meeting-room-booking-system / mrbs-code

MRBS application code
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Automatic completion of description #1169

Open jberanek opened 10 years ago

jberanek commented 10 years ago


[Transferred from the mailing list]

I am new to php, and finding your time tabling system looks as though it would be very useful to the school where I work. What I am trying to do is auto filling out the description box with drop down arrays I have made below it i.e. Teacher, Form, Subject so that teachers using it would not have to fill in the description’s box. See attached

Reported by: campbell-m

Original Ticket: mrbs/support-requests/433

jberanek commented 10 years ago

[Previous correspondence snipped]

No, they shouldn’t be in curly brackets.

Are you sure you’ve uploaded the new edit_entry_handler.php? You should get output like this when you press the Save button:

string(1) "a" array(2) { ["details"]=> string(1) "a" ["segment_id"]=> NULL } array(31) { ["name"]=> string(1) "a" ["description"]=> string(1) "a" ["start_day"]=> string(1) "9" ["start_month"]=> string(2) "12" ["start_year"]=> string(4) "2013" ["start_seconds"]=> string(5) "43200" ["end_day"]=> string(1) "9" ["end_month"]=> string(2) "12" ["end_year"]=> string(4) "2013" ["end_seconds"]=> string(5) "43200" ["area"]=> string(1) "1" ["rooms"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "3" } ["type"]=> string(1) "I" ["confirmed"]=> string(1) "1" ["private"]=> string(1) "0" ["f_details"]=> string(1) "a" ["f_segment_id"]=> string(0) "" ["rep_type"]=> string(1) "0" ["rep_day"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "1" } ["rep_num_weeks"]=> string(1) "1" ["month_type"]=> string(1) "0" ["month_absolute"]=> string(1) "9" ["month_relative_ord"]=> string(1) "2" ["month_relative_day"]=> string(2) "MO" ["rep_end_day"]=> string(1) "9" ["rep_end_month"]=> string(2) "12" ["rep_end_year"]=> string(4) "2013" ["returl"]=> string(238) "http://... " ["create_by"]=> string(5) "admin" ["rep_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["edit_type"]=> string(6) "series" }

If you’re not getting that can you post your edit_entry_handler.php file here

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

The only other error is this in the top corner "NULL array(0) { } NULL NULL "

Here is the file

// $Id: edit_entry_handler.php 2702 2013-02-15 17:01:16Z cimorrison $

require "";
require_once "";
require_once "";

function invalid_booking($message)
  global $day, $month, $year, $area, $room;

  print_header($day, $month, $year, $area, isset($room) ? $room : "");
  echo "<h1>" . get_vocab('invalid_booking') . "</h1>\n";
  echo "<p>$message</p>\n";
  // Print footer and exit

// (1) Check the user is authorised for this page
//  ---------------------------------------------

// Also need to know whether they have admin rights
$user = getUserName();
$is_admin = (authGetUserLevel($user) >= 2);

// (2) Get the form variables
// --------------------------

// NOTE:  the code on this page assumes that array form variables are passed
// as an array of values, rather than an array indexed by value.   This is
// particularly important for checkbox arrays whicgh should be formed like this:
//    <input type="checkbox" name="foo[]" value="n">
//    <input type="checkbox" name="foo[]" value="m">
// and not like this:
//    <input type="checkbox" name="foo[n]" value="1">
//    <input type="checkbox" name="foo[m]" value="1">

// This page can be called with an Ajax call.  In this case it just checks
// the validity of a proposed booking and does not make the booking.

// Get non-standard form variables
$formvars = array('create_by'          => 'string',
                  'name'               => 'string',
                  'description'        => 'string',
                  'start_seconds'      => 'int',
                  'start_day'          => 'int',
                  'start_month'        => 'int',
                  'start_year'         => 'int',
                  'end_seconds'        => 'int',
                  'end_day'            => 'int',
                  'end_month'          => 'int',
                  'end_year'           => 'int',
                  'all_day'            => 'string',  // bool, actually
                  'type'               => 'string',
                  'rooms'              => 'array',
                  'original_room_id'   => 'int',
                  'ical_uid'           => 'string',
                  'ical_sequence'      => 'int',
                  'ical_recur_id'      => 'string',
                  'returl'             => 'string',
                  'id'                 => 'int',
                  'rep_id'             => 'int',
                  'edit_type'          => 'string',
                  'rep_type'           => 'int',
                  'rep_end_day'        => 'int',
                  'rep_end_month'      => 'int',
                  'rep_end_year'       => 'int',
                  'rep_id'             => 'int',
                  'rep_day'            => 'array',   // array of bools
                  'rep_num_weeks'      => 'int',
                  'month_type'         => 'int',
                  'month_absolute'     => 'int',
                  'month_relative_ord' => 'string',
                  'month_relative_day' => 'string',
                  'skip'               => 'string',  // bool, actually
                  'private'            => 'string',  // bool, actually
                  'confirmed'          => 'string',
                  'back_button'        => 'string',
                  'timetohighlight'    => 'int',
                  'page'               => 'string',
                  'commit'             => 'string',
                  'ajax'               => 'int');

foreach($formvars as $var => $var_type)
  $$var = get_form_var($var, $var_type);

// BACK:  we didn't really want to be here - send them to the returl
if (!empty($back_button))
  if (empty($returl))
    $returl = "index.php";
  header("Location: $returl");

// Get custom form variables
$custom_fields = array();

// Get the information about the fields in the entry table
$fields = sql_field_info($tbl_entry);

foreach($fields as $field)
  if (!in_array($field['name'], $standard_fields['entry']))
      case 'character':
        $f_type = 'string';
      case 'integer':
        $f_type = 'int';
      // We can only really deal with the types above at the moment
        $f_type = 'string';
    $var = VAR_PREFIX . $field['name'];
    $custom_fields[$field['name']] = get_form_var($var, $f_type);
    if (($f_type == 'int') && ($custom_fields[$field['name']] === ''))
      $custom_fields[$field['name']] = NULL;



// (3) Clean up the form variables
// -------------------------------

// Form validation checks.   Normally checked for client side.
// Don't bother with them if this is an Ajax request.
if (!$ajax)
  if ($name == '')

  if (empty($rooms))

  if (($rep_type == REP_WEEKLY) && ($rep_num_weeks < 1))
    invalid_booking(get_vocab('you_have_not_entered') . " " . get_vocab("useful_n-weekly_value"));

  if (count($is_mandatory_field))
    foreach ($is_mandatory_field as $field => $value)
      $field = preg_replace('/^entry\./', '', $field);
      if ($value && array_key_exists($field, $custom_fields) && ($custom_fields[$field] === ''))
        invalid_booking(get_vocab('missing_mandatory_field') . ' "' .
                        get_loc_field_name($tbl_entry, $field) . '"');

if (isset($month_relative_ord) && isset($month_relative_day))
  $month_relative = $month_relative_ord . $month_relative_day;

// Handle private booking
// Enforce config file settings if needed
if ($private_mandatory) 
  $isprivate = $private_default;
  $isprivate = ($private) ? TRUE : FALSE;

// The id must be either an integer or NULL, so that subsequent code that tests whether
// isset($id) works.  (I suppose one could use !empty instead, but there's always the
// possibility that sites have allowed 0 in their auto-increment/serial columns.)
if (isset($id) && ($id == ''))

if (empty($rooms))
  trigger_error('Internal error: no rooms specified', E_USER_WARNING);
  // Make sure the area corresponds to the room that is being booked
  $area = get_area($rooms[0]);
  get_area_settings($area);  // Update the area settings
// and that $room is in $area
if (get_area($room) != $area)
  $room = get_default_room($area);

// If they're not an admin and multi-day bookings are not allowed, then
// set the end date to the start date
if (!$is_admin && $auth['only_admin_can_book_multiday'])
  $end_day = $start_day;
  $end_month = $start_month;
  $end_year = $start_year;

// If this is an Ajax request and we're being asked to commit the booking, then
// we'll only have been supplied with parameters that need to be changed.  Fill in
// the rest from the existing boking information.
// Note: we assume that 
// (1) this is not a series (we can't cope with them yet)
// (2) we always get passed start_seconds and end_seconds in the Ajax data
if ($ajax && $commit)
  $old_booking = mrbsGetBookingInfo($id, FALSE);
  foreach ($formvars as $var => $var_type)
    if (!isset($$var) || (($var_type == 'array') && empty($$var)))
      switch ($var)
        case 'rooms':
          $rooms = array($old_booking['room_id']);
        case 'original_room_id':
          $$var = $old_booking['room_id'];
        case 'private':
          $$var = $old_booking['status'] & STATUS_PRIVATE;
        case 'confirmed':
          $$var = !($old_booking['status'] & STATUS_TENTATIVE);
        // In the calculation of $start_seconds and $end_seconds below we need to take
        // care of the case when 0000 on the day in question is across a DST boundary
        // from the current time, ie the days on which DST starts and ends.
        case 'start_seconds';
          $date = getdate($old_booking['start_time']);
          $start_year = $date['year'];
          $start_month = $date['mon'];
          $start_day = $date['mday'];
          $start_daystart = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year);
          $old_start = $old_booking['start_time'];
          $start_seconds = $old_start - $start_daystart;
          $start_seconds -= cross_dst($start_daystart, $old_start);
        case 'end_seconds';
          $date = getdate($old_booking['end_time']);
          $end_year = $date['year'];
          $end_month = $date['mon'];
          $end_day = $date['mday'];
          $end_daystart = mktime(0, 0, 0, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year);
          $old_end = $old_booking['end_time'];
          $end_seconds = $old_end - $end_daystart;
          $end_seconds -= cross_dst($end_daystart, $old_end);
          // When using periods end_seconds is actually the start of the last period
          if ($enable_periods)
            $end_seconds -= 60;
          if (array_key_exists($var, $old_booking))
            $$var = $old_booking[$var];

  // Now the custom fields
  $custom_fields = array();
  foreach ($fields as $field)
    if (!in_array($field['name'], $standard_fields['entry']))
      $custom_fields[$field['name']] = $old_booking[$field['name']];

// Trim the name field to get rid of any leading or trailing whitespace
$name = trim($name);
// Truncate the name field to the maximum length as a precaution.
// Although the MAXLENGTH attribute is used in the <input> tag, this can
// sometimes be ignored by the browser, for example by Firefox when 
// autocompletion is used.  The user could also edit the HTML and remove
// the MAXLENGTH attribute.    Passing an oversize string to some
// databases (eg some versions of PostgreSQL) results in an SQL error,
// rather than silent truncation of the string.
$name = substr($name, 0, $maxlength['']);

// When All Day is checked, $start_seconds and $end_seconds are disabled and so won't
// get passed through by the form.   We therefore need to set them.
if (!empty($all_day))
  if ($enable_periods)
    $start_seconds = 12 * SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
    // This is actually the start of the last period, which is what the form would
    // have returned.   It will get corrected in a moment.
    $end_seconds = $start_seconds + ((count($periods) - 1) * 60);
    $start_seconds = (($morningstarts * 60) + $morningstarts_minutes) * 60;
    $end_seconds = (($eveningends * 60) + $eveningends_minutes) *60;
    $end_seconds += $resolution;  // We want the end of the last slot, not the beginning

// If we're operating on a booking day that stretches past midnight, it's more convenient
// for the sections past midnight to be shown as being on the day before.  That way the
// $returl will end up taking us back to the day we started on
if (day_past_midnight())
  $end_last = (((($eveningends * 60) + $eveningends_minutes) *60) + $resolution) % SECONDS_PER_DAY;
  if ($start_seconds < $end_last)
    $start_seconds += SECONDS_PER_DAY;
    $day_before = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day-1, $start_year));
    $start_day = $day_before['mday'];
    $start_month = $day_before['mon'];
    $start_year = $day_before['year'];

// Check that the user has permission to create/edit an entry for this room.
// Get the id of the room that we are creating/editing
if (isset($id))
  // Editing an existing booking: get the room_id from the database (you can't
  // get it from $rooms because they are the new rooms)
  $target_room = sql_query1("SELECT room_id FROM $tbl_entry WHERE id=$id LIMIT 1");
  if ($target_room < 0)
    trigger_error(sql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
    fatal_error(FALSE, get_vocab("fatal_db_error"));
  // New booking: get the room_id from the form
  if (!isset($rooms[0]))
    // $rooms[0] should always be set, because you can only get here
    // from edit_entry.php, where it will be set.   If it's not set
    // then something's gone wrong - probably somebody trying to call
    // edit_entry_handler.php directly from the browser - so get out 
    // of here and go somewhere safe.
    header("Location: index.php");
  $target_room = $rooms[0];
if (!getWritable($create_by, $user, $target_room))
  showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area, isset($room) ? $room : "");

if ($enable_periods)
  $resolution = 60;

// Now work out the start and times
$starttime = mktime(0, 0, $start_seconds, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year);
$endtime   = mktime(0, 0, $end_seconds, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year);

// If we're using periods then the endtime we've been returned by the form is actually
// the beginning of the last period in the booking (it's more intuitive for users this way)
// so we need to add on 60 seconds (1 period)
if ($enable_periods)
  $endtime = $endtime + 60;

// Round down the starttime and round up the endtime to the nearest slot boundaries
// (This step is probably unnecesary now that MRBS always returns times aligned
// on slot boundaries, but is left in for good measure).
$am7 = get_start_first_slot($start_month, $start_day, $start_year);                 
$starttime = round_t_down($starttime, $resolution, $am7);
$endtime = round_t_up($endtime, $resolution, $am7);

// If they asked for 0 minutes, and even after the rounding the slot length is still
// 0 minutes, push that up to 1 resolution unit.
if ($endtime == $starttime)
  $endtime += $resolution;

if (isset($rep_type) && ($rep_type != REP_NONE) &&
    isset($rep_end_month) && isset($rep_end_day) && isset($rep_end_year))
  // Get the repeat entry settings
  $end_date = mktime(intval($start_seconds/SECONDS_PER_HOUR),
                     $rep_end_month, $rep_end_day, $rep_end_year);
  $rep_type = REP_NONE;
  $end_date = 0;  // to avoid an undefined variable notice

if (!isset($rep_day))
  $rep_day = array();

$rep_opt = "";

// Get the repeat details
if (isset($rep_type) && ($rep_type != REP_NONE))
  if ($rep_type == REP_WEEKLY)
    // If no repeat day has been set, then set a default repeat day
    // as the day of the week of the start of the period
    if (count($rep_day) == 0)
      $rep_day[] = date('w', $starttime);
    // Build string of weekdays to repeat on:
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
      $rep_opt .= in_array($i, $rep_day) ? "1" : "0";  // $rep_opt is a string

  // Make sure that the starttime coincides with a repeat day.  In
  // other words make sure that the first starttime defines an actual
  // entry.   We need to do this because if we are going to construct an iCalendar
  // object, RFC 5545 demands that the start time is the first event of
  // a series.  ["The "DTSTART" property for a "VEVENT" specifies the inclusive
  // start of the event.  For recurring events, it also specifies the very first
  // instance in the recurrence set."]

  $rep_details = array('rep_type'      => $rep_type,
                       'rep_opt'       => $rep_opt,
                       'rep_num_weeks' => $rep_num_weeks);
  if (isset($month_type))
    if ($month_type == REP_MONTH_ABSOLUTE)
      $rep_details['month_absolute'] = $month_absolute;
      $rep_details['month_relative'] = $month_relative;

  // Get the first entry in the series and make that the start time
  $reps = mrbsGetRepeatEntryList($starttime, $end_date, $rep_details, 1);

  if (count($reps) > 0)
    $duration = $endtime - $starttime;
    $duration -= cross_dst($starttime, $endtime);
    $starttime = $reps[0];
    $endtime = $starttime + $duration;
    $start_day = date('j', $starttime);
    $start_month = date('n', $starttime);
    $start_year = date('Y', $starttime);

if (!$ajax || !$commit)
  // Get the start day/month/year and make them the current day/month/year
  $day = $start_day;
  $month = $start_month;
  $year = $start_year;

// Set up the return URL.    As the user has tried to book a particular room and a particular
// day, we must consider these to be the new "sticky room" and "sticky day", so modify the 
// return URL accordingly.

// First get the return URL basename, having stripped off the old query string
//   (1) It's possible that $returl could be empty, for example if edit_entry.php had been called
//       direct, perhaps if the user has it set as a bookmark
//   (2) Avoid an endless loop.   It shouldn't happen, but just in case ...
//   (3) If you've come from search, you probably don't want to go back there (and if you did we'd
//       have to preserve the search parameter in the query string)
$returl_base   = explode('?', basename($returl));
if (empty($returl) || ($returl_base[0] == "edit_entry.php") || ($returl_base[0] == "edit_entry_handler.php")
                   || ($returl_base[0] == "search.php"))
  switch ($default_view)
    case "month":
      $returl = "month.php";
    case "week":
      $returl = "week.php";
      $returl = "day.php";
  $returl = $returl_base[0];

// If we haven't been given a sensible date then get out of here and don't try and make a booking
if (!isset($start_day) || !isset($start_month) || !isset($start_year) || !checkdate($start_month, $start_day, $start_year))
  header("Location: $returl");

// Now construct the new query string
$returl .= "?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day";

// If the old sticky room is one of the rooms requested for booking, then don't change the sticky room.
// Otherwise change the sticky room to be one of the new rooms.
if (!in_array($room, $rooms))
  $room = $rooms[0];
// Find the corresponding area
$area = mrbsGetRoomArea($room);
// Complete the query string
$returl .= "&area=$area&room=$room";

// Check to see whether this is a repeat booking and if so, whether the user
// is allowed to make/edit repeat bookings.   (The edit_entry form should
// prevent you ever getting here, but this check is here as a safeguard in 
// case someone has spoofed the HTML)
if (isset($rep_type) && ($rep_type != REP_NONE) &&
    !$is_admin &&
  showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area, isset($room) ? $room : "");

// (4) Assemble the booking data
// -----------------------------

// Assemble an array of bookings, one for each room
$bookings = array();
foreach ($rooms as $room_id)
  $booking = array();
  $booking['create_by'] = $create_by;
  $booking['name'] = $name;
  $booking['type'] = $type;
  $booking['description'] = $description;
  $booking['room_id'] = $room_id;
  $booking['start_time'] = $starttime;
  $booking['end_time'] = $endtime;
  $booking['rep_type'] = $rep_type;
  $booking['rep_opt'] = $rep_opt;
  $booking['rep_num_weeks'] = $rep_num_weeks;
  $booking['end_date'] = $end_date;
  $booking['ical_uid'] = $ical_uid;
  $booking['ical_sequence'] = $ical_sequence;
  $booking['ical_recur_id'] = $ical_recur_id;
  if ($booking['rep_type'] == REP_MONTHLY)
    if ($month_type == REP_MONTH_ABSOLUTE)
      $booking['month_absolute'] = $month_absolute;
      $booking['month_relative'] = $month_relative;

  // Do the custom fields
  foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $value)
    $booking[$key] = $value;

  // Set the various bits in the status field as appropriate
  // (Note: the status field is the only one that can differ by room)
  $status = 0;
  // Privacy status
  if ($isprivate)
    $status |= STATUS_PRIVATE;  // Set the private bit
  // If we are using booking approvals then we need to work out whether the
  // status of this booking is approved.   If the user is allowed to approve
  // bookings for this room, then the status will be approved, since they are
  // in effect immediately approving their own booking.  Otherwise the booking
  // will need to approved.
  if ($approval_enabled && !auth_book_admin($user, $room_id))
  // Confirmation status
  if ($confirmation_enabled && !$confirmed)
    $status |= STATUS_TENTATIVE;
  $booking['status'] = $status;

  $bookings[] = $booking;

$just_check = $ajax && function_exists('json_encode') && !$commit;
$this_id = (isset($id)) ? $id : NULL;
$result = mrbsMakeBookings($bookings, $this_id, $just_check, $skip, $original_room_id, $need_to_send_mail, $edit_type);

// If we weren't just checking and this was a succesful booking and
// we were editing an existing booking, then delete the old booking
if (!$just_check && $result['valid_booking'] && isset($id))
  mrbsDelEntry($user, $id, ($edit_type == "series"), 1);

// If this is an Ajax request, output the result and finish
if ($ajax && function_exists('json_encode'))
  // If this was a successful commit generate the new HTML
  if ($result['valid_booking'] && $commit)
    // Generate the new HTML
    require_once "";
    if ($page == 'day')
      $result['table_innerhtml'] = day_table_innerhtml($day, $month, $year, $room, $area, $timetohighlight);
      $result['table_innerhtml'] = week_table_innerhtml($day, $month, $year, $room, $area, $timetohighlight);
  echo json_encode($result);

// Everything was OK.   Go back to where we came from
if ($result['valid_booking'])
  header("Location: $returl");

  print_header($day, $month, $year, $area, isset($room) ? $room : "");

  echo "<h2>" . get_vocab("sched_conflict") . "</h2>\n";
  if (!empty($result['rules_broken']))
    echo "<p>\n";
    echo get_vocab("rules_broken") . ":\n";
    echo "</p>\n";
    echo "<ul>\n";
    foreach ($result['rules_broken'] as $rule)
      echo "<li>$rule</li>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n";
  if (!empty($result['conflicts']))
    echo "<p>\n";
    echo get_vocab("conflict").":\n";
    echo "</p>\n";
    echo "<ul>\n";
    foreach ($result['conflicts'] as $conflict)
      echo "<li>$conflict</li>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n";

echo "<div id=\"submit_buttons\">\n";

// Back button
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . htmlspecialchars($returl) . "\">\n";
echo "<fieldset><legend></legend>\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . get_vocab("back") . "\">\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo "</form>\n";

// Skip and Book button (to book the entries that don't conflict)
// Only show this button if there were no policies broken and it's a series
if (empty($result['rules_broken'])  &&
    isset($rep_type) && ($rep_type != REP_NONE))
  echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . htmlspecialchars(basename($PHP_SELF)) . "\">\n";
  echo "<fieldset><legend></legend>\n";
  // Put the booking data in as hidden inputs
  $skip = 1;  // Force a skip next time round
  // First the ordinary fields
  foreach ($formvars as $var => $var_type)
    if ($var_type == 'array')
      // See the comment at the top of the page about array formats
      foreach ($$var as $value)
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"${var}[]\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\">\n";
      echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$var\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($$var) . "\">\n";
  // Then the custom fields
  foreach($fields as $field)
    if (array_key_exists($field['name'], $custom_fields))
      echo "<input type=\"hidden\"" .
                  " name=\"" . VAR_PREFIX . $field['name'] . "\"" .
                  " value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($custom_fields[$field['name']]) . "\">\n";
  // Submit button
  echo "<input type=\"submit\"" .
              " value=\"" . get_vocab("skip_and_book") . "\"" .
              " title=\"" . get_vocab("skip_and_book_note") . "\">\n";
  echo "</fieldset>\n";
  echo "</form>\n";

echo "</div>\n";


Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Yes, that was the message that I was looking for. Can you post the file again as an attachment? (Use "Add attachments" below)

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Can you also post your edit_entry.php file please?


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

sorry got delayed

Original comment by: *anonymous


jberanek commented 10 years ago

and this

Original comment by: *anonymous


jberanek commented 10 years ago

Thanks. I don't quite understand it. There seem to be no form variables at all coming through to edit_entry_handler.php. Are you sure you've filled in the booking form and then pressed Save when you get that ""NULL array(0) { } NULL NULL " output?

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

yes also the green of red cross at the bottom of the page has gone as well?

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

What type (eg INT, VARCHAR(255), etc) is the Teacher field in your entry and repeat tables?


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

$select_options['entry.Teacher'] = array('Mrs1', 'Miss1', 'Mrs2', 'Miss2');

I only have them in the

BTW my last post should have said green OR red

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Ah, OK, that would explain it. You need to create a column in your entry table and another in your repeat table called "Teacher" with type VARCHAR(50)


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

But you must have created them previously because the Teacher field appears in that screenshot of the edit_entry form that you supplied previously. Can you check that they are of the correct type? I suspect you have them as an INT when they should be VARCHAR(N) where N is anything less than 70 but large enough to hold the longest possible teacher's name.


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago


Added 'Teacher' into the db in entry and repeat with text and none. This gets rid of the drop down box BUT does auto fill the $name so it shows up on the calender view. Is there any way of doing this but making it auto complete from a drop down list, as it would stop any mistakes.

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

It needs to be a VARCHAR(50), not TEXT (in both tables)

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Fantastic it works

(as I said new to all of this) didn't know that you have to set-up the db thought it was automatic. I have commented out the var_dump($name); var_dump($custom_fields); var_dump($POST); var_dump($HTTP_POST_VARS);*/ and it seems to work hopr thats right . Couple more thinks for the other drop down list ie 'Form' and 'Subject' do make the db in the same places with the same settings as 'Teacher', and how do I add to the $name=$custom_fields line? Also there was a mention in the code some where to add custom colours to bookings. Could this be dome automatically say by using the 'subject' as the colour.

Thanks again for your help and patience.

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Good news! Yes, comment out or just delete those var_dump lines - they were just there for debugging. You'll need to add Form and Subject fields to the database in the same way as Teacher - though don't forget to do it in both the repeat and entry tables. Colour is more difficult to drive off Subject, but are you using Type for anything significant? If not then let Type be your Subject and then the colours will be determined by that.

To get more info in the description you could do something like

$name = $custom_fields['Teacher'] . "/" . $custom_fields['Form'];

That would give you

Mrs Jones/Sixth Form

for example.

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Sorry another thing I just realised I need to bring in the 'teacher' into the booking policy "you can't have a teacher in two places at once" and may be 'Form' but I can do that once I know for 'Teacher'. Thanks

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

The code you need to insert in the mrbsCheckPolicy() function in is

  // Check for teacher clashes
  global $tbl_entry;
  $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)
            FROM $tbl_entry
           WHERE start_time < ${booking['end_time']}
             AND end_time > ${booking['start_time']}
             AND Teacher = '" . sql_escape($booking['Teacher']) . "'
             AND id<>$ignore";
  $clashes = sql_query1($sql);
  if ($clashes == -1)
    trigger_error(sql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
    fatal_error(TRUE, get_vocab("fatal_db_error"));
  elseif ($clashes > 0)
    $errors[] = get_vocab("teacher_clash");

Where you put it depends on whether you want admins to be bound by this policy or not. If you want the policy to apply to admins then put it just before the section

  // The booking policies don't apply to booking admins for this room
  $user = getUserName();
  if (auth_book_admin($user, $booking['room_id']))
    return $errors;

Otherwise just after.

You'll also need to put a string in your config file corresponding to the error message, eg

$vocab_override['en']['teacher_clash'] = "A teacher can't be in two places at once";

Hope that helps.


Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

In a word STAR..... Thanks

I am trying to get the colours working which I have, but I could get rid on my code and just use the 'booking_types' if I could just get it to echo the subject that is within it $vocab_override ["en"] ["type.A] = "Maths" string.

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 10 years ago

I think if you do

$name = get_type_vocab($type);

then you'll get the subject description, eg "Maths", instead of the key, eg "A".

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 10 years ago

Yet another star go straight to the top of the class....

Original comment by: *anonymous