mehboss / CustomRecipes

CustomRecipes source code
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[Question]: is there any changse that i could add a costem crating recipie fore the gringots money ? #36

Open Snic0509 opened 10 months ago

Snic0509 commented 10 months ago

What is your question?

Add the gringots money to the custom items I addet the recipe bbbbut i cant stack it with the gingots money and i cant craft it with the Gringotts money and the anbotherthing is that i need one silmeball instead of 10

Provide documentation

The gingotts config:

value of individual denominations. default: emerald: 1, emerald block: 9


The recipe: Denar: Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled Shapeless: true # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting Item: magma_cream # Item ID Item-Damage: none # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists. Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it. Placeable: true # If it is a block, you can choose to make it unplaceable. Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered as a requirement for crafting Ignore-Model-Data: false # Whether or not you want model data to be considered even if ignore-data is set to true Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag. Identifier: Denar # Give your new recipe an identifier :). Permission: crecipe.recipe.default # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted. Name: '&6Denar' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed Lore:

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Question Confirmation

mehboss commented 10 months ago

Hello there, I am having trouble deciphering what exactly your issue is. Additionally, could you please paste your recipe file on and send the link so that it is easier to read.

Thank you, Mehboss.

Snic0509 commented 10 months ago


Here is the FIle

i try to make an crating recipe with the custom momey from gringotts but it dosent work also can i crat the item with one instead of 10 slimeballs