Closed maxmol closed 1 year ago
does this impact framerate at all?
and if it does, how bad?
Yes, certainly refreshing and drawing more entities should slightly affect the framerate. And calculating visibility on the server isn't free. But I haven't noticed any real difference when I tested it, so I think it's worth it 😄
It is not actually faster. Bailing out when condition is present will be always faster:
SeamlessPortals = {}
SeamlessPortals.ShouldRender = function(arg)
local portal, eyePos, eyeAngle, distance = arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]
local portalPos, portalUp, exitSize = portal:GetPos(), portal:GetUp(), portal:GetSize()
local max = math.max(exitSize[1], exitSize[2])
return ((eyePos - portalPos):Dot(portalUp) > -max and
eyePos:DistToSqr(portalPos) < distance^2 * max and
(eyePos - portalPos):Dot(eyeAngle:Forward()) < max)
SeamlessPortals.ShouldRenderNew = function(arg)
local portal, eyePos, eyeAngle, distance = arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]
local portalPos, portalUp, exitSize = portal:GetPos(), portal:GetUp(), portal:GetSize()
local vec, max = (eyePos - portalPos), math.max(exitSize[1], exitSize[2])
if((vec):Dot(portalUp) <= -max) then return false end
if(vec:LengthSqr() >= distance^2 * max) then return false end
if(vec:Dot(eyeAngle:Forward()) >= max) then return false end
return true
local stEstim = {
testexec.Case(SeamlessPortals.ShouldRender, "original"),
testexec.Case(SeamlessPortals.ShouldRenderNew, "modified")
local stCard = {
AcTime = 1, -- Draw a dot after X seconds
FnCount = 800, -- Amount of loops to be done for the test card
FnCycle = 1500, -- Amount of loops to be done for the function tested
ExPercn = .1, -- Draw percent completed every X margin ( 0 to 1 )
{"basic", {ent , Vector(1,1,1), pang, 10}, false}
Started 1 tast cases for 2 functions...
Testing case[1]: <basic>
Input: <table: 0x00937b60>
Output: <false>
Tests: {800, 1500}
Proces: {10%, 80}
TimNow: {16:04:46}
TimCnt: {00:00:00} (0.047)
TimCyc: {00:00:38} (37.6)
......10% ......20% .......30% ......40% ......50% ......60% .......70% ......80% .......90% ......100% Done
Estimation for [original]: 100.000 Time: 126.198 ( 36.191[s]) 33157.415[c/s] Failed: 0
Estimation for [modified]: 100.000 Time: 100.000 ( 28.678[s]) 41843.922[c/s] Failed: 0
Test finished all 1 cases successfully!
Overall testing rank list summary:
[ 36.191]: original
[ 28.678]: modified
Program completed in 65.16 seconds (pid: 27580).
I've been playing with portals and noticed that I can't see entities outside of my PVS so here's a fix.
Also made a small vid
I moved SeamlessPortals.ShouldRender from client to shared and added a new parameter to avoid code duplication. Though I'm not sure if calculating visibility will be less expensive than just checking TestPVS and adding more exit portals with AddOriginToPVS