meerk40t / svgelements

SVG Parsing for Elements, Paths, and other SVG Objects.
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Numerical Instability above the 1e-12 level for cubic bounding box. #220

Closed tatarize closed 1 year ago

tatarize commented 1 year ago
    def test_bbox_failure(self):
        p = Path(transform=Matrix(682.657124793113, 0.000000000003, -0.000000000003, 682.657124793113, 257913.248909660178, -507946.354527872754))
        p += CubicBezier(start=Point(-117.139521365,1480.99923469), control1=Point(-41.342266634,1505.62725567), control2=Point(40.3422666342,1505.62725567), end=Point(116.139521365,1480.99923469))
        bounds = p.bbox()
        self.assertNotAlmostEquals(bounds[1], bounds[3], delta=100)

This fails even though it's basically an arc and the y-range should be quite considerable.

See: meerk40t/meerk40t#1798