mefechoel / svelte-navigator

Simple, accessible routing for Svelte
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how do you handle 404 #44

Open giosifelis opened 2 years ago

giosifelis commented 2 years ago

How do you do a 404 page for routes that don't exist?

I"ve tried a Route with no path (just as svelte-routing suggest) with no success

  <Route path="blog">
    <Blog />
  <!-- ... the rest of your routes -->
    <!-- Your 404 component -->
    <NotFound />

any idea?

iluuu1994 commented 2 years ago

Try using a wildcard: <Route path="*">...</Route>.

eslym commented 1 year ago

this is how i do in my project, not very perfect but works well

<Route path="/customers/:id/*" let:params>
    {#await pb.records.getOne('customers', then record}
            <Route path="/">
                <ViewCustomer {record}/>
    {:catch error}