megastruktur / foundryvtt-blades-in-the-dark

Blades In The Dark game system for FoundryVTT
37 stars 103 forks source link

More Translation Options #171

Closed knightje closed 2 years ago

knightje commented 2 years ago

Even though there are language files for some of the abilities, there is a lot of stuff that the community can't translate without your help. This results in having a character sheet that is semi translated and half original English.

For instance the special abilities are stored in \blades-in-the-dark\packs\abilities.db Is there any way you could make them modfieable so that we can translate them into different languages without having to edit the .db system files?

Vialiki dziakuj za vašyja namahanni!

drewg13 commented 2 years ago

There's no default Foundry way to do this, but you can use a translation module called Babele to create your own translation module for compendium content.

This is the module:

and here's an example of a translation module that uses Babele to translate a similar system:

megastruktur commented 2 years ago

We have to wait until Babele becomes part of FoundryVTT core :(