meghajain-1711 / Polyglotter

Code for "Translating synthetic natural language to database queries: a polyglot deep learning framework"
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Port training Module to onmt2 by adding config to command #19

Open meghajain-1711 opened 3 years ago

meghajain-1711 commented 3 years ago

Update the command to only receive config file as the argument to onmt train command.

2 things need to be tried here :

  1. Create a config file with the training parameters in it OR
  2. Provide user an option to pass training + config 2 different files and generate a final config file by combining both.

    Option 2 provides the user with the ability to have a different file for hyper parameter tuning of the training stage.

    But option 2 can be implemented in Phase 2 once we have completed the porting.

    So currently just sticking to option 1 where the expectation is that user will have all those values in the config file itself