mehboss / CustomRecipes

CustomRecipes source code
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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crafting book issue #7

Closed MummieSenpai closed 1 year ago

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

Server Version paper-1.19.4-550.jar Plugin Version CustomRecipes(v1.8.1).jar other plugins Worldedit, worldguard issue first of all thank you for fixing the other issue so quickly you are doin great work. sadly with the fix that you pushed i encountered a new issue.

after updating from 1.8 to 1.8.1 of the plugin (using the latest version on spignot) if i try to click an recipe using vanilla items it spits out an error in the console. a recipe with only custom items work fine.

**server log after clicking gui button for "enchanted cobblestone" Hastebin

Enchanted cobblestone yml Hastebin

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Ooops. 5s. I'll delete the update and reupload.

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Here you go. Let me know if this resolves the issue for you!

Just redownload the jar, it will include the fixes. I deleted the update and reuploaded it with the fix.

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

this is indeed fixed now thank you for the quick response ;) a small oversight maybe but not critical the update ticker is complaining a bit but is unrelated to the fix you pushed


mehboss commented 1 year ago

Awesome! And yeah, spigot server needs to communicate the new update to the minecraft server, it can be a few minutes behind sometimes. It should resolve itself once it realizes that there is in fact a 1.8.1 update available.