megsummmers / Iterative-Prototype

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Playtest Questions #1

Open megsummmers opened 2 years ago

megsummmers commented 2 years ago

Helloooo!!! Thank you for playtesting my game, hope you have fun! :D Disclaimer: I'm going to continue working on the game throughout the week so your experience may differ depending on when you play it! The difference won't be too big, you may just get to play an extra maze or get more of the story if you play it later in the week :>

1. Was the maze too dark or were you able to navigate it easily?

2. On a scale of 1-10 how hard was the maze? Can you estimate how long it took you to complete?

3. Was the text in the first cutscene too out of place? What would you prefer instead?

4. Was the goal of the maze clear? Do you think you could figure out the controls and goal without the tutorial book?

5. I plan to add 2-3 more mazes, all of them bigger and harder than the one in this prototype, do you think you'd need some kind of hint system? If so, what kind of hint would you like?

6. What do you think of the narrative so far? (feel free to explain what you think the story is)

7. Were there any issues I should know about? (if there was a glitch of any kind be specific so I can try and fix it!!)

Design journal link Audio Credit: Celestial by Scott Buckley

danielcacatian commented 2 years ago
  1. The maze wasn't too dark. It was easy to navigate and distinguish the walls and turning points of the maze.
  2. If 10 is equal to very hard, then I would give the maze difficulty a 2 out of 10 because it didn't take me very long to complete. All of the turning points that led to dead ends were short, so turning back and finding the correct way wasn't a struggle. The maze was so small that it wasn't difficult to lose my sense of direction, but it was just the first level, so I am sure they'll be more difficult later on.
  3. The text in the first cutscene felt really out of place. It didn't seem fitting because of the text colour and the order. As it zooms in, some texts become harder to read, and when showing off instructions, I like to know the crucial information first, but it was hard to distinguish because the text placement was to fit the book. I think I wouldn't have minded if, after the cutscene played, there was a small text instruction on the screen to show the player how to open the book. Or, before the cutscene plays, there's a separate scene that shows the instructions, and once the player hits play, the cutscene plays.
  4. Without the tutorial book, I would have learned how to move especially since the game starts in a first-person camera and because of that, I would know that the WASD and arrow keys allow me to move. I believe that the goal could become apparent without the tutorial book as well. Once the player collects the first gem, I could see that it was a key objective since it appeared above the gigantic door (unlike the stars that light the maze). Based on my experience, I believe that any player could figure out how to navigate the game without the tutorial book.
  5. When it comes to mazes, I don't think a hint system is necessary. I feel like it defeats the whole purpose of a maze. Besides, you indirectly already have a hint system that shows the players where they've already been (the stars that light up when you touch them). They serve as bread crumbs which are considered hints, in my opinion.
  6. I believe the narrative is about a treasure hunter who's about to score a huge treasure, but it is trapped behind a gigantic door that can only be opened with keys in the form of gems.
  7. I didn't encounter any glitches that ruined my game experience. I'm sure the empty maze upon obtaining the first gem was on purpose because the game is incomplete. The only thing I suggested is to prevent the player from moving during the cutscene. It is a minor thing, but otherwise, there are no other issues I found.