meh / httprot

Prot prot prot.
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Issue with header/ cookie parsing #2

Open benzen opened 9 years ago

benzen commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty new to elixir so please excuse me if my question are silly.

I'm trying to use cauldron With an exemple found here

defmodule Foo do
  # respond to a GET / request with "Hello, World!"
  def handle("GET", %URI{path: "/file"}, req) do
    req.reply(200, "Hello, World!")

Cauldron.start Foo, port: 7786

But i have this error message when i head up to the page localhost:7786/file

21:54:11.719 [error] Error in process <0.247.0> with exit value: {{badmatch,[<<9 bytes>>,<<44 bytes>>,<<1 byte>>]},[{'Elixir.HTTProt.Headers','-from_string/2-lc$^1/1-0-',1,[{file,"lib/httprot/headers.ex"},{line,142}]},{'Elixir.HTTProt.Headers','-from_string/2-lc$^1/1-0-',1,[{file,"lib/httprot/headers.ex"},{line,141}]},{'Elixir.HTTProt.Headers'...

Is there something that i'm missing ?

I m using httprot with cauldron

benzen commented 9 years ago

I've seen your update of the documentation for Cauldron. So i've updated my usage to:

defmodule Foo do
  # respond to a GET / request with "Hello, World!"
  def handle("GET", %URI{path: "/"}, req) do
    req |> Request.reply(200, "Hello, World!")


Now I have this error:

08:49:01.633 [error] Error in process <0.234.0> with exit value: {undef,[{'Elixir.Request',reply,[#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Cauldron.HTTP.Request',connection=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Reagent.Connection',id=>#Ref<>,listener=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Reagent.Listener',acceptors=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.HashSet'...

08:49:01.650 [error] {:undef, [{Request, :reply, [#Cauldron.Request<GET>, 200, "Hello, World!"], []}]}

08:49:02.037 [error] {:function_clause, [{Foo, :handle, ["GET", %URI{authority: "", fragment: nil, host: "", path: "/favicon.ico", port: 7792, query: nil, scheme: "http", userinfo: nil}, #Cauldron.Request<GET>], [file: 'lib/AntWorld.ex', line: 23]}]}

08:49:02.037 [error] Error in process <0.235.0> with exit value: {function_clause,[{'Elixir.Foo',handle,[<<3 bytes>>,#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.URI',authority=><<14 bytes>>,fragment=>nil,host=><<9 bytes>>,path=><<12 bytes>>,port=>7792,query=>nil,scheme=><<4 bytes>>,userinfo=>nil},#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Cauldron.HTTP.Request',connection=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Reagent.Connection'...
meh commented 9 years ago

You're missing use Cauldron.

benzen commented 9 years ago

Thanks i've add it now.

But i've got this error now:

10:33:36.082 [error] Error in process <0.254.0> with exit value: {{badmatch,[<<9 bytes>>,<<44 bytes>>,<<1 byte>>]},[{'Elixir.HTTProt.Headers','-from_string/2-lc$^1/1-0-',1,[{file,"lib/httprot/headers.ex"},{line,142}]},{'Elixir.HTTProt.Headers','-from_string/2-lc$^1/1-0-',1,[{file,"lib/httprot/headers.ex"},{line,141}]},{'Elixir.HTTProt.Headers'...
meh commented 9 years ago

What version of Elixir are you using?

And what browser? Can you paste the headers that are being sent?

benzen commented 9 years ago

elixir 1.0.1 browser chrome: 38.0.2125.111

Chrome says it's provisional headers

User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36

Also chrome says it recieve an empty response.

meh commented 9 years ago

Can you try with another browser please? I'm still unable to reproduce it, just want to know if it's one of those headers you pasted above or if something else is going on.

benzen commented 9 years ago

I ll try with curl

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 2014-11-11 à 17:29, meh. a écrit :

Can you try with another browser please? I'm still unable to reproduce it, just want to know if it's one of those headers you pasted above or if something else is going on.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

benzen commented 9 years ago

it works just fine. Maybe by chrome is sending some funky request

benzen commented 9 years ago

Oh i know what went wrong. In my chrome test, I've always used the localhost But with curl i had an error saying that's it's not lisening on this name. So i went for

On chrome when i switched for the ip, everything whent great.

meh commented 9 years ago

I think I know.

You probably used the same port for other projects, and there are some cookies registered that httprot is barfing on, now if you could find them and sanitize them from personal information, that would be great.

benzen commented 9 years ago

Here it is

Name value
ID 52414b4e617e4432484539414273464a2f3968305a773d3d
JSESSIONID F30173812FC6C4A93F24934FA498461C
LFR_SESSION_STATE_10434 expired
SCREEN_NAME 5a4f6b6b34616e31316a6c5634716e78526b335158673d3d
USER_UUID "awPGWlFwQ12XGYgmmAoXxrSy+XAIN+jf4GcRMeo46pQ="
_ga GA1.1.1116705830.1411494152
_your_app_key bHFIS1ppWC85MmRNX0tFMS95ZUpVVjNabVU3V1FMVkNPWjMrbzdGenhBaz0tLXllUEg3T1c2SWNsUkErTEFMS3RLclE9PQ==--/Bgwwalu25d50QePyTGVeDbOgoI=
org.cups.sid 1ef1a3d43a1ab87b711e02b9d39ff532