megachweng / Dict2Anki

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win端欧路词典点击开始同步时没有反应。 #90

Open Ea760 opened 4 years ago

Ea760 commented 4 years ago

欧陆 点击开始同步后不会有任何反应。请问怎么才能到导入成功

megachweng commented 4 years ago


Ea760 commented 4 years ago

在 2020-09-03 09:39:46,"Megachweng" 写道:


— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. [06/09/2020 08:53:12][ INFO] -- 检查新版本 - (dict2Anki.workers.UpdateCheckWorker) [06/09/2020 08:53:13][ INFO] -- 当前为最新版本:v6.1.3 - (dict2Anki.workers.UpdateCheckWorker) [06/09/2020 08:53:21][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 1, 'selectedGroup': None, 'deck': '自己的生词本', 'username': '', 'password': , 'cookie': , 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:21][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 1, 'selectedGroup': None, 'deck': '自己的生词本', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': , 'cookie': }, {'username': '', 'password': , 'cookie': }]} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:21][ INFO] -- Cookie失效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:28][ DEBUG] -- Cookie:{'cfduid': 'd83568c4c74c2e3b334aae6bd610991891599353643', 'qc_wId': '323', 'pgv_pvid': '5937974792', 'utma': '131758875.713420455.1599353607.1599353607.1599353607.1', 'utmb': '131758875.1.10.1599353607', 'utmc': '131758875', 'utmz': '131758875.1599353607.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)', '__utmt': '1', 'traceid': 'ef93b555f3'} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:28][ DEBUG] -- Content<!DOCTYPE html>

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    - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:28][ INFO] -- Login Fail! - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ DEBUG] -- Cookie:{'__cfduid': 'd83568c4c74c2e3b334aae6bd610991891599353643', '__qc_wId': '323', 'pgv_pvid': '5937974792', '__utma': '131758875.713420455.1599353607.1599353607.1599353607.1', '__utmb': '131758875.2.10.1599353607', '__utmc': '131758875', '__utmz': '131758875.1599353607.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)', '__utmt': '1', 'traceid': 'ef93b555f3', 'ASP.NET_SessionId': 'lhcvssmaslficscgsmkjrtl2', 'EudicWebSession': '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'} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ DEBUG] -- Content 《欧路词典》英语在线词典_英语翻译_Mac词典_苹果系统词霸_每日英语听力_英语入门听力发音_VOA听力_CNN听力_四六级听力训练
    - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ INFO] -- Login Success! - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ INFO] -- Destruct login dialog - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ DEBUG] -- emit cookie - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 1, 'selectedGroup': None, 'deck': '自己的生词本', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:33][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 1, 'selectedGroup': None, 'deck': '自己的生词本', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:34][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:34][ INFO] -- 单词本分组:[('全部生词本', '-1'), ('我的生词本', '0'), ('唐迟长难句', '1589818811')] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:37][ INFO] -- 选中单词本['我的生词本'] - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:37][ INFO] -- Login Fail! - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- 该分组(我的生词本-0)下共有1页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f我的生词本-0)第:1页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- ['constituent', 'automate', 'dignity', 'laboratory', 'sweep', 'constitution', 'universality', 'former', 'surpass', 'experiment', 'hostility', 'controversial', 'property', 'loom', 'exception', 'denounce', 'intellectual', 'capital', 'aggressive', 'deem', 'disregard', 'criticism', 'predictably', 'dose', 'emerging', 'incidence', 'considerable', 'professional', 'circuit', 'dispute', 'gloomy', 'forest', 'immune', 'regard', 'debate', 'lateral', 'foundation', 'explosion', 'homicide', 'complete', 'fairness', 'cater', 'claim', 'circulation', 'acquisition', 'inexorable', 'trying', 'contact', 'excuse', 'calling', 'invasion', 'established', 'information', 'crude', 'content', 'might', 'amateur', 'nevertheless', 'fraction', 'dawn', 'agony', 'hyperactive', 'intimate', 'attention', 'connotation', 'then', 'asset', 'account', 'ornament', 'appropriate', 'esteem', 'bold', 'disparaging', 'constitute', 'awkward', 'dosage', 'curb', 'denote', 'finance', 'coverage', 'integrate', 'canteen', 'elevate', 'lecture', 'attitude', 'allocation', 'fool', 'fluctuate', 'contend'] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- 本地: set() - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- 远程: {'constituent', 'automate', 'dignity', 'laboratory', 'sweep', 'constitution', 'universality', 'former', 'surpass', 'experiment', 'hostility', 'controversial', 'property', 'loom', 'exception', 'denounce', 'intellectual', 'capital', 'aggressive', 'deem', 'disregard', 'criticism', 'predictably', 'dose', 'emerging', 'incidence', 'considerable', 'professional', 'circuit', 'dispute', 'gloomy', 'forest', 'immune', 'regard', 'debate', 'lateral', 'foundation', 'explosion', 'homicide', 'complete', 'fairness', 'cater', 'claim', 'circulation', 'acquisition', 'inexorable', 'trying', 'contact', 'excuse', 'calling', 'invasion', 'established', 'information', 'crude', 'content', 'might', 'amateur', 'nevertheless', 'fraction', 'dawn', 'agony', 'hyperactive', 'intimate', 'attention', 'connotation', 'then', 'asset', 'account', 'ornament', 'appropriate', 'esteem', 'bold', 'disparaging', 'constitute', 'awkward', 'dosage', 'curb', 'denote', 'finance', 'coverage', 'integrate', 'canteen', 'elevate', 'lecture', 'attitude', 'allocation', 'fool', 'fluctuate', 'contend'} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- 待查: {'trying', 'contact', 'constituent', 'excuse', 'automate', 'dignity', 'calling', 'invasion', 'established', 'laboratory', 'information', 'crude', 'content', 'might', 'sweep', 'constitution', 'universality', 'amateur', 'nevertheless', 'former', 'fraction', 'surpass', 'experiment', 'dawn', 'agony', 'hyperactive', 'intimate', 'attention', 'connotation', 'hostility', 'controversial', 'property', 'loom', 'then', 'asset', 'exception', 'account', 'ornament', 'denounce', 'appropriate', 'esteem', 'bold', 'disparaging', 'intellectual', 'constitute', 'capital', 'aggressive', 'deem', 'disregard', 'criticism', 'awkward', 'predictably', 'dose', 'emerging', 'incidence', 'considerable', 'dosage', 'professional', 'curb', 'circuit', 'dispute', 'gloomy', 'forest', 'immune', 'regard', 'denote', 'debate', 'lateral', 'foundation', 'explosion', 'finance', 'coverage', 'integrate', 'homicide', 'canteen', 'elevate', 'lecture', 'complete', 'fairness', 'cater', 'attitude', 'allocation', 'claim', 'fool', 'fluctuate', 'circulation', 'contend', 'acquisition', 'inexorable'} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:38][ INFO] -- 待删: set() - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ INFO] -- 点击查询按钮 - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 1, 'selectedGroup': [['我的生词本'], []], 'deck': '自己的生词本', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 1, 'selectedGroup': [['我的生词本'], []], 'deck': '自己的生词本', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ INFO] -- 待查询单词[{'term': 'trying', 'definition': True, 'row': 0, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'contact', 'definition': True, 'row': 1, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'constituent', 'definition': True, 'row': 2, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'excuse', 'definition': True, 'row': 3, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'automate', 'definition': True, 'row': 4, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'dignity', 'definition': True, 'row': 5, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'calling', 'definition': True, 'row': 6, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'invasion', 'definition': True, 'row': 7, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'established', 'definition': True, 'row': 8, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'laboratory', 'definition': True, 'row': 9, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'information', 'definition': True, 'row': 10, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'crude', 'definition': True, 'row': 11, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'content', 'definition': True, 'row': 12, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'might', 'definition': True, 'row': 13, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'sweep', 'definition': True, 'row': 14, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'constitution', 'definition': True, 'row': 15, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'universality', 'definition': True, 'row': 16, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'amateur', 'definition': True, 'row': 17, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'nevertheless', 'definition': True, 'row': 18, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'former', 'definition': True, 'row': 19, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'fraction', 'definition': True, 'row': 20, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'surpass', 'definition': True, 'row': 21, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'experiment', 'definition': True, 'row': 22, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'dawn', 'definition': True, 'row': 23, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'agony', 'definition': True, 'row': 24, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'hyperactive', 'definition': True, 'row': 25, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'intimate', 'definition': True, 'row': 26, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'attention', 'definition': True, 'row': 27, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'connotation', 'definition': True, 'row': 28, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'hostility', 'definition': True, 'row': 29, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'controversial', 'definition': True, 'row': 30, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'property', 'definition': True, 'row': 31, 'sentence': True, 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'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'ornament', 'definition': True, 'row': 37, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'denounce', 'definition': True, 'row': 38, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'appropriate', 'definition': True, 'row': 39, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'esteem', 'definition': True, 'row': 40, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'bold', 'definition': True, 'row': 41, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 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'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'deem', 'definition': True, 'row': 47, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'disregard', 'definition': True, 'row': 48, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'criticism', 'definition': True, 'row': 49, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'awkward', 'definition': True, 'row': 50, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'predictably', 'definition': True, 'row': 51, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 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'definition': True, 'row': 72, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'homicide', 'definition': True, 'row': 73, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'canteen', 'definition': True, 'row': 74, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'elevate', 'definition': True, 'row': 75, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'lecture', 'definition': True, 'row': 76, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'complete', 'definition': True, 'row': 77, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'fairness', 'definition': True, 'row': 78, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'cater', 'definition': True, 'row': 79, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'attitude', 'definition': True, 'row': 80, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'allocation', 'definition': True, 'row': 81, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'claim', 'definition': True, 'row': 82, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'fool', 'definition': True, 'row': 83, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'fluctuate', 'definition': True, 'row': 84, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'circulation', 'definition': True, 'row': 85, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'contend', 'definition': True, 'row': 86, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'acquisition', 'definition': True, 'row': 87, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}, {'term': 'inexorable', 'definition': True, 'row': 88, 'sentence': True, 'phrase': True, 'image': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True}] - (dict2Anki) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ DEBUG] -- code:200- word:contact text: - (dict2Anki.queryApi.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ DEBUG] -- code:200- word:constituent text:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title> - (dict2Anki.queryApi.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ DEBUG] -- {'term': 'contact', 'definition': ['n. 接触,联系', 'vt. 使接触', 'vi. 联系,接触'], 'phrase': [('contact us', '联系我们;联络我们;联系方式'), ('contact with', '与…联系'), ('in contact with', '接触;与…有联系'), ('contact information', '联系方式;联系信息'), ('eye contact', '目光接触;眼神交会'), ('close contact', '近距离接触;紧密接触'), ('direct contact', '直接接触'), ('contact angle', '接触角;交会角'), ('make contact', '接触点;接通'), ('contact surface', '接触面;接触表面'), ('contact stress', '接触应力,接面应力'), ('contact area', '接触面积,接触面'), ('contact pressure', '接触压力'), ('come into contact with', 'v. 接触到;联系;开始做某事'), ('contact resistance', '接触(接点)电阻;瞬变电阻'), ('contact zone', '接触区;接触地带'), ('contact person', '联系人'), ('contact point', '接触点'), ('contact details', '联系方式'), ('come in contact with', '接触')], 'image': '', 'sentence': [('Dirt track stockcar 11 racing is a <span class="key">contact</span> sport, and we made good <span class="key">contact</span>.', '土路跑车赛是一种接触性运动,我们接触得很精彩。'), ('Do you have any <span class="key">contacts</span> in Rangoon?', '你在仰光有要会晤的人吗?'), ('The pilot made <span class="key">contact</span> with the ship.', '飞机员用目力观察着这艘船'), ('With remote signalization <span class="key">contact</span> for monitoring device.', '具有遥信触点,可实现远程监控;'), ('Tem;Cielo, Galloper, Sortage.Lease <span class="key">contact</span> to us without delay.', 'We are looking for used car for export.'), ('I winced as my blister <span class="key">contacted</span> the floor.', '当(脚上的)水泡接触地板的时候,我疼得缩了回来。'), ('Many aborigines died when they came into <span class="key">contact</span> withdiseases.', '很多土著人感染了疾病而死亡。'), ('He confessed himself out of <span class="key">contact</span> with the times.', '他承认自己与时代脱节。'), ('The optician has advised that I wear <span class="key">contact</span> lenses.', '验光师建议我戴隐形眼镜。'), ('Litmus paper turns red on <span class="key">contact</span> with an acid.', '石蕊试纸遇酸度会变红'), ('Goldplated terminals reduce <span class="key">contact</span> resistance and serve as anti-corrosion.', '镀金端子降低接触电阻,并且可以防腐蚀。'), ('I love to follow decimally <span class="key">contact</span> with most natively.', '我生来最爱跟小数点打交道。”'), ('<span class="key">Contact</span> with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations.', '接触实际使他不再倾向于无益的空想。'), ('The company is sending out leaflets to all its <span class="key">contacts</span>.', '公司将把传单发送给所有的有关单位。'), ('Applied to allergic dermatitis, <span class="key">contact</span> dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, eczema, and etc.', '适用于过敏性皮炎,接触性皮炎,湿疹等。'), ('Terminal marking and distinctive number for auxiliary <span class="key">contacts</span> of particular contactors.', 'Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use.'), ('The ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown <span class="key">contact</span>.', '云层很低, 巡逻机只好进行目视飞行。'), ('He made many useful social <span class="key">contacts</span> while he was in Canada.', '他在加拿大期间, 结识了许多有势力的社会人士。'), ('Friendly <span class="key">contacts</span> between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.', '各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。'), ('(3) the exposer’s means of <span class="key">contact</span> if he requests a reply.', '(三)举报人要求答复的,应当提供联系方式。')], 'BrEPhonetic': "/'kɒntækt/", 'AmEPhonetic': "/'kəntækt/", 'BrEPron': '', 'AmEPron': ''} - (dict2Anki.queryApi.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ DEBUG] -- code:200- word:trying text:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title> - (dict2Anki.queryApi.eudict) [06/09/2020 08:53:39][ INFO] -- 查询成功: contact -- {'term': 'contact', 'definition': ['n. 接触,联系', 'vt. 使接触', 'vi. 联系,接触'], 'phrase': [('contact us', '联系我们;联络我们;联系方式'), ('contact with', '与…联系'), ('in contact with', '接触;与…有联系'), ('contact information', '联系方式;联系信息'), ('eye contact', '目光接触;眼神交会'), ('close contact', '近距离接触;紧密接触'), ('direct contact', '直接接触'), ('contact angle', '接触角;交会角'), ('make contact', '接触点;接通'), ('contact surface', '接触面;接触表面'), ('contact stress', '接触应力,接面应力'), ('contact area', '接触面积,接触面'), ('contact pressure', '接触压力'), ('come into contact with', 'v. 接触到;联系;开始做某事'), ('contact resistance', '接触(接点)电阻;瞬变电阻'), ('contact zone', '接触区;接触地带'), ('contact person', '联系人'), ('contact point', '接触点'), ('contact details', '联系方式'), ('come in contact with', '接触')], 'image': '', 'sentence': [('Dirt track stockcar 11 racing is a <span class="key">contact</span> sport, and we made good <span class="key">contact</span>.', '土路跑车赛是一种接触性运动,我们接触得很精彩。'), ('Do you have any <span class="key">contacts</span> in Rangoon?', '你在仰光有要会晤的人吗?'), ('The pilot made <span class="key">contact</span> with the ship.', '飞机员用目力观察着这艘船'), ('With remote signalization <span class="key">contact</span> for monitoring device.', '具有遥信触点,可实现远程监控;'), ('Tem;Cielo, Galloper, Sortage.Lease <span class="key">contact</span> to us without delay.', 'We are looking for used car for export.'), ('I winced as my blister <span class="key">contacted</span> the floor.', '当(脚上的)水泡接触地板的时候,我疼得缩了回来。'), ('Many aborigines died when they came into <span class="key">contact</span> withdiseases.', '很多土著人感染了疾病而死亡。'), ('He confessed himself out of <span class="key">contact</span> with the times.', '他承认自己与时代脱节。'), ('The optician has advised that I wear <span class="key">contact</span> lenses.', '验光师建议我戴隐形眼镜。'), ('Litmus paper turns red on <span class="key">contact</span> with an acid.', '石蕊试纸遇酸度会变红'), ('Goldplated terminals reduce <span class="key">contact</span> resistance and serve as anti-corrosion.', '镀金端子降低接触电阻,并且可以防腐蚀。'), ('I love to follow decimally <span class="key">contact</span> with most natively.', '我生来最爱跟小数点打交道。”'), ('<span class="key">Contact</span> with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations.', '接触实际使他不再倾向于无益的空想。'), ('The company is sending out leaflets to all its <span class="key">contacts</span>.', '公司将把传单发送给所有的有关单位。'), ('Applied to allergic dermatitis, <span class="key">contact</span> dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, eczema, and etc.', '适用于过敏性皮炎,接触性皮炎,湿疹等。'), ('Terminal marking and distinctive number for auxiliary <span class="key">contacts</span> of particular contactors.', 'Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use.'), ('The ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown <span class="key">contact</span>.', '云层很低, 巡逻机只好进行目视飞行。'), ('He made many useful social <span class="key">contacts</span> while he was in Canada.', '他在加拿大期间, 结识了许多有势力的社会人士。'), ('Friendly <span class="key">contacts</span> between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.', '各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。'), ('(3) the exposer’s means of <span class="key">contact</span> if he requests a reply.', '(三)举报人要求答复的,应当提供联系方式。')], 'BrEPhonetic': "/'kɒntækt/", 'AmEPhonetic': "/'kəntækt/", 'BrEPron': '', 'AmEPron': ''} - (dict2Anki.workers.QueryWorker) [06/09/2020 08:53:40][ DEBUG] -- {'term': 'constituent', 'definition': ['n.选民', '成分, 构成部分, 要素'], 'phrase': [('constituent structure', '句子结构;成分结构'), ('chemical constituent', '化学组分,化学成分'), ('active constituent', '活性组分'), ('main constituent', '主成分'), ('constituent ratio', '构成比,结构相对数'), ('effective constituent', '有效成分'), ('constituent element', '组元;组成部件'), ('constituent stock', '成分股'), ('constituent assembly', '立宪会议;国民代表大会'), ('mineral constituent', '矿物成分;矿物组成')], 'image': '', 'sentence': [('Hydrogen and oxygen are the <span class="key">constituents</span> of water.', '氢和氧是水的主要成分。'), ('To study chemical <span class="key">constituents</span> of hypogeal part from Limonium bicolor.', '研究二色补血草地下部分化学成分。'), ('Flavonoids,Phenols and triterpenes are the main <span class="key">constituent</span> exist in Desmodium triquetrum(L.)DC.', '葫芦茶中主要含黄酮类、酚类及三萜类等化学成分;'), ('ConclusionIt may produce the new antihemorrhagic active <span class="key">constituent</span> in carbonized Gardenia Jasminoides.', '结论栀子炒炭后可能产生了新的止血活性物质。'), ('Casticin is the effective <span class="key">constituent</span> contributing to the anti-inflammatory effect of Fructus Viticis.', '紫花牡荆素具有明显的体内抗炎作用,为蔓荆子抗炎作用的有效成分。'), ('The <span class="key">constituent</span> and properties of the meltable polyimide adhensive and others are introduced.', '本文介绍了可熔性聚酰亚胺胶粘剂与其他二种胶粘剂的结构及使用特点。'), ('ObjectiveTo study the chemical <span class="key">constituents</span> of essential oil from Daucus carota L.from Guizhou Province.', '目的分析鹤虱风挥发油成分。'), ('Twenty-six chemical <span class="key">constituents</span> were identified by GC-MS.The relative content of docosane was the highest.', '【英文摘要】 The volatile oil was obtained from the seed of Fibraurea recisa pierre by steam distillation.'), ('There were 17 same <span class="key">constituents</span> in the two samples.The main <span class="key">constituents</span> of them are decanal, dodecanal, 1-dodecanol.', '二者相同的化学成分有17种,主要是癸醛、十二烷醛、十二烷醇等。'), ('Lycorine is a kind of alkaloid <span class="key">constituent</span> which is highly-contained in plant medicine Lycoris radiata.', '摘要石蒜碱是传统药用植物石蒜中含量较高的生物碱成分。'), ('Aloe chromone is a group of anti-inflammatory and anti-tyrosinase <span class="key">constituents</span> found in aloe vera leaves.', '芦荟色酮是在芦荟叶中特有的一类具有抗炎和抑制酪氨酸酶等作用的活性物质。'), ('The minister\'s <span class="key">constituents</span> feel that he does not spend enoug </div> </div> <div class="comment"> <div class="user"> <a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""><img src="" />oaooao</a> commented <strong> 1 year ago</strong> </div> <div class="markdown-body"> <p>检查一下,有没有开网络代理软件,我关了梯子之后就好了</p> </div> </div> <div class="comment"> <div class="user"> <a 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