mehboss / CustomRecipes

CustomRecipes source code
Mozilla Public License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

item duplication/ dont consumed when crafting #50

Open TECHOPC opened 3 months ago

TECHOPC commented 3 months ago

What happened?

itens in the 3x3 grid dont get used if the result craft is shift+clicked

What was supposed to happen?

itens on 3x3 grid get consumed Minecraft-1 8 9-2024-04-07-23-37-15

How do I reproduce this issue?

1.but any custom recipe in the grid
2.shift+click the output

Relevant log output

[19:26:22 ERROR]: [CustomRecipes] ITEMSTOADD: 7
[19:26:30 ERROR]: [CustomRecipes] ITEMSTOADD: 7
[19:28:50 ERROR]: [CustomRecipes] ITEMSTOADD: 7

Relevant file configuration

No response

Server Version

1.8.9 paper

Plugin Version


Server Mode

Offline Mode

Issue Confirmation

mehboss commented 3 months ago

Hello, Default config?

TECHOPC commented 2 months ago
firstLoad: false
Debug: false
Update-Check: true
  Invalid-Args: '&cInvalid args! (use: /crecipe give <player> <recipename> [amount])'
  Invalid-Perms: '&cYou are not allowed to use this command!'
  No-Perm-Place: '&cNão pode colocar isso no chão!'
  Player-Not-Found: '&cERROR: player not found!'
  Recipe-Not-Found: '&cERROR: recipe not found!'
  Inventory-Full: '&cERROR: target''s inventory is full!'
  Give-Recipe: '&aSuccessfully given player item!'
  Reloading: '&cReloading.. please wait'
  Reload: '&aSuccessfully reloaded Custom Recipes with&c %recipes% &arecipes!'
  enabled: true
  message: '&4You are not allowed to craft this item!'
  enabled: true
  close-inventory: true
  message: '&cYou must be a donor to craft this recipe!'
  Add-Recipe: '&cPlease type the display name of the recipe you would like to add!'
  Recipe-Capture: '&cCaptured desired new recipe name! Opening menu..'
  Title: '&e%recipe% (ADDING RECIPE)'
  Open-Sound: CLICK
  Open-Message: '&aOpening menu..'
  Displayname: '&cRecipe Manager - Page %page%'
TECHOPC commented 2 months ago
  Enabled: true
  Shapeless: false
  Item: cobblestone
  Item-Damage: none
  Amount: 1
  Placeable: false
  Ignore-Data: false
  Ignore-Model-Data: false
  Custom-Tagged: true
  Durability: '100'
  Identifier: PedregulhoCompactado
  Converter: none
  Permission: crecipe.recipe.PedregulhoCompactado
  Name: '&8&lPedregulho Compactado'
  - '&3&l9x Pedregulho'
  - '&1&lIncomun'
  Hide-Enchants: true
  - CCC
  - CCC
  - CCC
      Material: cobblestone
      Identifier: none
      Amount: 1
  Custom-Tags: []
  Item-Flags: []
  Attribute: []
  Custom-Model-Data: none
  Disabled-Worlds: []
mehboss commented 1 week ago

Hello, I am unable to reproduce this issue, perhaps I could see it on your server?