megawac / qwebirc-enhancements

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User input customized IRC styling #25

Open RobertEcker opened 10 years ago

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

Enter text into the input field (next to nickname), e.g., /j #abc Mark all text Strg-C

this this is shown: [colour fore={f} back={b}]/j #abc[/colour]

megawac commented 10 years ago

That's a feature that I started writing months ago but never finished :/. It's basically what the options/keyboards referring to.

It's supposed to make help make it easy to customize messages with IRC styles [bold/italic/underline/colour]

Really outta document it some time...

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

mh strange feature :-P

megawac commented 10 years ago

Its also what name and bbcode refer to in here.

I probably should not remap ctrl+c eh? It would be nice to have a dropdown menu on the input to style the message instead

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

IMHO as a user i do not expect that this happens when using ctrl+c

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

dropdown menu - yeah would be better

megawac commented 10 years ago

Ya I'll definitely drop ctrl+c (that's bad). I don't even remember writing that hotkey. Do you think the other ones make sense @RobertEcker?

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

or maybe this way: something you can click on (link?) to copy this code

megawac commented 10 years ago

I'm thinking a dropdown menu like the following

@RobertEcker should I keep the bold, underline, italic hotkeys?

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

ctrl+b/i/u are common, e.g., in forum - so they are good

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

BTW: what about inserting directlinks (e.g,. for smileys) would enhance irc

megawac commented 10 years ago

eh that's too cluttery imo

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

why not

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

just my 2 cents :-D

megawac commented 10 years ago

Its up to the IRC client how to parse and display sequences of characters. If they want to convert :) to :smile: they can - no need for bbcode

Links are already clickable and are identified by this module (which I need to add tests for -- thanks for the reminder).

(Writing this mainly for my tests I gotta write) The urlifier is extremely greedy and should be able to identify pretty much any link including:

Also matches channels

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

you are right of course http:// is not a correct URL so its not clickable

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

If they want to convert :) to :smile: they can - no need for bbcode

of course it is up to the IRC client - but can your client this at the moment?

BTW: can you switch on/off the time [hh:mm]??

megawac commented 10 years ago

Theres an option for that show_timestamp but it doesn't hide previous timestamps.

If you want to submit a pr it wouldn't be hard to fix. Just add a rule to qui.less like

.hide-timestamps .timestamp {
   display: none;
   visibility: hidden;
RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

show_timestamp is this option customizable for each user or is it used for all users?

megawac commented 10 years ago

Its in the Interface tab of Options

RobertEcker commented 10 years ago

so its for each user? tnx