meeting-room-booking-system / mrbs-code

MRBS application code
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Date format - can't set to dd/mm/yyyy rather than mm/dd/yyyy #1066

Open jberanek opened 11 years ago

jberanek commented 11 years ago

Many thanks if you can help me!

The main page of MRBS shows mm/dd/yyyy (next to Goto button) and when you pick a start/end date for the booking, the same formats are shown.

I need to show all dates in dd/mm/yyyy format.

I’ve changed all the things that look like they might be related, but the date format doesn’t change.

$timezone = “Australia/Brisbane; $dateformat = 1; $strftime_format[‘daymonth’] = “%d %b”;

Also the room list is blank – so I can’t select a room to delete it. As I add rooms, the blank area gets longer, but no rooms appear. (I’ve used IE8 and Firefox)

Have I missed something … or is this the webserver – IIS7 on server 2008 or MySQL?

I’ve added my to the email for help?

Apart from these two issues, the system is brilliant! Jonathan

Here’s the config, with some authentication stuff deleted … etc


// $Id: 2211 2011-12-24 09:27:00Z cimorrison $

*   MRBS Configuration File
*   Configure this file for your site.
*   You shouldn't have to modify anything outside this file
*   (except for the lang.* files, eg lang.en for English, if
*   you want to change text strings such as "Meeting Room
*   Booking System", "room" and "area").

* Timezone

// The timezone your meeting rooms run in. It is especially important
// to set this if you're using PHP 5 on Linux. In this configuration
// if you don't, meetings in a different DST than you are currently
// in are offset by the DST offset incorrectly.
// Note that timezones can be set on a per-area basis, so strictly speaking this
// setting should be in, but as it is so important to set
// the right timezone it is included here.
// When upgrading an existing installation, this should be set to the
// timezone the web server runs in.  See the INSTALL document for more information.
// A list of valid timezones can be found at
// The following line must be uncommented by removing the '//' at the beginning
$timezone = "Australia/Brisbane";

// If you are using iCalendar notifications of bookings (see the mail settings below)
// then the iCalendar attachment includes a definition of your timezone in 
// VTIMEZONE format.   This defines the timezone, including the rules for Daylight
// Saving Time transitions.    This information is included in the MRBS distribution.
// However, as governments can change the rules periodically, MRBS will check from
// time to time to see if there is a later version available on the web.   If your
// site prevents external access to the web, this check will time out.  However
// you can avoid the timeout and stop MRBS checking for up to date versions by
// setting $zoneinfo_update = FALSE;
$zoneinfo_update = FALSE;

// The VTIMEZONE definitions exist in two forms - normal and Outlook compatible.
// $zoneinfo_outlook_compatible determines which ones to use.
$zoneinfo_outlook_compatible = TRUE;

// The VTIMEZONE definitions are cached in the database with an expiry time
// of $zoneinfo_expiry seconds.   If your server does not have external internet
// access set $zoneinfo_expiry to PHP_INT_MAX to prevent MRBS from trying to
// update the VTIMEZONE definitions.
$zoneinfo_expiry = PHP_INT_MAX;   

* Database settings
// Which database system: "pgsql"=PostgreSQL, "mysql"=MySQL,
// "mysqli"=MySQL via the mysqli PHP extension
$dbsys = "mysql";
// Hostname of database server. For pgsql, can use "" instead of localhost
// to use Unix Domain Sockets instead of TCP/IP.
$db_host = "localhost";
// Database name:
$db_database = "mrbs";
// Database login user name:
$db_login = "root";
// Database login password:
$db_password = ##############;
// Prefix for table names.  This will allow multiple installations where only
// one database is available
$db_tbl_prefix = "mrbs_";
// Uncomment this to NOT use PHP persistent (pooled) database connections:
// $db_nopersist = 1;

// Field lengths in the database tables
// NOTE:  these must be kept in step with the database.   If you change the field
// lengths in the database then you should change the values here, and vice versa.
$maxlength['']       = 80;  // characters   (name field in entry table)
$maxlength['area.area_name']   = 30;  // characters   (area_name field in area table)
$maxlength['room.room_name']   = 25;  // characters   (room_name field in room table)
$maxlength['room.description'] = 60;  // characters   (description field in room table)
$maxlength['']       = 30;  // characters   (name field in users table)
$maxlength['']      = 75;  // characters   (email field in users table)
// other values for the users table need to follow the $maxlength['users.fieldname'] pattern

$mrbs_admin = "##############";
$mrbs_admin_email = "##################";
// NOTE:  there are more email addresses in $mail_settings below.    You can also give
// email addresses in the format 'Full Name <address>', for example:
// $mrbs_admin_email = 'Booking System <>';
// if the name section has any "peculiar" characters in it, you will need
// to put the name in double quotes, e.g.:
// $mrbs_admin_email = '"Bloggs, Joe" <>';

// The company name is mandatory.   It is used in the header and also for email notifications.
// The company logo, additional information and URL are all optional.

$mrbs_company = "##############";   // This line must always be uncommented ($mrbs_company is used in various places)

// Uncomment this next line to use a logo instead of text for your organisation in the header
//$mrbs_company_logo = "your_logo.gif";    // name of your logo file.   This example assumes it is in the MRBS directory

// Uncomment this next line for supplementary information after your company name or logo
//$mrbs_company_more_info = "You can put additional information here";  // e.g. "XYZ Department"

// Uncomment this next line to have a link to your organisation in the header
$mrbs_company_url = "https://#######################";

// This is to fix URL problems when using a proxy in the environment.
// If links inside MRBS appear broken, then specify here the URL of
// your MRBS root directory, as seen by the users. For example:
// $url_base =  "";
// It is also recommended that you set this if you intend to use email
// notifications, to ensure that the correct URL is displayed in the
// notification.
$url_base = "http://########################/";

* Themes

// Choose a theme for the MRBS.   The theme controls two aspects of the look and feel:
//   (a) the styling:  the most commonly changed colours, dimensions and fonts have been 
//       extracted from the main CSS file and put into the file in the appropriate
//       directory in the Themes directory.   If you want to change the colour scheme, you should
//       be able to do it by changing the values in the theme file.    More advanced styling changes
//       can be made by changing the rules in the CSS file.
//   (b) the header:  the file which contains the function used for producing the header.
//       This enables organisations to plug in their own header functions quite easily, in cases where
//       the desired corporate look and feel cannot be changed using the CSS alone and the mark-up
//       itself needs to be changed.
//  MRBS will look for the files "" and "" in the directory Themes/$theme and
//  if it can't find them will use the files in Themes/default.    A theme directory can contain
//  a replacement file or a replacement file or both.

// Available options are:

// "default"        Default MRBS theme
// "classic126"     Same colour scheme as MRBS 1.2.6

$theme = "default";

* Calendar settings

// MRBS has two different modes of operation: "times" and "periods".   "Times"
// based bookings allow you to define regular consecutive booking slots, eg every
// half an hour from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm.   "Periods" based bookings are useful
// in, for example, schools where the booking slots are of different lengths
// and are not consecutive because of change-over time or breaks.

// It is not possible to swap between these two options once bookings have
// been created and to have meaningful entries.  This is due to differences
// in the way that the data is stored.

// It is however possible to configure the system so that some areas operate in
// "periods" mode and others in "times" mode.    Therefore the configuration variable
// that determines the default setting for new areas appears together with other
// variables that can be set on a per-area basis in the file
// This is done to draw attention to the fact that they are default settings for new
// areas only and to avoid frustration when trying to change settings for existing
// areas: this is done by editing the settings for an area using a web browser by
// following the "Rooms" link in MRBS.

// This setting controls whether to use "clock" or "times" based intervals
// (FALSE and the default) or user defined periods (TRUE).   

// $enable_periods is settable on a per-area basis.

$enable_periods = TRUE;  
// Default value for new areas

// --------------

// These settings are all set per area through MRBS.   These are the default
// settings that are used when a new area is created.

// The "Times" settings are ignored if $enable_periods is TRUE.

// Note: Be careful to avoid specifying options that display blocks overlapping
// the next day, since it is not properly handled.

// Resolution - what blocks can be booked, in seconds.
// Default is half an hour: 1800 seconds.
$resolution = (1 * 60);  // DEFAULT VALUE FOR NEW AREAS

// If the following variable is set to TRUE, the resolution of bookings
// is forced to be the value of $resolution, rather than the resolution set
// for the area in the database.
$force_resolution = FALSE;

// Default duration - default length (in seconds) of a booking.
// Defaults to (60 * 60) seconds, i.e. an hour
$default_duration = (30 * 60);  // DEFAULT VALUE FOR NEW AREAS
// Whether the "All Day" checkbox should be checked by default.  (Note
// that even if this is set to true, $default_duration should still
// be set as that is the duration that will be used when the All Day
// checkbox is unchecked)
$default_duration_all_day = FALSE;  // DEFAULT VALUE FOR NEW AREAS

// Start and end of day.
// NOTE:  The time between the beginning of the last and first
// slots of the day must be an integral multiple of the resolution,
// and obviously >=0.

// The default settings below (along with the 30 minute resolution above)
// give you 24 half-hourly slots starting at 07:00, with the last slot
// being 18:30 -> 19:00

// The beginning of the first slot of the day (DEFAULT VALUES FOR NEW AREAS)
$morningstarts         = 7;   // must be integer in range 0-23
$morningstarts_minutes = 0;   // must be integer in range 0-59

// The beginning of the last slot of the day (DEFAULT VALUES FOR NEW AREAS)
$eveningends           = 23;  // must be integer in range 0-23
$eveningends_minutes   = 59;   // must be integer in range 0-59

// Example 1.
// If resolution=3600 (1 hour), morningstarts = 8 and morningstarts_minutes = 30 
// then for the last period to start at say 4:30pm you would need to set eveningends = 16
// and eveningends_minutes = 30

// Example 2.
// To get a full 24 hour display with 15-minute steps, set morningstarts=0; eveningends=23;
// eveningends_minutes=45; and resolution=900.

// ----------------

// This is the maximum number of rows (timeslots or periods) that one can
// expect to see in the day and week views.    It is used by mrbs.css.php for
// creating classes.    It does not matter if it is too large, except for the
// fact that more CSS than necessary will be generated.  (The variable is ignored
// if $times_along_top is set to TRUE).

$max_slots = 80;

// ----------------

// The "Periods" settings are ignored if $enable_periods is FALSE.

// Define the name or description for your periods in chronological order
// For example:
// $periods[] = "Period&nbsp;1"
// $periods[] = "Period&nbsp;2"
// ...
// or
// $periods[] = "09:15&nbsp;-&nbsp;09:50"
// $periods[] = "09:55&nbsp;-&nbsp;10:35"
// ...
// &nbsp; is used to ensure that the name or description is not wrapped
// when the browser determines the column widths to use in day and week
// views
// NOTE:  MRBS assumes that the descriptions are valid HTML and can be output
// directly without any encoding.    Please ensure that any special characters
// are encoded, eg '&' to '&amp;', '>' to '&gt;', lower case e acute to 
// '&eacute;' or '&#233;', etc.

// NOTE:  The maximum number of periods is 60.   Do not define more than this.
unset($periods);    // Include this line when copying to
$periods[] = "08:55&nbsp;-&nbsp;09:34";
$periods[] = "09:35&nbsp;-&nbsp;10:14";
$periods[] = "10:15&nbsp;-&nbsp;10:54";
$periods[] = "10:55&nbsp;-&nbsp;11:34";
$periods[] = "11:35&nbsp;-&nbsp;12:19pm";
$periods[] = "12:20pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;13:04pm";
$periods[] = "13:05pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;13:44pm";
$periods[] = "13:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;14:44pm";
//$periods[] = "14:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;14:59pm";
//$periods[] = "15:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;15:14pm";
//$periods[] = "15:15pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;15:29pm";
//$periods[] = "15:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;15:44pm";
//$periods[] = "15:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;15:59pm";
//$periods[] = "16:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;16:14pm";
//$periods[] = "16:15pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;16:29pm";
//$periods[] = "16:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;16:44pm";
//$periods[] = "16:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;16:59pm";
//$periods[] = "17:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;17:14pm";
//$periods[] = "17:15pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;17:29pm";
//$periods[] = "17:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;17:44pm";
//$periods[] = "17:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;17:59pm";
//$periods[] = "18:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;18:14pm";
//$periods[] = "18:15pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;18:29pm";
//$periods[] = "18:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;18:44pm";
//$periods[] = "18:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;18:59pm";
//$periods[] = "19:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;19:14pm";
//$periods[] = "19:15pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;19:29pm";
//$periods[] = "19:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;19:44pm";
//$periods[] = "19:45pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;19:59pm";
//$periods[] = "20:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;20:29pm";
//$periods[] = "20:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;20:59pm";
//$periods[] = "21:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;21:29pm";
//$periods[] = "21:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;21:59pm";
//$periods[] = "22:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;22:29pm";
//$periods[] = "22:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;22:59pm";
//$periods[] = "23:00pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;23:29pm";
//$periods[] = "23:30pm&nbsp;-&nbsp;23:59pm";

// NOTE:  The maximum number of periods is 60.   Do not define more than this.

// NOTE:  See INSTALL for information on how to add or remove periods in an
// existing database.

* Booking policies

// Most booking policies can be configured on a per-area basis, so these variables
// appear in the file.

// The settings below are global policy settings

// Set a maximum duration for bookings
$max_duration_enabled = FALSE; // Set to TRUE if you want to enforce a maximum duration
$max_duration_secs = 60*60*4;  // (seconds) - when using "times"
$max_duration_periods = 2;     // (periods) - when using "periods"

// Set the maximum number of bookings that can be made by any one user, in an interval,
// which can be a day, week, month or year, or else in the future.  (A week is defined
// by the $weekstarts setting).   These are global settings, but you can additionally
// configure per area settings.   This would allow you to set policies such as allowing
// a maximum of 10 bookings per month in total with a maximum of 1 per day in Area A.
$max_per_interval_global_enabled['day']    = FALSE;
$max_per_interval_global['day'] = 1;      // max 1 bookings per day in total

$max_per_interval_global_enabled['week']   = FALSE;
$max_per_interval_global['week'] = 5;     // max 5 bookings per week in total

$max_per_interval_global_enabled['month']  = FALSE;
$max_per_interval_global['month'] = 10;   // max 10 bookings per month in total

$max_per_interval_global_enabled['year']   = FALSE;
$max_per_interval_global['year'] = 50;    // max 50 bookings per year in total

$max_per_interval_global_enabled['future'] = FALSE;
$max_per_interval_global['future'] = 100; // max 100 bookings in the future in total

// Set the latest date for which you can make a booking.    This can be useful if you
// want to set an absolute date, eg the end of term, beyond which bookings cannot be made.
// If you want to set a relative date, eg no more than a week away, then this can be done
// using the area settings.   Note that it is possible to have both a relative and absolute
// date, eg "no more than a week away and in any casae not past the end of term".
// Note that bookings are allowed on the $max_booking_date, but not after it.
$max_booking_date_enabled = TRUE;
$max_booking_date = "2014-01-31";  // Must be a string in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"

* Display settings

// [These are all variables that control the appearance of pages and could in time
//  become per-user settings]

// Start of week: 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.
$weekstarts = 0;

// Days of the week that should be hidden from display
// 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.
// For example, if you want Saturdays and Sundays to be hidden set $hidden_days = array(0,6);
// By default the hidden days will be removed completely from the main table in the week and month
// views.   You can alternatively arrange for them to be shown as narrow, greyed-out columns
// by editing the CSS file.   Look for $column_hidden_width in mrbs.css.php.
// [Note that although they are hidden from display in the week and month views, they 
// can still be booked from the edit_entry form and you can display the bookings by
// jumping straight into the day view from the date selector.]
$hidden_days = array(0,6);

// Trailer date format: 0 to show dates as "Jul 10", 1 for "10 Jul"
$dateformat = 1;

// Time format in pages. 0 to show dates in 12 hour format, 1 to show them
// in 24 hour format
$twentyfourhour_format = 0;

// The number of years back and ahead the date selectors should go
$year_range['back'] = 0;
$year_range['ahead'] = 1;

// Formats used for dates and times.   For formatting options
// see
$strftime_format['date']         = "%A %d %B %Y";  // Used in Day view
$strftime_format['dayname']      = "%A";           // Used in Month view and edit_entry form
$strftime_format['dayname_cal']  = "%a";           // Used in mini calendars
$strftime_format['month_cal']    = "%B";           // Used in mini calendars
$strftime_format['mon']          = "%b";           // Used in date selectors
$strftime_format['ampm']         = "%p";
$strftime_format['time12']       = "%I:%M%p";      // 12 hour clock
$strftime_format['time24']       = "%H:%M";        // 24 hour clock
$strftime_format['datetime']     = "%c";           // Used in Help
$strftime_format['datetime12']   = "%I:%M:%S%p - %A %d %B %Y";  // 12 hour clock
$strftime_format['datetime24']   = "%H:%M:%S - %A %d %B %Y";    // 24 hour clock
// If you prefer dates as "10 Jul" instead of "Jul 10" ($dateformat = TRUE in
// MRBS 1.4.5 and earlier) then use
// $strftime_format['daymonth']     = "%d %b";
$strftime_format['daymonth']     = "%d %b";        // Used in trailer
$strftime_format['monyear']      = "%b %Y";        // Used in trailer
$strftime_format['monthyear']    = "%B %Y";        // Used in Month view

// Whether or not to display the timezone
$display_timezone = TRUE;

// Results per page for searching:
$search["count"] = 20;

// Page refresh time (in seconds). Set to 0 to disable
$refresh_rate = 60;

// Refresh rate (in seconds) for Ajax checking of valid bookings on the edit_entry page
// Set to 0 to disable
$ajax_refresh_rate = 10;

// Trailer type.   FALSE gives a trailer complete with links to days, weeks and months before
// and after the current date.    TRUE gives a simpler trailer that just has links to the
// current day, week and month.
$simple_trailer = TRUE;

// should areas be shown as a list or a drop-down select box?
$area_list_format = "list";
//$area_list_format = "select";

// Entries in monthly view can be shown as start/end slot, brief description or
// both. Set to "description" for brief description, "slot" for time slot and
// "both" for both. Default is "both", but 6 entries per day are shown instead
// of 12.
$monthly_view_entries_details = "both";

// To view weeks in the bottom trailer as week numbers (42) instead of
// 'first day of the week' (13 Oct), set this to TRUE.  Will also give week
// numbers in the month view
$view_week_number = FALSE;

// To display week numbers in the mini-calendars, set this to true. The week
// numbers are only accurate if you set $weekstarts to 1, i.e. set the
// start of the week to Monday
$mincals_week_numbers = TRUE;

// To display times on the x-axis (along the top) and rooms or days on the y-axis (down the side)
// set to TRUE;   the default/traditional version of MRBS has rooms (or days) along the top and
// times along the side.    Transposing the table can be useful if you have a large number of
// rooms and not many time slots.
$times_along_top = FALSE;

// To display the row labels (times, rooms or days) on the right hand side as well as the 
// left hand side in the day and week views, set to TRUE;
// (was called $times_right_side in earlier versions of MRBS)
$row_labels_both_sides = TRUE;

// To display the column headers (times, rooms or days) on the bottom of the table as
// well as the top in the day and week views, set to TRUE;
$column_labels_both_ends = TRUE;

// To display the mini caldandars at the bottom of the day week and month views
// set this value to TRUE
$display_calendar_bottom = False; 

// Define default starting view (month, week or day)
// Default is day
$default_view = "week";

// Define default room to start with (used by index.php)
// Room numbers can be determined by looking at the Edit or Delete URL for a
// room on the admin page.
// Default is 0
$default_room = 0;

// Define clipping behaviour for the cells in the day and week views.
// Set to TRUE if you want the cells in the day and week views to be clipped.   This
// gives a table where all the rows have the same hight, regardless of content.
// Alternatively set to FALSE if you want the cells to expand to fit the content.
// (FALSE not supported in IE6 and IE7 due to their incomplete CSS support)
$clipped = TRUE;                

// Define clipping behaviour for the cells in the month view.                           
// Set to TRUE if you want the cells in the month view to scroll if there are too
// many bookings to display; set to FALSE if you want the table cell to expand to
// accommodate the bookings.   (NOTE: (1) scrolling doesn't work in IE6 and so the table
// cell will always expand in IE6.  (2) In IE8 Beta 2 scrolling doesn't work either and
// the cell content is clipped when $month_cell_scrolling is set to TRUE.)
$month_cell_scrolling = TRUE;

// Define the maximum length of a string that can be displayed in an admin table cell
// (eg the rooms and users lists) before it is truncated.  (This is necessary because 
// you don't want a cell to contain for example a 2 kbyte text string, which could happen
// with user defined fields).
$max_content_length = 20;  // characters

// The maximum length of a database field for which a text input can be used on a form
// (eg when editing a user or room).  If longer than this a text area will be used.
$text_input_max = 70;  // characters

// For inputs that have autocomplete options, eg the area and room match inputs on
// the report page, we can define how many characters need to be input before the 
// options are displayed.  This enables us to prevent a huge long list of options
// being presented.   We define the breakpoints in an array.   For example if we set
// $autocomplete_length_breaks = array(25, 250, 2500); this means that if the number of options
// is less than 25 then they will be displayed when 0 characters are input, ie the input
// receives focus.   If the number of options is less than 250 then they will be displayed
// when 1 character is input and so on.    The array can be as long as you like.   If it
// is empty then the options are displayed when 0 characters are input.
$autocomplete_length_breaks = array(25, 250, 2500);

* Miscellaneous settings

// Maximum repeating entrys (max needed +1):
$max_rep_entrys = 52 + 1;

// Default report span in days:
$default_report_days = 60;

$show_plus_link = FALSE;   // Change to TRUE to always show the (+) link as in
                           // MRBS 1.1.


// Note:  some settings for private bookings can be set on a per-area basis and
// so appear in the file

// Choose which fields should be private by setting 
// $is_private_field['tablename.columnname'] = TRUE
// At the moment only fields in the entry table can be marked as private,
// including custom fields, but with the exception of the following fields:
// start_time, end_time, entry_type, repeat_id, room_id, timestamp, type, status,
// reminded, info_time, info_user, info_text.
$is_private_field[''] = TRUE;
$is_private_field['entry.description'] = TRUE;
$is_private_field['entry.create_by'] = TRUE;


// These settings can all be be configured on a per-area basis, so these variables
// appear in the file.


// These settings are system-wide and control the behaviour in all areas.

// Interval before reminders can be issued (in seconds).   Only
// working days (see below) are included in the calculation
$reminder_interval = 60*60*24*2;  // 2 working days

// Days of the week that are working days (Sunday = 0, etc.)
$working_days = array(1,2,3,4,5);  // Mon-Fri


// These settings can all be be configured on a per-area basis, so these variables
// appear in the file.

* Form values

// $select_options  = array();
// It is possible to constrain some form values to be selected from a drop-
// down select box, rather than allowing free form input.   This is done by
// putting the permitted options in an array as part of the $select_options
// two dimensional array.   The first index specifies the form field in the
// format tablename.columnname.    For example to restrict the name of a booking
// to 'Physics', 'Chemistry' or 'Biology' uncomment the line below.

//$select_options[''] = array('Physics', 'Chemistry', 'Biology');

// At the moment $select_options is only supported as follows:
//     - Entry table: name, description and custom fields
//     - Users table: custom fields

// For custom fields only (will be extended later) it is also possible to use
// an associative array for $select_options, for example

//$select_options[''] = array('c' => 'Coffee', 
//                                          's' => 'Sandwiches',
//                                          'h' => 'Hot Lunch');

// In this case the key (eg 'c') is stored in the database, but the value
// (eg 'Coffee') is displayed and can be searched for using Search and Report.
// This allows you to alter the displayed values, for example changing 'Coffee'
// to 'Coffee, Tea and Biscuits', without having to alter the database.   It can also
// be useful if the database table is being shared with another application.
// MRBS will auto-detect whether the array is associative.
// If you want to make the select field a mandatory field (see below) then include
// an empty string as one of the values, eg
//$select_options[''] = array(''  => 'Please select one option',
//                                          'c' => 'Coffee', 
//                                          's' => 'Sandwiches',
//                                          'h' => 'Hot Lunch');

// $is_mandatory_field = array();
// You can define custom entry fields to be mandatory by setting
// items in the array $is_mandatory_field.   (Note that making a checkbox
// field mandatory means that the box must be checked.)   For example:

// $is_mandatory_field['entry.terms_and_conditions'] = true;

// Set $skip_default to TRUE if you want the "Skip past conflicts" box
// on the edit_entry form to be checked by default.  (This will mean that
// if you make a repeat booking and some of the repeat dates are already
// booked, MRBS will just skip past those).
$skip_default = FALSE;

// $edit_entry_field_order can be used to change the order of fields in the 
// edit_entry page. This is useful to insert custom fields somewhere other than 
// the end. For example: To place a custom field 'in_charge' directly after the 
// booking name, set the following in
// $edit_entry_field_order = array('name', 'in_charge');
// Valid entries in this array are: 'name', 'description', 'start_date', 
// 'end_date', 'areas', 'rooms', 'type', 'confirmation_status', 
// 'privacy_status', plus any custom fields you may have defined. Fields that 
// are not mentionend in the array are appended at the end, in their usual 
// order.
//$edit_entry_field_order = array();

* Authentication settings - read AUTHENTICATION

$auth["session"] = "cookie"; // How to get and keep the user ID. One of
           // "http" "php" "cookie" "ip" "host" "nt" "omni"
           // "remote_user"

$auth["type"] = "imap"; // How to validate the user/password. One of "none"
                          // "config" "db" "db_ext" "pop3" "imap" "ldap" "nis"
                          // "nw" "ext".

// Configuration parameters for 'cookie' session scheme

// The encryption secret key for the session tokens. You are strongly
// advised to change this if you use this session scheme
$auth["session_cookie"]["#########"] = "This isn't a very good secret!";
// The expiry time of a session, in seconds. Set to 0 to use session cookies
$auth["session_cookie"]["session_expire_time"] = (60*60*24*1); // 30 days
// Whether to include the user's IP address in their session cookie.
// Increases security, but could cause problems with proxies/dynamic IP
// machines
$auth["session_cookie"]["include_ip"] = TRUE;

// Configuration parameters for 'php' session scheme

// The expiry time of a session, in seconds
// N.B. Long session expiry times rely on PHP not retiring the session
// on the server too early. If you only want session cookies to be used,
// set this to 0.
$auth["session_php"]["session_expire_time"] = (60*60*24*30); // 30 days

// Cookie path override. If this value is set it will be used by the
// 'php' and 'cookie' session schemes to override the default behaviour
// of automatically determining the cookie path to use
//$cookie_path_override = '/mrbs/';

// The list of administrators (can modify other peoples settings).
// This list is not needed when using the 'db' authentication scheme EXCEPT
// when upgrading from a pre-MRBS 1.4.2 system that used db authentication.
// Pre-1.4.2 the 'db' authentication scheme did need this list.   When running
// edit_users.php for the first time in a 1.4.2 system or later, with an existing
// users list in the database, the system will automatically add a field to
// the table for access rights and give admin rights to those users in the database
// for whom admin rights are defined here.   After that this list is ignored.
unset($auth["admin"]);              // Include this when copying to
$auth["admin"][] = "";     // localhost IP address. Useful with IP sessions.
$auth["admin"][] = "administrator"; // A user name from the user list.  

//$auth["admin"][] = "";
//$auth["admin"][] = "";
//$auth["admin"][] = "";

// 'auth_config' user database
// Format: $auth["user"]["name"] = "password";
$auth["user"]["administrator"] = "secret";
$auth["user"]["alice"] = "a";
$auth["user"]["bob"] = "b";

// 'session_http' configuration settings
$auth["realm"]  = "mrbs";

// 'session_remote_user' configuration settings
//$auth['remote_user']['login_link'] = '/login/link.html';
//$auth['remote_user']['logout_link'] = '/logout/link.html';

// 'auth_ext' configuration settings
$auth["prog"]   = "";
$auth["params"] = "";

// 'auth_db' configuration settings
// The highest level of access (0=none; 1=user; 2+=admin).    Used in edit_users.php
// In the future we might want a higher level of granularity, eg to distinguish between
// different levels of admin
$max_level = 2;
// The lowest level of admin allowed to edit other users
$min_user_viewing_level = 2;
// The lowest level of admin allowed to edit other users
$min_user_editing_level = 2;

// Password policy.  Uncomment the variables and set them to the
// required values as appropriate.
// $pwd_policy['length']  = 6;  // Minimum length
// $pwd_policy['alpha']   = 1;  // Minimum number of alpha characters
// $pwd_policy['lower']   = 1;  // Minimum number of lower case characters
// $pwd_policy['upper']   = 1;  // Minimum number of upper case characters
// $pwd_policy['numeric'] = 1;  // Minimum number of numeric characters
// $pwd_policy['special'] = 1;  // Minimum number of special characters (not alpha-numeric)

// 'auth_db_ext' configuration settings
// The 'db_system' variable is equivalent to the core MRBS $dbsys variable,
// and allows you to use any of MRBS's database abstraction layers for
// db_ext authentication.
$auth['db_ext']['db_system'] = 'mysql';
$auth['db_ext']['db_host'] = 'localhost';
$auth['db_ext']['db_username'] = 'authuser';
$auth['db_ext']['db_password'] = 'authpass';
$auth['db_ext']['db_name'] = 'authdb';
$auth['db_ext']['db_table'] = 'users';
$auth['db_ext']['column_name_username'] = 'name';
$auth['db_ext']['column_name_password'] = 'password';
// Either 'md5', 'sha1', 'crypt' or 'plaintext'
$auth['db_ext']['password_format'] = 'md5';

// 'auth_ldap' configuration settings

// Many of the LDAP parameters can be specified as arrays, in order to
// specify multiple LDAP directories to search within. Each item below
// will specify whether the item can be specified as an array. If any
// parameter is specified as an array, then EVERY array configuration
// parameter must have the same number of elements. You can specify a
// parameter as an array as in the following example:
$ldap_host = array('################);

// Where is the LDAP server.
// This can be an array.
$ldap_host = "################";

// If you have a non-standard LDAP port, you can define it here.
// This can be an array.
//$ldap_port = 389;

// If you do not want to use LDAP v3, change the following to false.
// This can be an array.
$ldap_v3 = true;

// If you want to use TLS, change the following to true.
// This can be an array.
$ldap_tls = false;

// LDAP base distinguish name.
// This can be an array.
//$ldap_base_dn = "ou=organizationalunit,dc=my-domain,dc=com";

// Attribute within the base dn that contains the username
// This can be an array.
//$ldap_user_attrib = "uid";

// If you need to search the directory to find the user's DN to bind
// with, set the following to the attribute that holds the user's
// "username". In Microsoft AD directories this is "sAMAccountName"
// This can be an array.
//$ldap_dn_search_attrib = "sAMAccountName";

// If you need to bind as a particular user to do the search described
// above, specify the DN and password in the variables below
// These two parameters can be arrays.
// $ldap_dn_search_dn = "cn=Search User,ou=Users,dc=some,dc=company";
// $ldap_dn_search_password = "some-password";

// 'auth_ldap' extra configuration for ldap configuration of who can use
// the system
// If it's set, the $ldap_filter will be used to determine whether a
// user will be granted access to MRBS
// This can be an array.
// An example for Microsoft AD:
//$ldap_filter = "memberof=cn=whater,ou=whatver,dc=example,dc=com";

// If you need to disable client referrals, this should be set to TRUE.
// Note: Active Directory for Windows 2003 forward requires this.
// $ldap_disable_referrals = TRUE;

// Set to TRUE to tell MRBS to look up a user's email address in LDAP.
// Utilises $ldap_email_attrib below
$ldap_get_user_email = FALSE;
// The LDAP attribute which holds a user's email address
// This can be an array.
$ldap_email_attrib = 'mail';

// The DN of the LDAP group that MRBS admins must be in. If this is defined
// then the $auth["admin"] is not used.
// This can be an array.
// $ldap_admin_group_dn = 'cn=admins,ou=whoever,dc=example,dc=com';

// The LDAP attribute that holds group membership details. Used with
// $ldap_admin_group_dn, above.
// This can be an array.
$ldap_group_member_attrib = 'memberof';

// Set to TRUE if you want MRBS to call ldap_unbind() between successive
// attempts to bind. Unbinding while still connected upsets some
// LDAP servers
$ldap_unbind_between_attempts = FALSE;

// Output debugging information for LDAP actions
$ldap_debug = FALSE;

// 'auth_imap' configuration settings
// See AUTHENTICATION for details of how check against multiple servers
// Where is the IMAP server
$imap_host = "#################";
// The IMAP server port
$imap_port = "143";

// 'auth_imap_php' configuration settings
$auth["imap_php"]["hostname"] = "localhost";
// You can also specify any of the following options:
// Specifies the port number to connect to
//$auth["imap_php"]["port"] = 993;
// Use SSL
//$auth["imap_php"]["ssl"] = TRUE;
// Use TLS
//$auth["imap_php"]["tls"] = TRUE;
// Turn off SSL/TLS certificate validation
//$auth["imap_php"]["novalidate-cert"] = TRUE;

// 'auth_pop3' configuration settings
// See AUTHENTICATION for details of how check against multiple servers
// Where is the POP3 server
$pop3_host = "pop3-server-name";
// The POP3 server port
$pop3_port = "110";

// 'auth_smtp' configuration settings
$auth['smtp']['server'] = '';

// General settings

// If you want only administrators to be able to make and delete bookings,
// set this variable to TRUE
$auth['only_admin_can_book'] = FALSE;
// If you want only administrators to be able to make repeat bookings,
// set this variable to TRUE
$auth['only_admin_can_book_repeat'] = FALSE;
// If you want only administrators to be able to make bookings spanning
// more than one day, set this variable to TRUE.
$auth['only_admin_can_book_multiday'] = FALSE;
// If you want only administrators to be able to select multiple rooms
// on the booking form then set this to TRUE.  (It doesn't stop ordinary users
// making separate bookings for the same time slot, but it does slow them down).
$auth['only_admin_can_select_multiroom'] = FALSE;
// If you don't want ordinary users to be able to see the other users'
// details then set this to TRUE.  (Only relevant when using 'db' authentication]
$auth['only_admin_can_see_other_users'] = FALSE;
// If you want to prevent the public (ie un-logged in users) from
// being able to view bookings, set this variable to TRUE
$auth['deny_public_access'] = FALSE;
// Set to TRUE if you want admins to be able to perform bulk deletions
// on the Report page.  (It also only shows up if JavaScript is enabled)
$auth['show_bulk_delete'] = FALSE;

// Set to TRUE if you want to allow MRBS to be run from the command line, for example
// if you want to produce reports from a cron job.   (It is set to FALSE by default
// as a security measure, because when running from the CLI you are assumed to have
// full admin access).
$allow_cli = FALSE;

* Email settings

// ------------
// The following settings determine who should be emailed when a booking is made,
// edited or deleted (though the latter two events depend on the "When" settings below).
// Set to TRUE or FALSE as required
// (Note:  the email addresses for the room and area administrators are set from the
// edit_area_room.php page in MRBS)
$mail_settings['admin_on_bookings']      = FALSE;  // the addresses defined by $mail_settings['recipients'] below
$mail_settings['area_admin_on_bookings'] = TRUE;  // the area administrator
$mail_settings['room_admin_on_bookings'] = TRUE;  // the room administrator
$mail_settings['booker']                 = TRUE;  // the person making the booking
$mail_settings['book_admin_on_approval'] = FALSE;  // the booking administrator when booking approval is enabled
                                                   // (which is the MRBS admin, but this setting allows MRBS
                                                   // to be extended to have separate booking approvers)     

// -------------
// These settings determine when an email should be sent.
// Set to TRUE or FALSE as required
// (Note:  (a) the variables $mail_settings['admin_on_delete'] and
// $mail_settings['admin_all'], which were used in MRBS versions 1.4.5 and
// before are now deprecated.   They are still supported for reasons of backward
// compatibility, but they may be withdrawn in the future.  (b)  the default 
// value of $mail_settings['on_new'] is TRUE for compatibility with MRBS 1.4.5
// and before, where there was no explicit config setting, but mails were always sent
// for new bookings if there was somebody to send them to)

$mail_settings['on_new']    = TRUE;   // when an entry is created
$mail_settings['on_change'] = TRUE;  // when an entry is changed
$mail_settings['on_delete'] = TRUE;  // when an entry is deleted

// -------------
// These settings determine what should be included in the email
// Set to TRUE or FALSE as required
$mail_settings['details']   = TRUE; // Set to TRUE if you want full booking details;
                                     // otherwise you just get a link to the entry
$mail_settings['html']      = TRUE; // Set to true if you want HTML mail
$mail_settings['icalendar'] = TRUE; // Set to TRUE to include iCalendar details
                                     // which can be imported into a calendar.  (Note:
                                     // iCalendar details will not be sent for areas
                                     // that use periods as there isn't a mapping between
                                     // periods and time of day, so the calendar would not
                                     // be able to import the booking)

// -----------------------------------------

// Set the language used for emails (choose an available lang.* file).
$mail_settings['admin_lang'] = 'en';   // Default is 'en'.

// ------------------------
// The email addresses of the MRBS administrator are set in the config file, and
// those of the room and area administrators are set though the edit_area_room.php
// in MRBS.    But if you have set $mail_settings['booker'] above to TRUE, MRBS will
// need the email addresses of ordinary users.   If you are using the "db" 
// authentication method then MRBS will be able to get them from the users table.  But
// if you are using any other authentication scheme then the following settings allow
// you to specify a domain name that will be appended to the username to produce a
// valid email address (eg "").
$mail_settings['domain'] = '@########;
// If you use $mail_settings['domain'] above and username returned by mrbs contains extra
// strings appended like domain name ('username.domain'), you need to provide
// this extra string here so that it will be removed from the username.
$mail_settings['username_suffix'] = '';

// ----------------------
// Set the name of the backend used to transport your mails. Either 'mail',
// 'smtp' or 'sendmail'. Default is 'mail'.
$mail_settings['admin_backend'] = 'mail';

* Sendmail settings

// Set the path of the Sendmail program (only used with "sendmail" backend).
// Default is '/usr/bin/sendmail'
$sendmail_settings['path'] = '/usr/bin/sendmail';
// Set additional Sendmail parameters (only used with "sendmail" backend).
// (example "-t -i"). Default is ''
$sendmail_settings['args'] = '';

* SMTP settings

// These settings are only used with the "smtp" backend
$smtp_settings['host'] = ###########;  // SMTP server
$smtp_settings['port'] = 25;           // SMTP port number
$smtp_settings['auth'] = FALSE;        // Whether to use SMTP authentication
$smtp_settings['username'] = '';       // Username (if using authentication)
$smtp_settings['password'] = '';       // Password (if using authentication)

// ---------------------

// Set the email address of the From field. Default is ''
$mail_settings['from'] = '';

// Set the recipient email. Default is ''. You can define
// more than one recipient like this ","
$mail_settings['recipients'] = '';

// Set email address of the Carbon Copy field. Default is ''. You can define
// more than one recipient (see 'recipients')
$mail_settings['cc'] = '';

// Set to TRUE if you want the cc addresses to be appended to the to line.
// (Some email servers are configured not to send emails if the cc or bcc
// fields are set)
$mail_settings['treat_cc_as_to'] = FALSE;

// The filename to be used for iCalendar attachments.   Will always have the
// extension '.ics'
$mail_settings['ics_filename'] = "booking";

// Set this to TRUE if you want MRBS to output debug information to the browser
// when you are sending email.   If you are not getting emails it can be helpful
// by telling you (a) whether the mail functions are being called in the first place
//(b) whether there are addresses to send email to and (c) the result of the mail
// sending operation.
$mail_settings['debug'] = FALSE;
// Set this to TRUE if you do not want any email sent, whatever the rest of the settings.
// This is a global setting that will override anything else.   Useful when testing MRBS.
$mail_settings['disabled'] = FALSE;

* Language

// Set this to 1 to disable the automatic language changing MRBS performs
// based on the user's browser language settings. It will ensure that
// the language displayed is always the value of $default_language_tokens,
// as specified below
// $disable_automatic_language_changing = 0;

// Set this to a different language specifier to default to different
// language tokens. This must equate to a lang.* file in MRBS.
// e.g. use "fr" to use the translations in "" as the default
// translations.  [NOTE: it is only necessary to change this if you
// have disabled automatic language changing above]
// $default_language_tokens = "en";

// Set this to a valid locale (for the OS you run the MRBS server on)
// if you want to override the automatic locale determination MRBS
// performs.   Remember to include the codeset if appropriate.   For example,
// on a UNIX system you would use "en_US.utf-8" for English/GB.
// $override_locale = "";

// faq file language selection. IF not set, use the default english file.
// IF your language faq file is available, set $faqfilelang to match the
// end of the file name, including the underscore (ie. for site_faq_fr.html
// use "_fr"
// $faqfilelang = ""; 

// Language selection when run from the command line
// $cli_language = "en";

// Vocab overrides
// ---------------

// You can override the text strings that appear in the lang.* files by setting
// $vocab_override[LANG][TOKEN] in your config file, where LANG is the language,
// for example 'en' and TOKEN is the key of the $vocab array.  For example to
// alter the string "Meeting Room Booking System" in English set
$vocab_override['en']['mrbs'] = "Resource Booking System";
// Applying vocab overrides in the config file rather than editing the lang files
// mean that your changes will be preserved whenb you upgrade to the next version of
// and you won't have to re-edit the lang file.

* Reports

// Default file names
$report_filename  = "report";
$summary_filename = "summary";

// CSV format
// By default Excel expects a tab as the column separator, so if you are opening
// CSV files with Excel you may want to change $csv_col_sep to be '\t'
$csv_row_sep = "\n";  // Separator between rows/records
$csv_col_sep = ",";   // Separator between columns/fields

// CSV charset
// Set the character set to be used for CSV files.   If $csv_charset is not set
// then CSV files are written using the MRBS default charset (utf-8).  However
// Microsoft Excel (at least up to Excel 2010 on Windows and 2011 on Mac) is not
// guaranteed to recognise utf-8, but does recognise utf-16, so the default setting
// for $csv_charset is 'utf-16'. Setting $csv_charset to 'utf-8' and $csv_bom
// to TRUE (ie requiring MRBS to output a Byte Order Mark) will make Excel
// 2010 on Windows, and maybe earlier versions, work. 
// But utf-8 with, or without, a BOM will not work on Excel 2011 for Mac.
$csv_charset = 'utf-16';
$csv_bom = TRUE;

* Entry Types

// This array lists the configured entry type codes. The values map to a
// single char in the MRBS database, and so can be any permitted PHP array
// character.
// The default descriptions of the entry types are held in the language files
// as "type.X" where 'X' is the entry type.  If you want to change the description
// you can override the default descriptions by setting the $vocab_override config
// variable.   For example, if you add a new booking type 'C' the minimum you need
// to do is add a line to like:
// $vocab_override["en"]["type.C"] =     "New booking type";
// Below is a basic default array which ensures there are at least some types defined.
// The proper type definitions should be made in
// Each type has a color which is defined in the array $color_types in the Themes
// directory - just edit whichever include file corresponds to the theme you
// have chosen in the config settings. (The default is, unsurprisingly!)

//$booking_types[] = "E";
//$booking_types[] = "I";

// Default type for new bookings
//$default_type = "I";

// Default description for new bookings
//$default_description = "";


Reported by: *anonymous

Original Ticket: mrbs/support-requests/324

jberanek commented 11 years ago

(1) The date format in the datepicker boxes is determined by your browser language settings. See the Help page in MRBS to discover what your browser settings are. If you have 'en' as your first choice preferred language then this defaults to US format and you will get mm/dd/yyyy dates. To get dd/mm/yyyy format you will need to make sure that 'en-au' is your first choice, with 'en' as your second choice. In Firefox go to Tools -> Options -> Languages.

(2) Are you getting the Add Room form at the bottom? Also are you getting the list of rooms and it's just invisible? You can check this in two ways: (a) by doing "View Source" in your browser and seeing if the table is there or (b) using something like the Inspector in Firefox's Web Developer toolbar (Tools -> Web Developer -> Developer Toolbar) and then running your cursor over the blank space.


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue using IE10 but not using Chrome? The language setting in IE10 is set to Norwegian, but the dates are shown as MM/DD/YY in the field for picking date (next to GoTo)?

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

I cannot reproduce this. Which Norwegian (nb or nn) are you set to? What does your language preferences string say on the Help page say? What are your language settings in your config file? Are you using a Windows or Linux server (answer on the Help page)?


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue in a new install of the current version. Tried FF 28, Chrome and IE 10, all set to EN-AU, and the dates insist on displaying in US format. Here is the Help screen info: Meeting Room Booking System: MRBS 1.4.10 Database: MySQL 5.5.32-log System: Linux 2.6.18-371.6.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 20:03:51 EDT 2014 x86_64 Server time: Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:28:29 EST PHP: 5.4.26 Your browser is set with the following language preference order: en-au, en-gb, en

This looks like the last thing we can't get to work the way we want in MRBS, so hopefully there is a way around it.

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Not quite sure why this is happening. I can't reproduce it on my system with the same language preferences. Can you check to see if you are getting any error messages in the JavaScript console? (Turn on Developer Tools in your browser).


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Can you also check that the following files are installed on your web server:

jquery/ui/jquery-ui-i18n.js jquery/ui/jquery-ui-i18n.MRBS.js


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 9 years ago


For IE just change the language to (English - United Kingdom ) EN-GB .


Original comment by: virendra-nav

jberanek commented 8 years ago

You can change the dateFormat in the jquery/ui/jquery-ui-i18n.MRBS.js as mentioned by Campbell

Original comment by: nukes88

jberanek commented 6 years ago

edit file and you can change to $strftime_format['date'] = "%A, %d/%m/%Y"; // Used in Day view

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 6 years ago

$strftime_format['date'] doesn't determine the format of the date on the datepicker. That depends on your brower's language setting.

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 3 years ago

This still seems to be an issue in 1.9.2 for me using Google Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer on Windows 10 and on a Macbook with Big Sur using Safari and Google Chrome (eng US removed as second choice and Google Chrome restarted). The month, day, year settings prevail but on an iPad with IpadOS 14.1 in Safari I am getting 16 Nov 2020 which is preferable to the desktop style. Still love MRBS thanks for all you do

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce the iPad format but not the others.

The exact format that is shown in the datepicker depends on the browser and OS and is not set by MRBS. MRBS gives the browser a set of preferred locales and uses JavaScript's Intl.DateTimeFormat object. It would seem that Safari and Chrome on iPad produce "16 Nov 2020" when given a first choice locale of "en-gb" or "en-au".

When I test on a Mac (Catalina) or Windows 10 I get "16/11/2020". For a browser where there is an issue can you say

  1. What language preferences you are seeing on the MRBS Help page?
  2. What are your settings of (a) $disable_automatic_language_changing, (b) $default_language_tokens and (c) $override_locale?
  3. Whether you running MRBS on a Windows or Linux server?

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 2 years ago

How can I change the All day default timings which is 12 hours to 8 hours?

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 2 years ago


Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 2 years ago

Login to MRBS as an admin, go to the Rooms page, select the area in question and click the Edit icon (little pencil). Then change the "start of first slot" and "start of last slot" settings as required.

By the way, for future requests could you create a new ticket please if you have a new topic. Thanks.

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 2 years ago

MRBS is allowing to book room for past days also .Is there any admin settings to restrict this, Please advise Me

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 2 years ago

As this is a separate subject I have created a new ticket at

Original comment by: campbell-m