megoth / rdfjs

A demo website that displays various ways of handling RDF data with JavaScript
MIT License
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Feature: Improve SEO #4

Open megoth opened 1 year ago

megoth commented 1 year ago

The site is currently written using Vite and react-router-dom, and no form of SSR (Server-Side Rendering). This means that there's one HTML for each page, having the same title, description, etc for meta fields.

This is less than optimal, but requires a bit of work to get to properly work with the current setup. I've worked a bit using Rakkas, but didn't get to the end successfully (I've pushed my work to the branch ssr-rakkas, but it's quite outdated now).

There's also a recent addition to Remix that allows you to use Vite, but the integration is unstable, so not sure if I want to try that route.