mehboss / CustomRecipes

CustomRecipes source code
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[Feature Request]: Placeholder API #11

Closed MummieSenpai closed 12 months ago

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

would be nice to have placeholder API support for different parts of the plugin. with some documentation about the placeholders. would also like to see examples of how to use them / explaining what each placeholder does on the wiki

for example



example use case

%next placeholder %

greetz Mummie

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Hello. Could you give me some clarification on what you mean by placeholder API support? What kind of placeholder support would you be looking for?

mehboss commented 1 year ago

You want me to integrate placeholders into CR so that you can use other plugin placeholders in the lore of the custom items? Is that what you mean?

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

You want me to integrate placeholders into CR so that you can use other plugin placeholders in the lore of the custom items? Is that what you mean?

this and that i could pull recipe's into for example a hologram. calling on %recipe% or using an identifier of the custom item..

for example selling an item or using placeholders for autocrafting so bein able to pull information from placeholders present in the plugin to call on.

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Sounds good, will do! What other placeholders would you like to see, aside from %recipe%?

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

i edited my comment to make it a bit more clear.

but recipe would be nice the identifier those 2 are on the top of my mind

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Got it. Just need clarification on what you mean by "so bein able to pull information from placeholders present in the plugin to call on." Call on how?

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

as in bein able to for example pull the information of the recipe out of the plugin for example items needed pattern ect. so you could display it with custom maps or holograms or custom gui's

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Sounds good. Thank you for the suggestions!

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

no problem and just wanted to say you have done an amazing job with the plugin. i feel a bit bad making you work so hard on fixing bugs that i found so far 😅

mehboss commented 1 year ago

haha thank you and no worries, keep em' coming! :)

mehboss commented 12 months ago

So is this what you are looking for as far as placeholders? (where slot is replaced with the crafting table slot and recipename is replaced with the configFile name) RECIPENAME_ingredient_SLOT - returns item material RECIPENAME_ingredient_name_SLOT - returns name if any RECIPENAME_ingredient_amount_SLOT - returns required amount RECIPENAME_ingredient_identifier_SLOT - returns identifier if any

mehboss commented 12 months ago

Hello, this feature has been implemented. Find the update here. Please let me know as many placeholder ideas as you have so I can implement them.

Thank you!