megsummmers / CART-315

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Playtest 2 Feedback #7

Open CLimeburner opened 2 years ago

CLimeburner commented 2 years ago

1) I liked the different biomes, though it would have been nice for there to be a more gradual transition from one to the next. I could see something like caves being a separate level though given it's already enclosed anyways.

2) It seemed like there was already desert biome right at the start with cacti. That said, the beach biome also didn't read very well. I couldn't figure out what the planes were supposed to be ( I think the beach was the area just over the mountain from the start region?) A clearer beach and maybe letting players walk down underwater would be cool.

3) Brown seemed distinctly missing from the palette. That said, it might be cool to just give players full RGB control they can toggle (ex. U an J to shift red up and down, I and K for green, O and L for blue).

4) The x does feel a bit small. The colour icon can also easily get lost if you're looking at an object you've just painted the same colour, so just giving it an outline might be helpful.

5) I personally prefer reading flat text.

6) Having animals that move through the biomes that you could also paint would be a nice touch that would also make the environment less static. It would also be good to have more small details like the "flowers?" near the beginning around the cacti. This allows players to break up what would otherwise be large stretches of one colour.

7) Some of the models could use better partitioning/joining. Specifically, the trunk of the trees is part of the same model as the needles, so you can't have a brown trunk with green needles. Conversely, the small arm of each cacti are a separate model, so they had to be painted green individually when it probably should just be one shot.