mees / calvin

CALVIN - A benchmark for Language-Conditioned Policy Learning for Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Tasks
MIT License
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scene_A has red-pink coordinates switched, scene_C has red-blue coordinates switched #41

Open denizyuret opened 1 year ago

denizyuret commented 1 year ago

This is a bug in the scene_obs section of the coordinates: object coordinates are mixed up in A and C which finally explains why we had these color mixup errors on confusion matrices ;)

To reproduce:

  1. just visualize the data, or
  2. track the std of object coordinates for the red/pink/blue annotated frame ranges, or
  3. track the distance of tcp to said object for the red/pink/blue annotated frames
mees commented 1 year ago

Feel free to send a PR if you have fixed this.