meeting-room-booking-system / mrbs-code

MRBS application code
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Undefined offset: #2639

Open jberanek opened 4 years ago

jberanek commented 4 years ago

I am trying to update MRBS from vesion 1.4 to The new version reads the database entries. When I try ta an a new entry, I get the following error messages:

E_NOTICE in /kunden/512669_56564/joomla/zip/mrbs/edit_entry.php at line 266 Undefined offset: -720

E_NOTICE in /kunden/512669_56564/joomla/zip/mrbs/edit_entry.php at line 266 Undefined offset: -690

E_NOTICE in /kunden/512669_56564/joomla/zip/mrbs/edit_entry.php at line 266 Undefined offset: -660

E_NOTICE in /kunden/512669_56564/joomla/zip/mrbs/edit_entry.php at line 266 Undefined offset: -630

E_NOTICE in /kunden/512669_56564/joomla/zip/mrbs/edit_entry.php at line 266 Undefined offset: -600


I guess, this error is combined with missing periods in:

the beginning and End line.

Sorry, but I can't find the mistake. What do I have to add in the config file?



Reported by: *anonymous

Original Ticket: mrbs/support-requests/1944


jberanek commented 4 years ago

next picture

Original comment by: *anonymous


jberanek commented 4 years ago


Original comment by: *anonymous


jberanek commented 4 years ago

Are the periods correctly defined in the area table? They should be automatically when you upgrade, but you can check by logging in to MRBS as an admin, going to the "Rooms" page anfd editing an area.

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 4 years ago

Thanks very much, that was the mistake. Now I have another problem: I use an external database for the users. I can manage the database with the user "admin" but no other user is accepted.

In I added:

 * Authentication settings - read AUTHENTICATION

// NOTE: if you are using the 'joomla', 'saml' or 'wordpress' authentication type,
// then you must use the corresponding session scheme.

$auth["type"] = "db_ext"; // How to validate the user/password. One of
                      // "auth_basic", "cas", "config", "crypt", "db", "db_ext", "imap",
                      // "imap_php",  "joomla", "ldap", "nis", "none", "nw", "pop3",
                      // "saml", "smtp" or "wordpress".

$auth["session"] = "php"; // How to get and keep the user ID. One of
                          // "cas", "cookie", "host", "http", "ip", "joomla", "nt",
                          // "omni", "php", "remote_user", "saml" or "wordpress".


//External DB (db_ext) Authentication

//Authentication method, usable on the Internet.

//It works by using one of the installer's own databases. The database can
//be any database system for which MRBS has a database abstraction. You can
//configure how to connect to the database server, what kind of database
//system it is (mysql, mysqli, pgsql currently), the database/table to
//use and the names of the "user" and "password" columns.

//The configuration items are held in and are as follows:

$auth['db_ext']['db_system'] = 'mysqli'; /* Or 'mysql', 'pgsql' */
$auth['db_ext']['db_host'] = 'mysql5.XXXXX';

//The server to connect to.

$auth['db_ext']['db_username'] = 'YYYYYY';    Here is the correct name and password given.
$auth['db_ext']['db_password'] = 'XXXXXX';

//The MySQL username and password to connect with.

$auth['db_ext']['db_name'] = 'db512669';

//The name of the database.

$auth['db_ext']['db_table'] = 'gc_user';

//The table that holds the authentication data.

$auth['db_ext']['column_name_username'] = 'username';
$auth['db_ext']['column_name_password'] = 'password';

//The names of the two columns that hold the authentication data.

$auth['db_ext']['password_format'] = 'md5';

//This is the format of the password entries in the table. You can specify
//'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'crypt' or 'plaintext'.

$auth['db_ext']['column_name_level'] = 'level';
$auth['db_ext']['column_name_email'] = 'email';

//This configuration item is optional and contains the name of the column
//that hold the access level of the user.

Do you have an idea, what is my mistake? Thanks for your help. Gero

Original comment by: *anonymous

jberanek commented 4 years ago

Sorry, can you explain some more what the problem is please? Are you saying that you can only login to MRBS as user 'admin'?

By the way, in future when you have a new problem could you raise a separate ticket please. Thanks.

Original comment by: campbell-m

jberanek commented 4 years ago


Original comment by: campbell-m