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AudioBridge-List_Announcements #3391

Open keremcadirci opened 2 weeks ago

keremcadirci commented 2 weeks ago


As of today, we need the file_id of a playback audio file (announcement) to stop playing. A random admin may not know the file_id to stop it


Add a list of announcements into listparticipants api in that case the response of the listparticipants api would be:

    "audiobridge" : "participants",
    "room" : <unique numeric ID of the room>,
    "participants" : [      // Array of participant objects
        {   // Participant #1
            "id" : <unique numeric ID of the participant>,
            // ....
        // Other participants
    "announcements" : [     // Array of announcement objects
        {   // Announcement #1
            "file_id" : "<unique string ID of the announcement>",
            "filename": "<path to the Opus file to play>",
            "playing" : <true|false, whether or not the file is playing>,
            "loop": <true|false, depending on whether or not the file is playing in a loop forever>
        // Other announcements
lminiero commented 2 weeks ago

While this is an interesting requirement, I wouldn't add this to the list of participants. It's true that we highjacked the participants structure for announcements, but they are not really participants. I'd much rather see a new "listannouncements" request or something like this, pretty much as we do for forwarders. This would allow us to differentiate announcements, and also protect them separately: to do a listforwarders, for instance, you need to know the room secret if configured, while this is not true for participants, and I think announcements are something only admins with access to the secret should have access to.

keremcadirci commented 2 weeks ago

@lminiero listannouncements api added