meganz / MEGAsync

Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA Cloud Drive
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Where's the changelog? #330

Closed Fish-Git closed 4 years ago

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

Please provide a CHANGELOG with each new release so we can see what we're getting

It is standard good practice to review a product's changelog before installing a new version so you can know what to expect (e.g. security issues fixed, behavioral changes, etc).

Many people, like me, are very reluctant to install a new version of something without knowing beforehand what changes were made to the new version.

Changelogs are for humans, not machines.

A git commit log is not the type of changelog that human beings need.

  Some examples of what I am talking about:


What is a changelog?

A changelog is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project.

Why keep a changelog?

To make it easier for users and contributors to see precisely what notable changes have been made between each release (or version) of the project.

Who needs a changelog?

People do! Whether consumers or developers, the end users of software are human beings who care about what's in the software. When the software changes, people want to know why and how.

polmr commented 4 years ago

Here's something you can use. It's intended for linux packages, but it applies to non linux versions too.

We might want to consider populating with that info. Thanks for your inputs @Fish-Git !

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

Here's something you can use. It's intended for linux packages, but it applies to non linux versions too.


That's exactly what I was looking for! :)

We might want to consider populating with that info.

As long as it is a complete list of changes for the Release, then yes please! Thanks! :)

Thanks for your inputs @Fish-Git!

You're very welcome, @polmr. :)

I very much appreciate your positive attitude towards this issue.

Thanks again.

(p.s. On Windows, the system tray icon's tooltip displays the version, but it wouldn't hurt to also provide an "About..." menu item too (or an 'About' tab on the Settings dialog). Purely optional of course. But I thought I'd mention it.)

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

We might want to consider populating with that info.

p.s. The GitHub "Release" page can be edited you know! (hint! hint!)   ;-)

polmr commented 4 years ago

(p.s. On Windows, the system tray icon's tooltip displays the version, but it wouldn't hurt to also provide an "About..." menu item too (or an 'About' tab on the Settings dialog). Purely optional of course. But I thought I'd mention it.)

Just in case you haven't seen it: you can click on the cogwheel in the main UI and About MEGAsync...

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

Just in case you haven't seen it: you can click on the cogwheel in the main UI and About MEGAsync...

I'm not seeing that in my version:


halfluke commented 4 years ago

Glad I found this discussion. I'm a bit worried because I've started using an "update checker" software (Sumo) and it's telling me today that version of Megasync for Desktop (Windows) exists. In fact, it can be downloaded from some "general purpose / software download" websites, but no trace in the github releases page (last version seems to be, for windows), and the official mega page binary is 4.2.0 instead. I understand that the releases page may need to be updated, but considering that a software like Megasync could be a "target", and considering that can be compiled from source with unpleasant easter eggs, couldn't we have a SHA checksum on the Mega official download page for the binary?

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

... but no trace in the github releases page (last version seems to be, for windows) ...

The problem is even worse than that, @halfluke:

The GitHub Releases page only contains the source code, but not any actual binaries! (e.g.

I suspect most people, like myself, expect the GitHub Releases page to contain not only the source, but more importantly the binaries! (i.e. either the MEGAsync.exe app itself or else an installer of some kind).

And, as previously mentioned (which is the whole purpose of this GitHub Issue), an itemized list of significant changes too, such as the ones in the changes log that @polmr mentioned.

I sincerely hope this issue isn't going to be forgotten and brushed aside as a non-priority item!

IMHO it very much should be a top-priority item! (since it's so important and so easy to resolve).

As Nike says...


Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

... couldn't we have a SHA checksum on the Mega official download page for the binary?

Agree 100%!!

Perkolator commented 4 years ago

I'm not seeing that in my version:

You need to right-click the systray icon and then you can select "about". BTW. that info window shows a "new in this version" list. EDIT: This kind of changelog is not good enough, users need to know BEFORE installing the update.

So what's up with the whole mess of not having a changelog and client application that always says "No update available at this time" when manually started the update check from the settings window?

The version (at least for Windows) has been out for at least over a week, no changelog anywhere. Client didn't see that update when tried everyday. And now, I just downloaded the installer again and to my surprise it's version!! This is ridiculous.

I just recently started to use MEGA and I have installed version 4.2.0. I'm also one of those people that refuses to update unless there's a changelog.

Unfortunately too many developers don't understand the importance of changelogs (and even proper changelogs!), its functionality is not just to inform the users of the changes, but to let users test the changes!

So, the question stands; where's the changelog?

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

So where's the darn ChangeLog?!

What's taking so long?!


polmr commented 4 years ago


Note: there's a separated release for each OS. Hope that covers your expectations. Let us know if you find any issue there.

Perkolator commented 4 years ago

Excellent! Although I noticed that Windows version is not there..

And it would be a good practice to add a link to the changelog on the download page. Right under all the platform download buttons (there's two places, on top and bottom of the page) would be fantastic.


Perkolator commented 4 years ago

Hmm, on closer inspection, the changelogs for and are identical. I don't think that that is the actual case though. Bit of a rough start for this changelog. I wonder what the differences are actually. Please don't go the "google way" (just "enchancements and bug fixes" listed on pretty much all app versions).

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

BEAUTIFUL!  Exactly what I was looking for! :)))

Thank you, polmr! I'm happy now.

I very much hope you continue this practice. :)

Perkolator commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't be so happy right now.

All of these share the same changelogs:

This is not a good changelog, not at all!

polmr commented 4 years ago

Notice, some changelog are similar because the differences between one an another were not considered worth an item in the changelog (those should be understandable and meaningful for most users) but updating the version was. For a finer grain diff between version, you can always benefit from MEGAsync being an open source github hosted project and see it for yourself: . Hope that covers your requirements

Perkolator commented 4 years ago

It's not about my requirements, it's yet another developer that doesn't understand how/why proper changelogs should be constructed. Having same changelog for different versions is not proper changelog publishing. It creates confusion, doubt, and for example it's harder to test and report issues for a certain version.

Perkolator commented 4 years ago

Every version should have its own changelog, however small the changes are.

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

@Perkolator wrote:

I wouldn't be so happy right now.

All of these share the same changelogs:

  • and ...
  • and
  • and
  • and then I grew tired of comparing...

This is not a good changelog, not at all!

Wow. I hadn't noticed that.

I agree completely (100%), Perkolator.   This does not bode well. :(

@polmr wrote:

some changelog are similar because the differences between one and another were not considered worth an item in the changelog ... but updating the version was.

If the change was significant enough that a new version was released, then the changes should be mentioned in the changelog. That's just common sense.

Perkolator wrote:

Every version should have its own changelog, however small the changes are.

Again, I have to agree 100%.

I can only hope that this poor first attempt at providing a changelog improves significantly in future releases.

I do however applaud polmr's attempt to address the problem. We do appreciate you trying. We just feel that you can do better.

FWIW it does get easier as time goes by and you slowly get into the practice of always providing one.

Perkolator commented 4 years ago

I do however applaud polmr's attempt to address the problem. We do appreciate you trying. We just feel that you can do better.

Yes, absolutely 100% same sentiments here. Million thanks for polmr already.. little more and it will be good.