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fix(fastfile): trim trailing whitespaces and correct typo #94

Open JPedroAmorim opened 10 months ago

JPedroAmorim commented 10 months ago

What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes.

This is just a cleanup of some bad formatting and typos in the project's fastfile.

No functional changes were made.

Does this close any currently open issues?


Any relevant logs, error output, etc?


Any other comments?

There are some problems in this project Ruby and Fastlane setup.

I can open issues for these points, if you want.

Where has this been tested?

As this is not iOS/Swift related, I've just ran the setup lane to guarantee that the fastfile properly compiles:

bundle exec fastlane setup

Fastlane version: fastlane (2.213.0) (Same as in Gemfile.lock) Ruby Version: The oldest I could ran with: ruby 2.6.7p197 (2021-04-05 revision 67941) MEGA Version: v10.3 (Latest)

Best regards, João Pedro de Amorim.