megazear7 / adventure-task

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Determine Feature List #1

Closed megazear7 closed 9 years ago

megazear7 commented 9 years ago

We need to determine an exhaustive feature list in two categories.

  1. Must Have Features
  2. Nice to Have Features

Begin the discussion...

megazear7 commented 9 years ago

I will get the conversation started. After we have talked through this we can begin to compile a more coherent feature list in a wiki page.

I suggest that we don't have log in functionality. Rather we just use each individual phone by itself, and if users want to transfer there stats / account to another phone or load them into a desktop game then that functionality can be added down the road, probably using a server to store the users data so that it can be accessed from any device.

So we will need Functionality to:

Let's keep our initial functionality to a minimum. We can expand "points" to a more fully fledged RPG mechanic later. We can allow users to give info about themselves with the goal of rewarding players for doing the things they need to do more often. We can give some data analysis of things like what days the users stay on task and what days the users don't stay on task, or morning vs evening analysis and things like that. But all of that stuff can come later on as we figure out this initial functionality first.

megazear7 commented 9 years ago

@rmtsukuru What do you think? - and we can always switch gears and do a different project...