with current mods.

Ill probably end up doing more grenades over time, currently there is no way to obtain grenades in inventory, but they will spawn out and about for people to try. All grenades have been personally tested, shouldn't cause errors, and work (somewhat) as I envisioned them. Should you have any ideas /balance suggestions, send them my way, I have nothing but time.

SchizophrenicCarWash commented 2 years ago

Helped len beta test these, these should be madatory.

itsmeaddof123 commented 2 years ago

I don't know if that's all the issues, partially because there is just so much trying to be added at once. But that's everything I've found at this point.

In the future you should probably do these kinds of updates one bit at a time. It's exciting to add an entire new bundle of things to the server, but it's hard to do big updates in one go. If you could go through a process of 1) discussing an idea for one grenade/mod with the community to get feedback, then 2) making and testing that one grenade/mod once the idea is approved, and finally 3) making a pull request for the one grenade/mod, it would be a lot easier.