meettyj / RecipeRec

Code & data for IJCAI'22 paper "RecipeRec: A Heterogeneous Graph Learning Model for Recipe Recommendation".
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Clarification Needed on RecipeRec Dataset Details #5

Open yunke-l opened 3 months ago

yunke-l commented 3 months ago


I am currently working on a project involving the processing of the RecipeRec dataset, and I would like to use and cite your great work. As I have been exploring the dataset, I have encountered a few questions that I hope you can help clarify:

  1. Does the dataset only include commentator rating information and not publisher information? Is that correct?

  2. The provided USDA mapped JSON file contains 77,733 recipes, whereas the number of recipe nodes in the dataset is 68,794. Could you please explain the reason for this discrepancy?

  3. It appears that the train/validation/test .pt files only contain user rating information. Could you clarify how these three sets were split?

It would be great if we could discuss these questions in more detail. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Yunke