meganz / MEGAsync

Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA Cloud Drive
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amd64 building for Gentoo Linux #740

Open Anard opened 1 year ago

Anard commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm unable to build MEGAsync for Gentoo Linux release 2.8. It stops on configure phase as seems to be unreachable :

~/Téléchargements $ mkdir mega
~/Téléchargements $ cd mega
~/Téléchargements/mega $ git clone --recursive desktop
Clonage dans 'desktop'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 76701, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (13961/13961), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2522/2522), done.
remote: Total 76701 (delta 11564), reused 13700 (delta 11437), pack-reused 62740
Réception d'objets: 100% (76701/76701), 90.81 Mio | 25.37 Mio/s, fait.
Résolution des deltas: 100% (60245/60245), fait.
Sous-module 'src/MEGASync/mega' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'src/MEGASync/mega'
Clonage dans '/home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/MEGASync/mega'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 100334, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18657/18657), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3913/3913), done.        
remote: Total 100334 (delta 14632), reused 18521 (delta 14528), pack-reused 81677        
Réception d'objets: 100% (100334/100334), 67.70 Mio | 14.47 Mio/s, fait.
Résolution des deltas: 100% (77571/77571), fait.
Chemin de sous-module 'src/MEGASync/mega' : '44c091839079d39de97c81dc0edc6f079efbd63c' extrait
~/Téléchargements/mega $ cd desktop/src/
~/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src (master=) $ ./configure -g -q -i
* Enabling external Crypto++
* Enabling Drive Notifications (libudev / wbemuuid).
* Disabling external MediaInfo
* Enabling external Curl
* Downloading software archives only.
* Disabling OpenSSL
* Enabling external libuv.
* Enabling external Sodium.
* Storing local archive files in /home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/archives
Downloading Crypto++ to get
--2022-10-09 09:46:32--
Résolution de…
Connexion à||:80… échec : Connexion terminée par expiration du délai d'attente.
Nouvel essai.

--2022-10-09 09:47:03--  (essai :  2)
Connexion à||:80… échec : Connexion terminée par expiration du délai d'attente.

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:02:08 --:--:--     0
curl: (28) Failed to connect to port 80 after 128979 ms: Connexion terminée par expiration du délai d'attente
ERROR! Please check log files. Exiting..
* Enabling external Crypto++
* Storing local archive files in /home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/archives
* Enabling external Curl
* Disabling external MediaInfo
* Using local files
* Enabling Drive Notifications (libudev / wbemuuid).
* Configure only
* Disabling OpenSSL
* Enabling external libuv.
* Incremental build - skipping already built/downloaded dependencies
* Enabling external Sodium.
* Installing into /home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/MEGASync/mega/bindings/qt/3rdparty
Using local file for Crypto++
Extracting Crypto++
ERROR! Please check log files. Exiting..
~/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src (master=) $ 
vtmateos commented 1 year ago

Hi there, Checking the output, you are not able to reach cryptopp website to download zip file You should check if you are able to download or there is any proxy or network config that could cause the issue.

Another option would be to get the from another way through the website and place under /tmp/megasdkbuild/. After that try again.

Anard commented 1 year ago

Yes, even from Firefox, I can't reach Is it reachable from your connection ? Do you know another website from which crytopp820 is available ? EDIT : OK. From TOR browser, I could reach website where I found a link to github's cryptopp : Maybe this download link should be more accessible in your MEGAsync build script ?

Anard commented 1 year ago

OK it works when is placed in desktop/src/archives folder But it now throw error on extracting "Sodium'', maybe I now need to download manually all libraries :

$ ./configure -g -q -i
* Enabling external Crypto++
* Storing local archive files in /home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/archives
* Enabling external Curl
* Disabling external MediaInfo
* Using local files
* Enabling Drive Notifications (libudev / wbemuuid).
* Configure only
* Disabling OpenSSL
* Enabling external libuv.
* Incremental build - skipping already built/downloaded dependencies
* Enabling external Sodium.
* Installing into /home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/MEGASync/mega/bindings/qt/3rdparty
Crypto++ already built
Using local file for Sodium
Extracting Sodium
File /home/anard/Téléchargements/mega/desktop/src/archives/1.0.18.tar.gz does not exist!
ERROR! Please check log files. Exiting...