meerk40t / svgelements

SVG Parsing for Elements, Paths, and other SVG Objects.
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W3C Failures #86

Open tatarize opened 3 years ago

tatarize commented 3 years ago

Color-prop-01-b: Color is blocked by having a layer with color="inherit" which then fails because it's propagating the color strings rather than the property itself.

Color-prop-04-t: Colors for system color generation stuff is unimplemented and not expected to be implemented.

Coords-trans-08-t: The skewed circles develop clear bugged elements. This is unclear whether this is to do with an actual failure in svgelements or a failure of the display methodology in MeerK40t.

Coords-trans-13-f: Also demonstrates issues created by skewed ellipses.

Coords-trans-14-f: Also demonstrates issues created by skewed ellipses.

Coords-units-01: Fails due to the use of gradients which get rendered as black.

Coords-units-02: Fails with percentage coordinates to user space conversion. The circle has no issue stretching into an ellipse because they are both _RoundShape objects. Technically circles cannot do this. They are circles.

Coords-units-03: Crash due to the em distances not being able to be determined. This is a property of font size and measuring and svg elements has no access to this data or way to create it. The height of an m or and x it simply unknown.

Coords-viewattr-01-b: Fail due to the lack of slicing. There is no mechanism within the view to slice an element based on the viewbox it used.

coords-viewattr-02-b: Fail due to the lack of slicing.

coords-viewattr-04-f: Fail cannot load external svgs from inside an SVG. This works for images loaded by PIL or inline SVGs but not external launched svg files.

painting-fill-03-t: Fail due to non-implementation of nonzero fill rule within MeerK40t. SVG loaded correctly but there was no processing of the rule.

painting-fill-05-b: Fail due to the non-implementation of partially opaque fills within MeerK40t. SVG loaded correctly but didn't check the opacity of the fill.

painting-marker-* all failed to no implementation of markers.

painting-render-01-b: fail due to no color interpolation.

painting-render-02-b: failed due to no transparent fills in MeerK40t.

painting-stroke-02-t: failure due to non-implementation of stroke-linejoin.

painting-stroke-03-t: failure due to non-implementation of stroke-miterlimit, stroke-linecap.

painting-stroke-04-t: failure due to non-implementation of stroke-dasharray, stroke-dasharray-offset.

painting-stroke-6-t: failure due to non-implementation of stroke-dasharray, stroke linecap.

painting-stroke-7-t: Failure due to no implementation of stroke-miterlimit

painting-stroke-08-t: Failure due to no implementation of stroke-opacity. Or rather non-use by MeerK40t.

painting-stroke-09-t: Failure due to no implementation of dash-array.

painting-stroke-10-t: Failure due to non-stroking of zero length paths.

Path-data-10-t: Failure due to non-implementation of stroke-cap and stroke-join.

pserver-grad-*: Failure due to non-implementation of gradients.

render-elems-06 to 08: Failure due to poor Text rendering in MeerK40t.

render-groups-01-b: Technical Success. But, failed due to wrong font and lack of opacity filled.

render-groups-03-b: Technical Success. But failure due to poor font.

script-* : We are not implementing scripting.

struct-cond-1t: Failed due to non-implementation of switch. The switch with a requiredExtension should have failed. It should have found the green rectangle and stopped processing before the blue rectangle.

struct-cond-2t: Failed due to non-implementation of switch. Based on Language.

struct-cond-3t: "requiredFeatures=""" failure.

stuct-cond-overview*: Failed due to non-implementation of conditionals.

struct-dom-*: Failures based on no dom implementation. No scripting permitted.

struct-frag-05: Failure due to inability to display hyperlinked text.

struct-group-02-b: Failure due to non-reposition of svg subelements. X and Y positions of the nested SVG object should have conferred a translation on the object even without a viewbox.

struct-image-02-b: Test S3 failed based on reposition of sub-svg elements. Test S4 failed based on lack of switch conditional. ( In 1.3.x this test fails with a crash due to % being undetermined).

struct-image-05-b: Failed due to non-permitted linking of image svgs within svgs.

struct-image-07-t: Failed due to non-acceptance of xml:base="" attribute which should have set the path to the image to then be processed in either the group or the image directly. This may actually get implemented later, it's an oversight.

struct-image-11-b: Failure due to no scripting.

struct-image-12-b: Failure due to non-svg nesting in image objects.

struct-image-15-b: Failure due to MeerK40t not displaying transparent colors correctly.

struct-image-16-b: Failure due to non-svg nesting in image objects.

struct-image-17-b: Failure due to non-svg nesting in image objects.

struct-image-18-f: Failure due to non-svg nesting in image objects. Unknown results with nested svg without a viewbox.

struct-image-19-f: Failure due to non-nesting in image objects. Unknown results with nested viewbox larger than real area permitted.

struct-svg-01-f: Failure due to lack of scripting.

struct-symbol-01: Failure due to lack of symbol implementation.

struct-use-03-t: Failure due to absurd stroke width around objects. This may be a MeerK40t bug.

struct-use-04-b: Failure due to no external ability for use. Use links are internal only.

struct-use-05-b: Failure due to no external links in use.

struct-use-06-b: Failure due to no scripting, no external links on use.

struct-use-07-b: Failure due to no scripting, no interaction handlers, no external links on use.

struct-use-08-b: Failure due to no external linking of use objects.

struct-use-09-b: Failure due to symbol inside use not having symbol implemented. Other failures possible.

struct-use-10-f: Crash Failure. 'em' units are not detected or known.

struct-use-11-f: New failure 1.4 failed Use x, y positions not being used. Failure due to some CSS classes not being recognized.

struct-use-13-f: Failure due to non-scripting.

styling-css-02-b: Failure due to incomplete CSS: Failed bottom circle and bottom polygon. #x [points] { fill: green } and [transform="scale(2)"] { fill: green }

styling-css-03-b: Failure due to incomplete CSS: Failed all three bottom testes. No Ancestor, immediate-sibling or first child selectors.

styling-css-04-b: Failure due to incomplete CSS: Language selection.

styling-css-05-b: Failure due to incomplete CSS: language selection on specific tests which are then stated by the text itself.

styling-css-06-b: Failure due to non-hovering, visited, links, implementation of Glyph (this was deprecated in SVG 2.0 and thus dropped from svgelement requirements).

styling-css-08-b: Failure for several elements due to incomplete CSS.

styling-css-09-b: Failure due non-acceptance of external CSS.

styling-css-10-b: Failure due to non-case sensitivity style attribute. Presentation attributes are case sensitive. Style sheets are not. The style attribute is non-case sensitive. Also, styling after elements must be implemented to fully support CSS (we do not)

styling-elem-01-b: Failure. style attribute type="garbage" is not honored and thus styles the rectangle when it should have refused due to unknown type. Also, failed because style attributes occuring after definitions are non-processed.

styling-inherit-01-b: Failure due to non-implementation of Radial Gradient.

styling-pres-02-f: Failure due to non-implementation of Scripting.

styling-pres-04-f: Failure due to incomplete CSS.

styling-pres-05-f: Failure due to non-external CSS documents.

svgdom-over-01-f: Failure due to lack of scripting.

text-align-02-b: Failure due to no baseline shift.

text-align-04-b: Failure. Non-implementation of test tspan, tref elements.

text-align-05-b: Failure. Non-implementation of text-anchor: vertical.

text-align-06-b: Failure. Non-implementation of text-anchor: vertical or baseline-shift.

text-align-07-b: Failure, non implementation of hanging base line or alphabetic baseline or ideographic base line.

text-align-08-b: Failure. Unknown type. No baselines implemented.

text-altglyph-*-b: Failure. Alt glyphs are not implemented and deprecated in SVG 2.0

text-deco-01-t: Failure. tspan implementation is not correct. Underline text attribute did not work. Strike-through text attribute did not work.

text-dom-01-f: Failure due to non-scripting.

text-dom-02-f: Failure due to non-scripting.

text-dom-03-f: Failure due to non-scripting.

text-dom-04-f: Crash failure due to length em unknown.

text-dom-05-f: Failure due to non-scripting.

text-fonts-01-f: Failure. No font changed.

text-fonts-02-f: Failure. Boldness not set.

text-fonts-03-f: Failure. No font changed.

text-fonts-04-f: Failure. No font changed.

text-fonts-202-f: Failure. Boldness not set.

text-fonts-203-f: Failure. Boldness not set.

text-fonts-204-f: Failure. Boldness not set.

text-intro-02-b: failure, bidi-override for the direction does not rlt English.

text-intro-03-b: failure, vertical text does not display.

text-intro-05-t: Failure. Arabic text at start is rlt and thus should display anchored correctly, going left from start point.

text-intro-09-b: failure, bidi-override for the direction does not rlt English.

text-intro-10-f: Failure. Arabic text at start is rlt and thus should display anchored correctly, going left from start point.

text-path-01-b: Failure. TextPath not implemented.

text-path-02-b: Failure. TextPath not implemented.

text-spacing-01-b: Failure. TextSpacing is not implemented.

text-text-01-b: Failure text length adjust attributes are not implemented.

text-text-03-b: Failure, stroke decorations did not work.

text-text-04-t: Failure. Glyphs non-implemente. Markers non-implemented.

text-text-05-t: Failure. Markers non-implemented. Failure due to non-implementation of glyphs.

text-text-06-t: Failure. Markers non-implemented. Glyphs non implemented. X/Y positioning failed..

text-text-07-t: Failure. Non-implementation of text rotate attribute.

text-text-08-b: Failure. Non-implementation of stroke and fill opacity. These may actually process but are unavailable due to MeerK40t rendering.

text-text-09-b: Failure. Non-implementation of text rotate attribute.

text-text-12-t: Failure. No Glyph. Non-implementation of marker.

text-tref-01-b: Failure. Tref non-implemented. (Deprecated)

text-tref-02-b: Failure Tref non-implemented. (Deprecated)

text-tref-03-b: Failure Tref non-implemented. (Deprecated)

text-tselect-02-b: Failure. Non-implemented of Scripting.

text-tselect-03-b: Failure. Non-implemented of Scripting.

text-tspan-01-b: Failure. Tspan have limited functionality with respect to other tspans.

text-tspan-02-b: Failure. Text rotation attribute is not implemented.

text-ws-01-b: Failure. Text information on multiple lines should exist in a single line. xml:space attribute.

text-ws-02-b: Failure. Text should be stripped and reformatted to a single line. xml:space attribute.

text-ws-03-b: Failure. Trefs not implemented. xml:space not implemented.

types-basic-02-f: Failure. SwNoUnit, swUnit, and SwUpperCase Unit all failed. This could be a MeerK40t specific bug. Since the styling should have worked here.

types-dom-* Failure due to lack of scripting (untested because of the nature of test).