When training on colab,I ran into the following issue
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/distributed/launch.py:181: FutureWarning: The module torch.distributed.launch is deprecated
and will be removed in future. Use torchrun.
Note that --use-env is set by default in torchrun.
If your script expects `--local-rank` argument to be set, please
change it to read from `os.environ['LOCAL_RANK']` instead. See
https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/distributed.html#launch-utility for
further instructions
usage: launch.py [-h] [--nnodes NNODES] [--nproc-per-node NPROC_PER_NODE]
[--rdzv-backend RDZV_BACKEND] [--rdzv-endpoint RDZV_ENDPOINT] [--rdzv-id RDZV_ID]
[--rdzv-conf RDZV_CONF] [--standalone] [--max-restarts MAX_RESTARTS]
[--monitor-interval MONITOR_INTERVAL] [--start-method {spawn,fork,forkserver}]
[--role ROLE] [-m] [--no-python] [--run-path] [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [-r REDIRECTS]
[-t TEE] [--node-rank NODE_RANK] [--master-addr MASTER_ADDR]
[--master-port MASTER_PORT] [--local-addr LOCAL_ADDR] [--use-env]
training_script ...
launch.py: error: the following arguments are required: training_script, training_script_args
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 14: --use_env: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 15: --meta_arch: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 16: --use_checkpoint: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 17: --dataset_file: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 18: --epoch: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 19: --with_box_refine: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 20: --lr_drop: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 21: --lr: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 22: --lr_backbone: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 23: --pretrained: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 24: --output_dir: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 25: --batch_size: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 26: --sample_mode: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 27: --sample_interval: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 28: --sampler_steps: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 29: --sampler_lengths: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 30: --update_query_pos: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 31: --merger_dropout: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 32: --dropout: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 33: --random_drop: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 34: --fp_ratio: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 35: --query_interaction_layer: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 36: --extra_track_attn: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 37: --data_txt_path_train: not found
configs/r50_motr_train.sh: 38: --data_txt_path_val: not found
It seems your code is configured to be run on distributed setting and is not ideal to be run on colab based environments.Is that correct
also ,for weight training i am currently using detr_r50 pretrained weight(not iterative box refined version as mentioned in
Would choosing that weight cause a problem? If not any suggestions on how I can change the code so that it can be executed on a single gpu.[Note I understand that training larger models like this on single gpu is not efficient].
When training on colab,I ran into the following issue
It seems your code is configured to be run on distributed setting and is not ideal to be run on colab based environments.Is that correct also ,for weight training i am currently using detr_r50 pretrained weight(not iterative box refined version as mentioned in
Would choosing that weight cause a problem? If not any suggestions on how I can change the code so that it can be executed on a single gpu.[Note I understand that training larger models like this on single gpu is not efficient]. thanks