meeting-room-booking-system / mrbs-code

MRBS application code
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Created by empty when ldap_filter #2999

Open jberanek opened 3 years ago

jberanek commented 3 years ago

Hi So this is my config for LDAP auth (edited):

$ldap_base_dn = "ou=people,dc=X,dc=X";
$ldap_user_attrib = "uid";
$ldap_get_user_email = true;
$ldap_email_attrib = 'mail';
$ldap_filter_base_dn = "ou=groups,dc=X,dc=X";
$ldap_filter_user_attr = "memberUid";
$ldap_filter = "cn=my_Group";

Which works for limiting which users can login. But if I enable $auth['admin_can_only_book_for_self'] then the list is empty for [Created by] I was hoping with the filter in place to can get faster and smaller list of users (~200 vs thousands)) Am I using the ldap filter right? I don't have a log but I can try to install on a dev server and get one. Best regards.

Reported by: voaidasb

Original Ticket: mrbs/support-requests/2309

jberanek commented 3 years ago

The list is empty due to a bug in MRBS which has been fixed in the latest development version of MRBS. You can download it by going to this page and following the Download Snapshot link. Treat it like an upgrade.

Original comment by: campbell-m