mefistotelis / pylabview

Python reader of LabVIEW RSRC files (VI, CTL, LLB). File format description on the Wiki.
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Error while creating VI from XML #7

Closed damirsafin closed 2 years ago

damirsafin commented 2 years ago

Hello. Tried to create VI from fixed XML (previously extracted from VI) (by your YouTube tutorial). I got the error.

main.xml: Block HIST recognized
main.xml: Block PRT recognized
main.xml: Block VCTP recognized
main.xml: Block FTAB recognized
Error: Tag 'OF__StdNumMin' of Class 'SL__stdSlide' has non-hex content, but cannot get related TypeDesc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 224, in <module>
  File "", line 181, in main
    vi = VI(po, xml_root=tree.getroot(), text_encoding=po.textcp)
  File "C:\LV\pylabview4\", line 236, in __init__
    self.readXML(xml_root, po.xml)
  File "C:\LV\pylabview4\", line 536, in readXML
  File "C:\LV\pylabview4\", line 462, in readXMLBlockData
    block.initWithXMLLate()        # Late part of initialization, which requires all blocks to be already present        for block in self.blocks.values():            block.initWithXMLLate()
  File "C:\LV\pylabview4\", line 5266, in initWithXMLLate
  File "C:\LV\pylabview4\", line 2137, in initWithXMLLate
    .format(, parentTopClassEn(self.parent).name))
AttributeError: Tag 'OF__StdNumMin' of Class 'SL__stdSlide' has non-hex content, but cannot get related TypeDesc
mefistotelis commented 2 years ago

First, check what happens when you do not apply any 'fix'. If the error still persists, provide content of the SL__stdSlide tag.

damirsafin commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Now it works. There is no such "SL__stdSlide" text in XML.