meganz / MEGAsync

Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA Cloud Drive
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avoiding wayland #904

Open theotrst opened 4 months ago

theotrst commented 4 months ago

Hey, I have recently reinstalled a clean arch distro (endeavourOS without DE) with hyprland/waybar. I have tried to install megasync (as megasync itself, and other versions as "-bin", "-nopdfium", the .pkg.tar.zts package for arch). Installation is ok, but when I launch it I got

$ megasync
Avoiding wayland

no other info are provided (I found around similar issues with problems of environment variables). Is there someone with an idea to solve the problem?


khinch commented 4 months ago

It's possible this is related to Hyprland or lack of DE. I am running NixOS and Mega runs OK on Gnome/Wayland.

Edit: I just noticed that if I run it from the terminal, I also get the same message, but it still starts fine. I wonder if this error is not the root cause of your problem.


SSouper commented 4 months ago

Same issue here, fresh install of Fedora 39 running GNOME. When i open megasync regularly i get an Error report window pop up but that stays frozen for some reason, and running it from the terminal yields similar issues to OP.

Stop trying to avoid wayland btw, its here to stay.

theotrst commented 4 months ago

Edit: I just noticed that if I run it from the terminal, I also get the same message, but it still starts fine. I wonder if this error is not the root cause of your problem.

Thank you. I tried this and I got:

[rdw@rdw ~]$ megasync
Avoiding wayland
[rdw@rdw ~]$ sudo megasync
[sudo] password di rdw: 
Error for "xrdb -query" command: "Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified\n\nxrdb: Resource temporarily unavailable\nxrdb: Can't open display ':0'\n"
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :0
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.

[rdw@rdw ~]$ 

It seems it is a problem of environment variables. Do you have the same issue?

rautamiekka commented 4 months ago

Adding sudo changes to the root user from your rdw, and root doesn't have X running (or something else acting like one), ergo there's no DISPLAY env var to use, hence inability to connect to display.

theotrst commented 4 months ago

yes, right. I forgot that. It makes sense. But anyway I do not understand why when I run megasync with my environment, it does not work.

GixoXYZ commented 3 months ago

The issue is that the login screen is not shown in Hyprland, but if you login to megasync on another DE, it'll start working just fine. It's just annoying being forced to do so. I thought of using megasyc-cli for loging in, but haven't tried it.

hongoneko commented 3 months ago

I run 'sudo megasync' (without sudo I get Avoiding Wayland) and get the following message. QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'

The sync worked first time but it tagged all the downloaded files under sudo and not I had to use nautilus to access and open up the permission to other groups.

Megasync now doesn't realize I've added/modified files on the local folder so the sync back up doesn't work..

What a mess!

rautamiekka commented 3 months ago

Don't ever run anything as root that you don't need to, of which MEGAsync ain't one !!

hongoneko commented 3 months ago

how do I install megasync then? root is the only way it runs now... see thread

hongoneko commented 3 months ago

Solved ! I moved to KDE !

theotrst commented 3 months ago

Actually, I noticed it works in other DE, but -as said by GixoXYZ- it is quite annoying to have to use another DE only for synchronizing megasync.

zadjadr commented 3 months ago

I have just switched to using the mega-cmd tool instead of the GUI.


> login
# It will prompt you for password and 2FA code
> sync /local/path /mega-remote/path
# e.g. /BACKUP/MEGA / 

You can add mega-sync to be started after boot.

Salvodif commented 1 month ago

s in other DE, but -as said by GixoXYZ- it is quite annoying to have to use

same issue here on CachyOS + KDE but everything ok on Endeavour + KDE and on Manjaro + KDE....


kryzar commented 4 weeks ago

Don't ever run anything as root that you don't need to, of which MEGAsync ain't one !!

My god, yes. Thank you. This would NOT be a good solution to this problem.