meetDeveloper / freeDictionaryAPI

There was no free Dictionary API on the web when I wanted one for my friend, so I created one.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.56k stars 258 forks source link

Meaning return issue #130

Open arshsaxena opened 2 years ago

arshsaxena commented 2 years ago

When I extract multiple meanings indces, the script works fine for first 2-3 words but after that it returns the last word.

arshsaxena commented 2 years ago


arshsaxena commented 2 years ago

@meetDeveloper, this issue still exists even after the migration.

meetDeveloper commented 2 years ago

Will you be able to share your script?

arshsaxena commented 2 years ago

const wrapper = document.querySelector(".dictionary-container"), searchInput = wrapper.querySelector("input"), volume = wrapper.querySelector(".word i"), infoText = wrapper.querySelector(".info-text"), synonyms = wrapper.querySelector(".synonyms .list"), removeIcon = wrapper.querySelector(".search span"); let audio;

function data(result, word){ if(result.title){ infoText.innerHTML = The meaning of <span><i><b>${word}</b></i></span> can't be found. Try to search for another word.; }else{ // wrapper.classList.add("active"); // let definitions = result[0].meanings[0].definitions[0], // phontetics = ${result[0].meanings[0].partOfSpeech} /${result[0].phonetics[0].text}/; // document.querySelector(".word p").innerText = result[0].word; // document.querySelector(".word span").innerText = phontetics; // document.querySelector(".meaning span").innerText = definitions.definition; // document.querySelector(".example span").innerText = definitions.example; // audio = new Audio("https:" + result[0].phonetics[0].audio); wrapper.classList.add("active"); let definitions = result[0].meanings[0].definitions[0], definitions1 = result[0].meanings[0].definitions[0], pofspeech1 = result[0].meanings[0], definitions2 = result[0].meanings[1].definitions[0], pofspeech2 = result[0].meanings[1], definitions3 = result[0].meanings[2].definitions[0], pofspeech3 = result[0].meanings[2], phontetics = ${result[0].meanings[0].partOfSpeech} /${result[0].phonetics[0].text}/; document.querySelector(".word p").innerText = result[0].word; document.querySelector(".word span").innerText = phontetics; document.querySelector(".meaning1 .pos1").innerText = pofspeech1.partOfSpeech; document.querySelector(".meaning1 .def1").innerText = definitions1.definition; document.querySelector(".meaning1 .eg1").innerText = definitions1.example; document.querySelector(".meaning2 .pos2").innerText = pofspeech2.partOfSpeech; document.querySelector(".meaning2 .def2").innerText = definitions2.definition; document.querySelector(".meaning2 .eg2").innerText = definitions2.example; document.querySelector(".meaning3 .pos3").innerText = pofspeech3.partOfSpeech; document.querySelector(".meaning3 .def3").innerText = definitions3.definition; document.querySelector(".meaning3 .eg3").innerText = definitions3.example; audio = new Audio("https:" + result[0].phonetics[0].audio);

    if(definitions.synonyms[0] == undefined){ = "none";
    }else{ = "block";
        synonyms.innerHTML = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            let tag = `<span onclick="search('${definitions.synonyms[i]}')">${definitions.synonyms[i]}</span>`;
            tag = i == 4 ? tag = `<span onclick="search('${definitions.synonyms[i]}')">${definitions.synonyms[4]}</span>` : tag;
            synonyms.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", tag);


function search(word){ fetchApi(word); searchInput.value = word; }

function fetchApi(word){ wrapper.classList.remove("active"); = "#000"; infoText.innerHTML = Searching for the meaning of <span><i><b>${word}<b></i>.</span>; let url =${word}; fetch(url).then(response => response.json()).then(result => data(result, word)).catch(() =>{ infoText.innerHTML = The meaning of <span><i><b>${word}</b></i></span> can't be found. Try to search for another word.; }); }

searchInput.addEventListener("keyup", e =>{ let word =\s+/g, ' '); if(e.key == "Enter" && word){ fetchApi(word); } });

volume.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ = "#007aff";; setTimeout(() =>{ = "#989898"; }, 800); });

removeIcon.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ searchInput.value = ""; searchInput.focus(); wrapper.classList.remove("active"); infoText.innerHTML = "Type any word and press ENTER to get its meaning, example, and synonyms."; });`

arshsaxena commented 2 years ago

Please ignore the indentation. Also, the messy formatting. This is the complete JS code.

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

slightly offtopic, but using the url syntax provided on, i also find that some words that are on wikitionary don't return a result via the API, such as "vndicatory"