Closed knightje closed 2 years ago
There's no default Foundry way to do this, but you can use a translation module called Babele to create your own translation module for compendium content.
This is the module:
and here's an example of a translation module that uses Babele to translate a similar system:
We have to wait until Babele becomes part of FoundryVTT core :(
Even though there are language files for some of the abilities, there is a lot of stuff that the community can't translate without your help. This results in having a character sheet that is semi translated and half original English.
For instance the special abilities are stored in \blades-in-the-dark\packs\abilities.db Is there any way you could make them modfieable so that we can translate them into different languages without having to edit the .db system files?
Vialiki dziakuj za vašyja namahanni!