The -H '{"Host": "", "X-Meeshkan-Scheme": "https"}' construction does not work for me with curl, replace with -H "Host: "" -H "X-Meeshkan-Scheme: https" which does.
Fix typo X-Meeshkan-Schema => X-Meeshkan-Scheme.
Use dash instead of underscores in parameters (--admin_port => --admin-port and similar).
Fix help text for the -r, --header_routing parameter to the mock command to say header routing, not path routing.
-H '{"Host": "", "X-Meeshkan-Scheme": "https"}'
construction does not work for me with curl, replace with-H "Host: "" -H "X-Meeshkan-Scheme: https"
which does.X-Meeshkan-Schema
and similar).-r, --header_routing
parameter to the mock command to say header routing, not path
.Note that has not been updated, as it has been deleted in